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-----------------------And your left dumbfounded -------------------------

You arrived at your little humble apartment. You removed your shoes and hung your scarf and jacket. You made yourself a sandwich, first you toasted bread and put yellow cheese on the bread so that it could melt, then you got ham and but it on a pan so that it can toast, then you added lettuce and black pepper and done! (This is my recipe of my sandwich its really good and it's healthy!)
So you sat down and started eating your sandwich and you took about your laptop and started reading fanfics while listening to music. After you finished your sandwich you took a shower. After you were done showering you sat down and started watching TV. Then you felt something vibrate next to you, it was your phone and you had a text.

Sehun- Hi babe! Its Sehun, umm, would you like to hang out tomorrow? At the Bubble Tea Shop?

You- Hello boyfriend😋! Uhh, yeah im free tomorrow so sure! At what time?

Sehun- Ummm..... Hb at 10:35?

You- Ok thanks that sounds fine.

Sehun- Ok see you tomorrow good night babe.

You- Good night boyfriend😂

Sehun- What's so funny about boyfriend?

You- Umm...idk I just do.

Sehun- Ok bai bai goodnight.

You- ok goodnight!

*Time skip, the next day*

You wake up at 9:00AM and start looking through your closet for an outfit. After 30mins of looking you finally found the perfect outfit, a baby pink color skirt with an oversized gray sweater, a simple bracelet and a beanie with Cat 😸 ears. You take your bag and begin doing your makeup. And for your hair, you straiten your hair and tuck some behind one ear. And by that it was 10:23, so you start heading to the Bubble Tea Shop that was a few blocks away so you walk there.
You get there at 10:30 and you see a familiar person leaning against a wall with his eyes closed while listening to music next to the entrance.

"Hello Sehun" you say cutely.

"Hmm? AH! (Y/N) sorry I doze off, lets..let's head inside its chilly out here" he said while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Ok, let's" you say. Sehun opens the door for you which makes you blush. "Thanks" you say.

You order your Bubble Tea's and sit down at a table near by. It was a bit awkward at first but then you broke the silence.

"So umm.... What were you listening to back there?" You ask.

"Oh, uhh, EXO. Do you like them?" He asks with a small smirk.

"Oh, I don't really know about the members but i listen to them a lot. But there was a member that I liked but I can't remember how he looks... oh well." You say.

"Oh!!!! I have a picture of all the members here I'll show you so that you can tell me who k?" Said Sehun while taking his phone out.

"Table 12 your Bubble Tea is ready." Said the lady at the counter.

"Okay." You both say and get up to get it.

"So what were we talking about?" You ask.

"Oh yeah! EXO members picking."said Sehun excitedly.

He takes out his phone and shows you all of the 12(😿) members.

"Pick!" Said Sehun.

"Umm....okay... You seem excited though. You say and start looking at the 12(😿) members. Him!" You say.
W-wait.....he really looks like you Sehun... Do have a twin long lost brother or something?! Because you guys are identical...."

"So he's your final choice... Not bad, he is handsome. And no I do not have a long lost twin brother. Look closer at the picture they have names under the picture" He says smirking.

You take a look and zoom in and it said...OH SEHUN?!

"SEHUN WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE IN EXO?!" you say freaking out.

"Yep! And your the Lucky One (<---Exo pun) your dating an Idol, Me! Hehehe! Your reaction was cute (≧∇≦)/." Said Sehun while fanboying over your reaction.

"So I'm dating a very popular handsome guy.... hmmm......not bad" you talk to yourself which kind of creeped out Sehun.

"YEP! I like it!" You said.

"Me too!!!!" Said Sehun!

You keep talking and enjoying the time with Sehun. And Sehun was enjoying his time as well with you.

Annyeong my peeps! Enjoying my book? If you are kasamnida!!!!!!! If your not then idk what the hell... BUT! Something terrible will happen in the NEXT or maybe the one AFTER this chapter....hehehehe......Thank you for reading my book really appreciate it!!!! Bai bai Peeps Don't die!

Bubble Tea Buddies Sehun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now