Accident....Why you though...?

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........heh.....IM SOOOO SORRY GUYS!!! I haven't updated in like....MONTHS?! and I promised in lasts chapter that something tragic was going to happen right? Well here it goes.

You and Sehun hanged out together for a few more months, not many but they were wonderful. You and Sehun texted daily as for a living. Asking how your doing. Nothing special just talking until one day you stopped texting him... 4 days had passed and he texted you like crazy. He was scared of losing you. Because he really loved you....

"....." you sat on the bed wondering why you.... All you wanted was to be happy with Sehun until the accident happened.... You sat up lifeless. Just asking your self the same question over and over again. "Why me though..." You bust into tears angrily and full of sorrowness and despair... Longing to feel the warmness of Sehun. But you just couldn't bring yourself to do it. You were scared. But you decided to call him...


" S-Sehun....*you bust out crying* i-i have 4 broken ribs and 3 inch cracks on my hips and my v-vision is b-blurry... You said while sobbing.

"........WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME EARLIER?! OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY? WHY YOU THOUGH?! ARE YOY IN PAIN?! WHERE ARE YOU?! GIVE ME THE DIRECTIONS TO THE HOSPITAL! OH MY GOD?! I HAS WORRIED SICK?! AND NOW ITS 10 TIMES WORSE?! (Y/N), BABY LISTEN TO ME, IM GETTING READY OKAY?! SEND ME THE DIRECTIONS AND SEE YOU IN A BIT?! OKAY?! BABY YOUR GOING TO BE FINE?! Why you though?!?!? Said Sehun about to cry but trying to sound strong with a lot of caring in his voice. You didn't want to tell him because you know how he would react.

*you send him the address and tried to control yourself from sobbing*

* time skip 17 minutes later *

"OH MY GOD?! BABY" says Sehun while running to you with "Open Arms". ARE YOU OKAY?! WHY YOU THOUGH?!?!   Said  Sehun desperately repeating the same  line over and over. "Why you though?"

You both kiss passionately. Both of you hungry for the warmness of each other.
You try not to cry but fail as you try to explain how everything happened. You were driving home from work tired, and thinking about your routine at home. All of a sudden the truck infront of you stops immediately and you didn't have time to stop 1- cause it was to fast and 2- the was ice was slippery and your car peddle wasn't working so your car slipped making it go right under the truck with the car behind you crushing you completely making you trapped in the middle as another car crashed on the drivers seat side, making you squished all three ways. You were lucky that you survived. And now you have to use a wheelchair

Sehun understands completely and let's you finish, and the hugs you and tells you that you'll be alright.

The doctor comes in and explains the medical affects and how you will need to be taken care of... You can't take care of youself alone. You parents had passed away a several years ago and you were the only one left of your had no one...

"I'll take care of (y/n)" you had never seen Sehun act so serious in your life.

"?! Sehun?! You don't have to?! I have (y/bff) remember its fine you've been very busy. Really baby you don't have to." You said startled.

"You trust me right?" Asked Sehun very serious again.

"Of course?!!! Why would you ask that?! You should know that?! With all of my life Sehun!" You said in shock.

"Then I'll make sure to take her home with me. Right at this moment. I'm willing to be with her for as long as she needs me to be. Because I love her and I would die if something happened to her." Said Sehun to the doctor.

You had never heard such kind words in such a long time. That's exactly what you needed. The doctor approved. You hugged and kissed Sehun while trying hard not to cry again (and failed again)  you told him how grateful you were that he was in you life. You thanked the doctor and nurses and you went "homewith Sehun.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How was that? I TRIED MY BEST PLEASE DON'T HATE ME?!
I'll try to update as soon as possible and again very sorry. Please vote and comment. I love you guys please share!m it would make my day!! AND THANK YOU GUYS FOR THE 1.74K VIEWS!!!! LUV U GUYS AND THAAANK UUUU!!! A HUGE HUG!!!!
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