Chapter 2

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“June!” I groaned, rolling over in my bed.

“June!” I heard again, followed by footsteps growing louder and louder. I sat up in my bed just in time to see my bookshelf swing open, with my mother and the library taking its place.

“It’s breakfast time,” she panted, breathless from walking swiftly around the house.

“Okay I’ll be there in a second.” With that, my mother left. I lay in bed for about ten seconds before deciding to get up. I trudged to my closet before deciding on a simple t-shirt and shorts, and headed on to the dining room without so much of a glance in the mirror. Honestly, there was no point in dressing up if no one important was going to see me.

I plopped down at the table, where a delicious plate full of eggs, bacon, and pancakes were awaiting me. I felt my mouth water as I picked up my fork.

“Good morning, June,” my dad settled down across from me with a cup of coffee and his laptop, which I knew was opened up to his email. He was constantly checking his email.

“Morning,” I replied.

“We’re having guests today.” This didn’t surprise me. For having a burden like me, my parents were still pretty sociable.

“When are they coming over?”

“At twelve for lunch. You have about three hours.”


So three hours later, I was in my room propped up on a beanbag with my sketchpad, drawing Natalie. I know it sounds stupid, but Natalie is sort of like my imaginary best friend. I like to draw me and her doing things normal girls would do, like going to the pool or shopping. She’s the one I can relate to, even if she doesn’t exist. I made her very beautiful on the inside and out. Caring, sweet, and funny with soft curls of chestnut brown hair falling just above her elbows and beautifully bronzed skin. In this sketch, she was just gazing up at me with her big brown eyes.

“Hi, Natalie,” I whispered.

“Hi, June,” I could imagine her whisper back.

I sighed. I wish my parents would allow one person, just one person, to see me. But no, I had to be kept a secret from everyone. Not even any of my relatives were allowed to see me.

“Oh, Natalie, if only you knew how much I wish you were real.”

“But I do know,” she seemed to say back. I smiled to myself. Of course she knew. She knew everything.

I suddenly stopped my train of thought at the sound of a crashing noise. That sounded like books falling off of… oh no. I slipped into my closet as I heard a voice.

“Why is there a door here?” The voice sounded like it belonged to a small child. I breathed a small sigh of relief. Maybe they wouldn’t be able to come into the room. Maybe the doorknob was too high.

I heard a thumping noise, which I assumed was the young child trying to jump up and reach the doorknob. I held my breath. Ninety nine percent of me was filled with dread, but the other one percent of me kind of hoped that whoever the person was would be able to get in. Maybe it was my only chance of seeing another human being besides my parents.

I heard the sound of my bedroom door being opened and I clamped my hand over my mouth in hopes the person wouldn’t hear my ragged, noisy breathing.

“Hello?” Yes. The voice definitely belonged to a young child. “Is anybody there?” I heard light footsteps quickly walking around on the wood floor. I peeked through the crack in the double doors of my closet.

The young boy was the most adorable thing I had ever seen. He had curly blonde hair with a dimpled round face and bright eyes. I couldn’t help but smile when I saw him looking around my room. He seemed so innocent as I observed him admire my belongings before reaching out with his chubby toddler fingers to touch them. I had seen children before on television, but none of them could compare to seeing one in real life.

All of a sudden, the young boy started walking towards the closet where I was hiding. I felt my eyes widen as I stepped away from the crack. A stream of light entered my dark closet as he opened it. Surprisingly, he didn’t scream when he saw me.

“Peek-a-boo! I found you!” he giggled. I couldn’t help but laugh with him. He was too adorable.

“Yes, you did find me!” I said, trying to make my voice as kind as possible. I didn’t have much experience talking to other humans, but I learn enough from books, television, and talking to Natalie and my parents.

The boy giggled again. “But why were you hiding?” he asked. It was such an innocent question, but I racked my brain trying to find an answer.

“I don’t know,” I finally said.

“You’re silly,” the little boy smiled. “And pretty.”

“Thank you, you’re so sweet!” I gushed. He really was sweet. I never really considered myself that pretty, but if this boy said it, I was willing to believe it. I don’t think it’s remotely possible for little kids to lie.

“Why do you have so many books out there?” he pointed out my bedroom door, which I just realized was still open.

“Um, I like to read.”

“Oh. I don’t know how to read,” he admitted shyly.

“How old are you?”

“I’m three and a half!” he exclaimed proudly.

“Well I’m sure you’ll learn to read by the time you hit kindergarten then.”

“Yay, I can be just like you!” I grinned. He was too cute.

“What’s your name?” I asked.

“Timmy!” I wheeled around to face my open bedroom door, where a very shocked woman was standing, saying what I assumed was the boy’s name.

“Hi, Mommy!” Timmy greeted her, but her eyes remained on me.

“Who are you?” she asked accusingly, as if I had done something wrong.

“I- I’m J-J-June,” I managed to get out. Just then, both of my parents and another man (which I assumed to be Timmy’s father) rushed in.

“I didn’t know you had a daughter,” the man mused. I looked down at my bare feet, embarrassed and ashamed. I should’ve held the door shut before Timmy could get in! I’m such an idiot! To my horror, my feet disappeared. No, no, no, no! Please not now, please not now! I looked up at Timmy’s family. His father was staring at me with his mouth hanging open, while his mother blinked a couple times before trying to scream. Well, I assumed she was trying to scream, but nothing came out.

“She’s invisible!” Timmy shrieked.


Yes, a bit of a cliffhanger there. :P

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