I Can Love You Like That

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This one is for @dietnutella, who commented on my last chapter about the cliffhanger. Sorry I've been MIA, my new job is a lot to handle and I'm looking at picking up a second one. Just wanted to let y'all know I haven't forgotten about you. I'm sorry it's a day late!


Did I ever mention that margaritas made me sleepy? Yeah, Takillya had a tendency of making me feel like curling into a ball and laying my head on the nearest object and dozing for a few hours. Not to mention, stumbling across the yard, trying (and failing four times) to get the key in the lock, and finally managing to get in the house was exhausting. So, after four margaritas and two straight shots of patron, my first instinct once Daisy dropped me off at home (because I was so not going to drive my self back) was to curl up on the first thing I could.

Which happened to be Stetson's messily made bed, but comfortably warm bed.

I vaguely recall being woken up by Stetson, but true to character, I'd just rolled back over and continued to sleep as the shower turned on. However, I did recall, and very clearly how I woke up to the sight of Knox pushing Stetson angrily. At first it was just a blur of bodies because my head was still slightly fuzzy from the drinks but once the double vision cleared, it was obvious.

"You stupid asshole! She just fell asleep. You didn't walk in on us screwing one another! For George's sake, you've had your eyes on her forever and I'm not a heartless prick!" While I was still absorbing the mental image of an almost naked and wet Stetson yelling angrily at his over-riled cousin, I was trying not to laugh as well. Stetson frequently interchanged George for God, claiming that King George was good enough to rule that throne. It was slightly strange, but who was I to judge?

Meanwhile, Knox, the incredible idiot, looked suddenly deflated. It was like someone walked up to him and popped his favorite balloon. It seemed to serve him right for assuming something he shouldn't have!

"If you'd pull your damned head out of your ass you'd see that she's been trying to talk to you for days now and you're ignoring her. I might not know exactly what's going on, but I'm not blind to the fact that she's realized that you're head-over-heels in love with her. You're chickening out, Knox, just when it really counts and in my opinion, that's no better than the shit Yates put her through." There was an exasperated quality to Stetson's voice and his words struck a nerve. Obviously Stetson saw more than we gave him credit for. However, I wasn't really ready to face the accusation I knew would be in his eyes. So I did the only thing I could think of.

I closed my eyes and let out a soft snore, just in case.


Six weeks went by in a flash and before I knew it, things were somewhat back to normal in our apartment. Texas had picked up a job at a local bakery and was thriving there. She'd made a good friend, a single mother named Cassie who had a chunk of a baby boy named Walker. She was currently being sniffed out by Ward, Red Mire's own construction guru. He was a great guy, I'd worked for him a few times on small jobs but never for every long, a week and a half at the longest. Stetson and I were still working regularly as fill-in hands and I was making a little extra on the side as a bouncer.

It was the end of September and fall in Red Mire was littered with brilliant colors and lively festivals. It was also filled with chatter of the upcoming wedding between two of the the royal families in town. If I didn't hear about it at work or among others at the supermarket, I saw at the apartment. When Texas made her mind up to forgive and forget, she did it with her whole heart. She'd run head first into wedding planning for Tennessee. She was taking the title as Maid of Honor and running with it. She was currently curled up on the couch in a pair of borrowed pajamas with her wet curls spilling down her back trying to convince me and Stetson to be Groomsmen. If it weren't so damn irritating trying to bat her off, it would be funny watching her try to guilt trip the pair of us.

"But, guys." She was exasperated by now, her tone thin and bordering on the verge of desperate. We'd been at this for over an hour now. "if you don't do this then he won't have any groomsmen. And their wedding will be ruined. And I'll have to hear about it." She was pouting now, poking out her bottom lip as far as she could and opening her eyes wider to cause them to water. Normally it would work, the pouting, and we'd bend to her will but not this time. Stetson and I refused to have anything to do with this wedding. It was ridiculous. And we wouldn't do it, not even for Texas.

"Sorry, X, but no." Stetson muttered behind his nearly empty glass of whiskey. We'd had a long day at work, which resulted in him getting kicked in the ribs by a stubborn jackass. His ribs were cracked and there wasn't much that could be done for them. Pain medicine during the day and strong whiskey at night.


"No," but with her lip trembling and her golden eyes watering, I wanted to give in. There was a knot in my gut the size of a watermelon. I never denied Texas anything. Tears collected in her eyes the longer I held out.

"For me?" She asked softly, nibbling on her lush bottom lip with a twinkle in her eye. She knew she'd won.

With a resigned sigh and a look of agreement from Stetson, we both nodded. Looked like we were going to be in a wedding.

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