What are you doing here?

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I screech, "How do you know my name?"

The voice manifested into a body. Not a regular body? Disgusted, I asked, "Why do you look like some peridot's head?"

"Woah, rude much?"

This thing is still gripping my hand, and it's getting uncomfortable, "Do you mind letting go?"

He looked at my hand, then back at me with his one eye, "You know, maybe I won't. You see Sapphy, I've had a really sucky year, and I've been wanting to-" he squeezed my hand harder, "let some anger out, for some time."

I look at this triangle guy again, "I'm really sorry, but am I supposed to know who you are?"

He shrugged, "No, but I know who you are. Name's Bill Cipher."

I glared at him, "So what do you want, Bill Cipher?"

He adjusted his bow tie, "Nothing much. I just want get out of this forest. I was trapped as that statue for the longest time, and honestly it wasn't super comfortable."

I gestured with my hand towards where ever the forest ended, "Well, glad I could help, goodbye."

"Oh ho my dear girl, it's not that simple. I can't just leave, it's more complicated than that-"

"Sapphire? Where'd you go?" I distantly hear Mabel.

Bill's eye narrowed in a smirking fashion, "So you know the Pines? This makes it a lot more interesting."

I go to scream for them, but Bill slaps his other hand over my mouth, "Tell anyone about this, and I'll rip your head off. You say anything to those pesky twins or their uncles, you'll be begging me for mercy."

I stood there frozen with fear, horrified. I shakily nodded my head.

"Good. Until then, I'll be watching you!" He finally let go of my hand, and disappeared. The world returned to its regular color scheme. I see the group enter the little clearing.

"There you are," Dipper sighs.

Steven noticed my shocked state, "Are you okay?"

I shook off the previous encounter, heeding his words very carefully. I force a smile, "I'm okay, just got a little lost."

Mabel skipped towards me, "We found the crash, follow me."

We walked through the forest, and into the clearing my pod made when it crashed. It wasn't smoking anymore, which is a good sign. I climb down into the wreckage, pulling away bits of junk.

"Oh please be in here," I mutter.

I pull what used to be the chair away, and find my dad's old backpack. This had the last of his stuff, I never left anywhere without it. I sling it on my back and climb out of the crater.

Mr. Greg asked, "Got everything you need?"

I nod my head, "Yep! Let's go."

We climb out of the forest and get to the van.

Before unlocking it, Mr. Greg asks the twins, "Should I talk to your guardian about taking you across the country? This doesn't feel right..."

Mabel waved the thought off, "Nah, Grunkle Stan said it was okay."

We all piled into the van, but came across the issue of size. Garnet hopped up onto the roof of the van, and Amethyst shape-shifted into a tiny animal and sat on Steven's lap.

"You all buckled up?" Pearl asked.

"Yep!" We all replied.

Mr. Greg started the van, "Gems, half-gems, and humans, let's roll out."

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