There once was a girl named Ugly Patty who lived in a lonely tree house. She had a real name, it was Madisen, but it just didn't suit her. She had too many chins to look like a normal human. That's where the saying "Patty comes at the darkest of times" came from. She was also really fat so she rolled wherever she went. From one creaky end of the treehouse to the other. Not an ideal life for Ugly Patty, but she had to deal with what she had. It was very cold and dark, like her heart. She scared the children from a mile away, so she had no friends. She always sang to herself, "it's just me, myself, and I. Solo ride until I die, cause I got me for life." She was wrong though, because even her reflection would run away screaming. When she walked outside it would turn night because she was so big she'd block out the sun. She'd try to run but she would roll down a hill and kill a couple kids. She wouldn't kill them by hitting them, that would be awful, she killed them with her looks. She'd always end up crying herself to sleep afterwards.
Ugly Patty
FantasySo this is just a random weird story I'm writing. I'm making fun of my sister so everything I say in here I don't actually mean.... Kind of. Edits by _Carry_On because the writer sucks at grammar.