Chapter 9

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                We each began to pack up our things and head out again.  I didn't know where we were headed but I wasn't so sure I wanted to know.  I just ran letting my thoughts run wild.  I sighed ever so often and I notice Sasuke look over.  I ignored each look and  sped my pace up.  I didn't want him worrying about me.

   My thoughts wandered from Sasuke to my life back at Konoha and then to my life at the akatsuki.  I smiled as I remembered great memories and then winced at the harder ones.  I didn't know where fate was leading me, heck I don't even think I cared!  All I wished for is another day with Sasuke.

        I looked down and noticed a rock.  Not just any rock, an insanely bright red rock.  Gaara.  I tried to clear my thoughts as I began to think of him.  What would life be like if I had stayed with Gaara?  Another sigh left my lips and I knew the outcome.  Sasuke would kill Gaara.  One of them would die, I knew that much.

   Sasuke would be to selfish.  He didn't care if I wanted him or not.  I guess it's a good thing that I've never stopped.  

   A couple of hours later and we had stopped again.  I knew by the look on his face, Sasuke was going somewhere.  "Ryoko,  I have to kill him."  I turned from him, my breath hitching in my throat.  I felt my insides clench but I should have expected this.  His need for revenge would never stop.  "Sasuke, don't go.  It's not worth it."  I knew pleading with him would do nothing, however that did not stop me from trying.

   "I must go Ryoko, you know how much this means to me."  I just nodded my head and refused to look at him.  I was sure the anger, the hurt, the betrayal would surely show in my eyes.  He gripped my chin and leaned down, capturing my lips.  I turned my head again and I heard him sigh.  "What were you thinking about earlier?  You sighed a lot."  I rolled my eyes ignoring the tearing pain I felt rack my body.

  "It was nothing.  You should probably go now.  You've wasted too much time talking to me."  I was surprised at the emotionless tone I held.  His face held a look of shock but then he quickly replaced it with a small smile.  I felt my insides begin to melt as he leaned down and softly whispered," No time I spend with you is wasted."  He pulled my face closer to his and kissed my lips. 

   I sighed softly when his lips left mine and I glared as he chuckeled.  "My team will take you to a house I have prepared for you.  Do not leave that house.  I left plenty of food and water, clothes, everything you will need.  I'll see you soon.  I love you." 

   No matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop the words that flowed from my lips, "I love you too."  He smiled, quickly kissed me one more time and then he left.

               My eyes began to water and I felt a chilling coldness creep in.  I didn't know if he'd be safe but I had to trust him. 

  I looked up and realized his team watching me, all of them silent.  I knew I had to go with them.  Where else would I go?  I sighed as I stood up and we began to run quickly and silently. 


                      When we got to the house I noticed it was actually a pretty house.  It was medium sized with a black roof and the rest of the house was white.  I walked inside and the first thing I noticed was the locks.  The windows the back of the door and then I heard a slamming.  I whipped around and pulled at the front door. 

   I ran to the window and noticed Sasuke's team mates begin to leave.  Those betraying ignorant fools!  I felt my anger rise and I began to shake.  No.  Control your powers Ryoko.  

   I pushed my palms outward and felt the power surge through me. 

   I looked around.  Nothing.  He had put chakra around this house.  How had I not sensed it?  I sighed as I fell to the ground.  I knew I should have seen it coming but with Sasuke it seemed like I just loose my entire train of thoughts.

    Next time however,  I would be ready.

*Author's Note, please read ( it will consist something of your importance!)-  Okay first thing of business- I am going through and re-editing the past books.  I will just change minor things so no need to freak out! 

Second item- Sorry for the late update!  I hope this will never happen again!  I plan on updating at least once every week if I can!

  Third and most important item- I am planning on having a contest.  I would like you to make the best banner you could possibly make and send it to me!  Now I don't care what pictures you have of Ryoko but obviously Sasuke must be portrayed as himself.  The ending date will be April 30th so please get those banners in!

  The prize will be either you can send me character information and I will add you as a main character in this book.

2- I will write a completely new story with a character you made up and pair them with a Naruto fellow.

3. I will add you as a main character to any book of mine, of your choice.

      Now there will also be second third and fourth places, your prize will be a minor or major character in this book. 

  So please send those banners in and let's see who shall win!  I will next post after I get at least three entries!  Thank you and walah!:D

A Jounin and in love with a criminal and a Kage. IntroductionWhere stories live. Discover now