My Heart Can't Tell You No

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Okay, guys. I'm not sure how many of y'all are actually reading this, but I'm gonna warn you that the updates may be less frequent than before. I actually landed a great job and will be starting at the end of the month, on top of that my baby sister is coming to visit next week along with the arrival of my nephew! Hope you understand. Once everything settles down I'll be updating as quickly as possible.



Nine pairs of expectant eyes stared at me across the table, waiting for a real response, but I wouldn't be giving one. The delicious chop steak turned to stone in my gut and I pushed my plate away slowly. 

What more was I supposed to say? I wracked my brain but nothing came to mind and I was sure the longer I sat there stalling the more people began to question my hesitancy to be happy for the one person who I would do anything for. Their inquisitive stares were boring into me, making me want to squirm in my seat like a child being scolded. My eyes stung and I knew it was a precursor for the tears that were to come. 

I had to get out of here, now. 

I shot the couple a watery smile and stood, murmuring a brief excuse so I could remove myself from the table. Thoughts were a bit of a blur as I made my way up to my room and packed a bag, and I could scarcely hear myself talking to someone on the phone. It was like the last few minutes were viewed through a foggy mirror; only snippets of the actions could be caught and the rest was clouded by a thick mist. 

All I know is that one second I was upstairs packing a bag, the next I was throwing myself into Knox's arms, and begging him to take me away from here. 

* * * 

Knox Beaumont (Beau) 

Female tears had always been my one weakness, whether they belonged to my mother, or my best friend. They were harder to digest when they belong to Texas, though, especially since she'd only ever cried twice in my presence in our seven year friendship. When I'd shown up to the Dixon spread, I knew at least one thing immediately; it had to be bad, especially because it was a Sunday, but most importantly because the entire family was waiting for me on the porch. 

Stetson, who'd been beside me when I'd received her call, cursed foully and tossed his hat at my front windshield. I definitely shared the sentiment, but I kept my mouth shut and parked behind the mass of cars in the gravel drive. 

The trek to the front door was quick and we were met with uncertain stares. I wasn't surprised to see August and her husband here, but Yates was a new addition. I wondered briefly what he was doing here. Dane, the patriarch and one of the only males in the family motioned for me to follow him and I instructed Stetson to stay and wait for X to arrive.

"I assumed she would call you." Dane was an impressive man. He stood at nearly seven feet tall with an impressive shoulder width and a haggard scar across the left side of his face. The man was pure muscle and intimidation, but he had to be considering he was surrounded by seven women at any given time and had to bat off suitors for five of them. "Rose said she was packing a bag pretty frantically." My brow furrowed in confusion, Texas wasn't one for frantically doing anything. 

"What happened? I could barely understand her through her tears on the phone." This was the reason I'd made it across town in twelve minutes instead of the nearly twenty-five it actually took. Dane's face dropped at my question and he sighed deeply before launching into the short tale of how Tennessee and Yates had announced their engagement over dinner and Texas had kind of spaced out after that. So, that explained why Yates was here and why Texas was in a frenzy. It was common knowledge to anyone who bothered to pay attention that X was in love with Yates, had been for years, and the fact that Tennessee was with him, well it sure as hell solidified my thoughts on the other Dixon twin. I'd never been particularly fond of Tennessee Dixon, but I had tried because it meant so damn much to Texas that her best friend and her other half get along. 

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