Ally's Birthday (Chapter 4)

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A/N - Happy birthday Ally! Hope you have a great day! Enjoy the chapter!


I knew today was Ally's birthday and I didn't know what I should've gotten her.

For some reason this one felt like a bigger deal than all the rest. It felt more important.

I had ultimately gotten her a stuffed animal that I had made and some chocolate, because I know that's her favorite. It just felt like it wasn't enough.

It's 5 am! I read my alarm clock and jumped up. I have 30 minutes to an hour until Ally wakes up!

I grab my ukulele and run silently into Ladaysha's room. She was up and wrapping her present.


I was up early to wrap my present. It was nothing big. I got her a new capo, an extra string set, a handful of picks, and a new guitar strap with the ANM logo on it.

It sounds like a lot but in the box I put them in, it just didn't feel like enough. Then again, I don't think anyone ever thinks their present is enough unless they spend a whole lot of money on it.

"Ladaysha," A whisper shot out behind me.

I covered the present in case it was Ally and I turned around.

"Cashel!" I was surprised and yet relieved. I kept my voice down.

"We're gonna go sing happy birthday to wake Ally up, come on."

I nodded, happy to help.

I assumed because she had her ukulele that I wasn't going to need an instrument and that I was going to sing. I also knew that Cashel couldn't sing unless it was backup and just vocalizing.

I smiled and walked out of the door with Cashel closing it quietly yet with haste.

"I wasn't supposed to bring my present right?"

Cashel shook her head to which I was relieved.

We walked through her door slowly, in case she was awake. She wasn't.

Cashel and I stood by her bed. She looked at me and I nodded to which she began to strum.

I silently cleared my throat and began;

"Happy Birthday to~ --"


I woke up slowly, music hitting my ears. It was soft, gentle, almost angelic.

I then heard Ladaysha's voice, it was easy to make it out and tell it was her.

They were singing happy birthday.

I smiled and rolled over to be facing them now, my eyes only half open.

"You guys are the best."

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