Chapter 3- New feelings and old feelings

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                  I awoke in the morning feeling refreshed.  I grabbed some clothes Temari had laid out and walked to the shower.  Once done I pulled my clothes on and tied my hair up.  It was getting long and I needed to cut it soon.  Maybe Temari could help me.

     I walked down to the kitchen and proceeded to make breakfast for everyone, seeing as noone was awake yet.  I set the food down on the table and made sure each had something to drink.  I sat down at my spot and waited for everyone else to arrive.

   Temari walked in first.  "Mmm.  Ryo-chan that smells amazing!  You didn't have to cook!  You could ahve woken me and I would have."  I smiled softly.  "It was no problem.  I lived with Kakashi so I would always make him breakfast."  And Sasuke.  I quickly hushed my mind and pushed unwanted thoughts to the back of my mind.  The next to arrive was Gaara and then Kankuro.  Gaara nodded to me and I took that as his appreciation.  Kankuro smiled and winked which put Gaara in a bad mood.  Typical. 

   I finished eating and washed my plate.  "Will you train with me today Gaara?"  He nodded his head and Temari looked bewildered.  "Don't you have paperwork to do?"  "It will wait."  Temari nodded her head and I followed Gaara out the door.  "If you have paperwork to do I can find "  "I said I'd train with you and I will."  He cut me off and I narrowed my eyes at him.  Humph.  Men sometimes.

    I followed him to a training ground and he turned, quickly throwing sand at me.  I jumped to the side as I gasped for breath.  "What the heck was that?  You didn't even say start!"  I dodged again as he sent his best weapon to attack.  "You of all people should know to be ready for an attack at any time Ryoko."  I glared and then closed my eyes.  Two could play at the game.  I breathed in and envisioned where he was standing.  If my bloodline was to work he need to have a scratch on him.  I began throwing kunias at every direction.  His sand would not attack to kill me because Gaara controlled it that way.

   I disappeared and reappeared behind him.  I cut his arm, just a small slice and felt his sand grab my ancle and push me away.  I felt myself being slammed against a tree with his sand.  I decided to activate my Ametur.  Ametur was the name of my bloodline.  Of course I had only found that out since Itachi told me.  Not only that but it had 6 stages. 

  I decided it would be best to go Stage 3.  I pictured the scratch in my mind and began to stop his blood flow.  I heard him gasp as he fell to the ground.  "W-What are you doing?"  I stopped it as soon as it had started.  "I-I'm sorry.  It's my bloodline."  He nodded his head and I sat down beside him.  "Tell me about it."  I looked at him.  "No."  "Why."  "I haven't decided whether your an enemy or friend yet.  I'm not going to tell you my secrets."  He leaned forward and my eyes locked with his.  Big mistake. 

   His green eyes were memorizing.  I didn't notice him leaning in, until his lips had already connected with mine.  I immediately closed my eyes and kissed him back.  His lips were warm and gentle.  Almost as if I was fragile and he was trying not to break me. 

   He pulled away and pushed my hair from my face.  "Don't leave me."  The only response I could give him was another gentle kiss.  Little did I know, that a certain Uchiha was watching me.

                                    I returned to my room later that night, smiling.  I took a quick shower and laid down in my bed.  I fell asleep quickly.

             I jumped up as I felt a hand pressing down on my mouth.  I tried to scream but I felt the person push a place on my neck.  "Baka!  It's me."  The light was turned on and I adjusted my eyes.  I looked up and a small gasp left my throat.  N-No.  He looked entirely different.  His hair was a little longer and a little more spiked.  His red eyes were bright and looked sharper than ever.  He was taller and his muscles had definitely gotten bigger.  His hand left my mouth as I breathed,"Sasuke." 

                                        *Sasuke's P.O.V.*

    I looked down at Ryoko.  She looked nothing like she did.  Her hair was longer, her green eyes glowed and her body had definitely grown up into a woman's.  She was thin and you could clearly see she was a ninja.  A beautiful ninja at that.  I watched as she breathed my name,"Sasuke."  Her voice was beautiful.  Even more beautiful than the last time I had heard it.  Her smell was intoxicating. 

                                           *Ryoko's P.O.V.*

     I breathed in his scent and sighed.  Just like it used to be.  He leaned down and placed his lips on mine.  My mind became fuzzy as I kissed him back.  I didn't think.  It was like my entire body had shut down.  I pulled him closer to me, wanting him more than I ever had.  I didn't want to lose him.

   I felt him wrap his arms around me and fall on top of me.  His lips were soft but became more urgent as we pulled each other closer.  Neither one of us wanting to let go.

   He finally broke the kiss and I gasped for the much needed air.  His lips traveled down to my neck and began to nip.  "Sasuke."  I felt him smirk against my neck as he nipped again. 

        I sighed as I pushed him off of me.  "W-We can't.  I'm-I'm mad at you and I'm over you!"  I felt him smirk as he pulled me even closer and whispered in my ear,"If you were over me, you would have pushed me away when I first kissed you."  I glared as I tried pushing him away.  "Get off."  "That's not the signal you were giving earlier."  "I have a life to live and it doesn't involve you."  I felt him stiffen and glare.  "Your coming with me.  I made a promise that I would come back for you and we'd start a family.  I WILL keep that promise."  "I have a life here Sasuke!"  "With Gaara?  He doesn't love you like I do."  I glared as I shoved him but he grabbed my wrists and pinned me against the wall.  "I love you Ryoko.  I'm sorry."  I felt him push a pressure point on my neck and I fell forward allowing darkness to consume me.

   I felt Sasuke's arms wrap around me and then......nothing.

A Jounin and in love with a criminal and a Kage. IntroductionWhere stories live. Discover now