The Way She Loves Me

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Waking up in his arms was the single most euphoric feeling I'd ever experienced.

But internally I was panicking. 

I could feel the warmth of his arms around me, his warm, hard chest pressed against my own bare chest, sending pleasure soaring through every inch of my body, but, my mind was a vortex of scattered thoughts. This was going to change everything between us -- this had changed everything between us. Every single moment between us would now forever be marred by the fact that we had just slept together. 

Made love, I internally reminded myself, clearly recalling the way he had treated me last night. The way he had stared at me as my dress had come off, the glow of love in his jade eyes sent shivers down my spine and made goosebumps rise on my heated flesh. His hands had been rough and worn against my skin, his lips a sweet contradiction as they caressed every inch his hands revealed. Having been my first time, I was nervous, but Knox knew exactly what I needed from him to make it special. Every soft touch and hot look created an atmosphere I never expected and I knew deep down that I truly loved him. I also knew without a single doubt in my mind that he loved me. 

With all of this, I was still scared. 

What if we didn't work out? What if our romantic relationship ruined our friendship? Could I live without Knox in my life? He'd been around so many years that I couldn't imagine what it would be like without him. He was in every single moment of my life that mattered. What if I lost him? Tears began to cloud my eyes and I struggled to keep them at bay. 

"Mornin' gorgeous." His husky voice greeted, startling me slightly. Tears pushed out, spilling over onto the apples of my cheeks before I could stop them. I didn't want him to see me like this! 

"What's wrong, X?" He was quick to push up into a half sitting position, knocking the covers off of our nude bodies. His body was a sight to behold, but I couldn't bask in the glory of it as the tears kept coming.

What wasn't wrong?  What was I supposed to tell him? I had no real reason to be crying. But soon, crying turned into body wracking, migraine inducing sobs of torment -- snot bubble, puffy eye, hiccup creating sobs. Not a pretty sight. 

"Baby, I can't help you if you don't tell me what's bothering you? Did I hurt you last night? Are you sore? Oh, God above, you never said for me to stop -- I'm so sorry, Texas." Panic was starting to flood his voice -- it would'be been comical had I not been losing my mind. He stared in confusion for a minute before making an executive decision; his arms were around me suddenly and he was whispering words of comfort -- mostly random words of dribble and promises that I knew he'd never keep. 

One day I'll take you to a Texans game. Maybe you'll meet JJ Watt, and he'll take pictures with you, and then he might sweep you off your feet and I'll have to kick his ever lovin' ass for trying to take my girl. I'm sure you'd like that. You're a bit of a blood thirsty wench when it comes down to it. 

You're too gorgeous to be cryin' this early. I was well aware of how I looked in the morning, especially this early and gorgeous was not the word I would use to describe it, but I appreciate him trying.

Eventually, I stopped crying but was still left with a drippy nose, eyes that burned like crazy and the loudest, most obnoxious hiccups anyone could imagine. With a deep sigh, Knox, who hadn't let go of me during the process of my minor meltdown, unwrapped his body from mine and got out of the bed. He returned a few seconds later with a wet cloth, one that he placed on my face after instructing me to close my eyes. The coolness from the water eased a bit of the burning and I knew it would help with the swelling around my eyes. I didn't have to have my eyes open to know that he was staring at me. 

"I'm sorry." The words fell softly from my lips before I could think about it.

"You don't have anything to be sorry about, Texas. I just need you to tell me why you were cryin'. Did I hurt you? Do you regret what we did?" His voice was hoarse as he asked the last question, like it physically hurt him to think of me regretting what we'd done together. The towel was off of my eyes in a flash and I was in his arms, my whole body wrapped around his. 

"Never," I promised fiercely, burying my face in his shoulder. "I could never regret loving you, Knox." 


"Wipe that fuckin' grin off your face, Knox." Stetson spat as he hammered harder against the door frame. I couldn't help but laugh at him as he growled lowly to himself, huffing angrily under his breath about not being able to sleep and getting new, non-couple roommates. It had been a long six months since the first time Texas and I had been together and it seemed that every time after just got better. It wasn't just the bedroom activities that amazed me, though they were awesome, it was simply being with Texas. She was still the same girl I'd known since high school, still vivacious, feisty and filled with boundless with, but she had also turned out to surprise me with her actions as more than just my friend. 

There were many days during the first few months that she drove out to wherever Stetson and I were working to drop off lunch and sometimes dinner to make sure we were taken care of -- she had done this before, but it meant more to me now for some reason. Sadly, I had to put an end to her pop by lunches for two reasons; one, she had a job and while Donnie was totally fine with her taking long lunches since she didn't do breaks, I knew she was spending more in gas than she was getting paid. Secondly, the other hands or fill ins working couldn't keep their damned mouths shut or their crude comments to themselves about her. She'd hop out of her big ol' truck in a pair of pants that molded to her lush backside, or a dress that showed off her pretty little legs and spectacular chest, and they'd wolf whistle or make hand gestures that caused my blood pressure to sky rocket. The first few times I had brushed it off, men were men, but it was when one particularly ballsy man decided to ambush her while Stetson and I were riding back from a pasture and she had to defend herself that caused me to call it quits. As much as I loved her visits, I couldn't stand the thought of someone else laying hands on her. 

But, she definitely made up for not bringing us lunches. It was a pretty well known fact that if Texas was content, she was in the kitchen. Despite the fact that Stetson and I were busting our asses day in and out, we'd both gained a bit of weight. 

"Goddamn it, Knox, if you don't stop smilin' I'm gonna shove my hammer up your ass!" Stetson yelled, stomping his mud covered boot harshly on the newly lain floor. My smile slipped at the surly tone he used, this wasn't normal for him. He'd been slightly grumpy since we'd gotten together, but lately, he was downright pissy. I knew it wasn't the two of us, but I had an inkling it was something equally as bad. 

Tennessee Draven.

Since the morning after her wedding he'd been off and refused to talk about it. Texas, who was back on decent terms with Tennessee, gave frequent updates on how she was doing and how happy her twin was to be married -- and every time after Stetson would go stomping out of the room an angry look crossing his face. If that wasn't any indication, I had sort of walked in on him and some random chick goin' at it one weekend that Texas was out at the Dixon ranch and he had called her Tennessee in the midst of his... pleasure. It was a disturbing picture all around, and I wasn't just talking about the image of my cousin's bare ass in my mind. 

I had talked to Texas about my suspicions but she disagreed, she honestly thought that Stetson was angry with us, a thought that hurt her more than she would tell me. I wasn't sure how to broach the subject, but one thing was for damned sure, I had to do it fast. 

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