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It was one day until my birthday and Tulip was finalizing and double checking that everything was set for the next evening's festivities. Not only was it my birthday, it was also going to be my and Levan's engagement party. He'd proposed a couple days after my hospital visit. After the initial shock of the question and my drowsiness wore off, I said yes. It wasn't surprising. We each knew what the other wanted and how they acted. Our weird quirks and little things we like and need to do.

Tulip was a little abrasive to the idea at first, but lightened up when she realized we'd found the one in each other, and that we would treat each other the way she wanted us to be treated in a relationship.

I was getting really nervous about meeting my mother. In less than 17 hours I would be 20 and meet my mother. I'd finally get answers to my questions and maybe some advice about what to do with my worries. I wish Hades had told me her name. I have my suspicions and hopes of who she is, but I wouldn't know for sure until the next day when I would get too meet her in person.

Levan put a hand my shoulder, pulling me from my thoughts, he had just come home from work. I turned around in my chair to face him. He kissed my cheek while holding my hands in his. I smiled at him, his eyes stared into mine. He smiled slightly before his face became more serious.

"Thorn, Delilah came into the shop this morning. The king wants you to be a caretaker for the boy, if you're willing," Levan said, a messy curl of dust-blonde hair falling above his changing hazel eyes. "They want an answer by sundown."

That took me aback. The king still wanted me even though I messed up? But why? "Really? What else did she say?" I asked.

"That was it. What are you going to do?" his voice was full of wonder and curiosity.

"I don't know yet. I need to think about it." I wanted to take the job. Any job for the king had good benefits. But would this be a temporary? Was the boy only here because King Hearth needed him to get the queen back? "I'm going to the palace find out more about the job."

"Take Levan with you. I need better peace and quiet to focus on and prepare for tomorrow's festivities," Tulip piped up from the other side of the counter where she was counting boxes, marking them off on a list, and making they weren't already opened by me or Levan.

I smiled, "Sure. We'll see if Saffron has room for two more to dine tonight."

"Thank you, dear," Tulip smiled looking up from her clipboard and boxes.

Levan put his work bag in his room and grabbed my cloak from my room. We weren't going to move into one room until after the wedding. Levan and I said bye to Tulip as we walked out the door and started off toward the palace. He grabbed my hand with his wore, yet, oddly soft, hand and ran the other through his blonde mop of hair. We had two and a half hours until sunset so we were going to palace then to Saffron's, then probably back to the palace to give my decision about the job.

When we arrive at the palace Prince Alvin was standing guard with Kalen, Killian, and Drake. Alvin and Kalen we laughing at something Killian said while Drake rolled his eyes so hard I thought they were going to get stuck in the back of his head, which wouldn't be a good for his career as a palace guard.

Levan smiled as we go closer to the men, "My Lords, my friends, what is so funny?" Levan had grown up with the guards; they had all been friends from a young age. I, having Levan as my first friend ever, was often seen hanging around these boys. When my father calmed me, however, Prince Alvin's father asked him to not play when I was around anymore. Alvin, being the spunky teen he was, disobeyed his father's order often and he along with Drake, Kalen, Killian, and, of course, Levan stood up for me when I was treated badly by anyone in the Forest Village. I had five older brothers, one I fell in love with and am going to marry, three became palace knights, and one is crown prince of the whole kingdom, and I can't help but love every one of them.

"Levan!" Killian was the first speak. Levan ran the last couple yards to greet his friends. They all did a sort of group "bro-hug." I smiled, walking up to them. Drake walked slightly away from the group, which had parted slightly; smiling, he held out a hand which I took in turn.

"I do believe the congratulations are in order?" Drake said kissing my hand, which my status didn't qualify for yet.

I smiled as he let go and I let my hand drop. "They are," I said instinctively touching the necklace charm at the top of my dress; it had become an essential part of my attire.

"Levan! Where's the ring?!" Kalen called back from where he'd walked over to greet me the same way as Drake. Kalen gave me his arm and lead me closer to the gates.

"I told you boys; I gave her the necklace," Levan said with an arm still around Killian.

I smiled as Kalen lead me over to my future husband and his other pals. I told my arm out of Kalen's and curtsied slightly to Prince Alvin. He smiled and inclined his head before asking, "You're here about the job, aren't you, Thorn?" He had always been kind to me. I used to think it was pity, but his mother was kind to me also. And then he stuck up for me with the other boys.

I gave a slight nod in answer.

"Well then you must hurry in and see my father. Killian, show her to the throne room. My father is waiting for her there," Alvin said giving orders to his men, regaining control and composure. "Levan you'll have to wait a couple rooms before the private throne room or either here with us. I'm sorry Thorn," he said looking at my face, which had betrayed me, and was apparently looking pretty nervous, "it's the rules put in place. His majesty wants his deals to be made privately. Not even more than one guard and adviser is allowed in during a deal making meeting, unless, of course, it is a council of war."

I bit my lip and nodded again.

Levan grabbed my hands and held them in his. He let go with one hand and lifted my chin so our eyes met. "My beautiful, darling, Thorn, I have never, ever seen you take anything from anyone without being okay with it. His majesty can't stand a chance against you." He kissed my forehead and hugged me tightly.

I turned and followed Killian through the looming gates and down several beautiful corridors and tapestried hallways.

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