Chapter 6

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~The next day~
"Should we go in?" Asked Devon. "I'm curious as to what he's talking about. So I vote yes." I answered. We all started walking towards the diner. But before we went inside ,Lucas pulled me aside. "Before the days over, I want to ask you something." He said with a smirk. "Okay. Well can't you ask me now?" "No. It has to be at the right moment." "And when will that be?" I asked while smiling. He laughed then answered with, "I guess you'll just have to wait and see." He took my hand and we walked inside. The others were already seated and waiting for us. "So where is he?" Asked Natalia. "Ya he should be here by now." Remarked Jordan. "Guys lets be patient. It is just 2:02. If he's not here by 2:20 then we will leave." "Fine. But can we at least order some drinks and some food." Asked Devon. "Ya I agree. Waiter can we order?" Asked Lucas. We all gave our orders. I got two hot dogs ,fries ,and a dr. Pepper. Lucas got a big double burger with fries and a Pepsi. Devon got a storm shredder with fries and a coffee. Jordan got chicken tenders a fry and a coke. Natalia got a blt ,fries ,and a sweet tea. It was 2:15 when the bell rang at the door and Matthew walked in. He came and pulled a chair up to our booth. "Took you long enough." Devon said. "Ya ya sorry about that. I had to get Jessica off my back." Matthew explained. "Okay. Whatever just explain please." I said. "Okay. So the first threat you had was from me. But it wasn't really a threat. I was still hurt from the break up I admit it ,but I was just trying to prank you and scare you. For pay back. I apologize for that. Then Jessica saw you getting scared and when these guys showed up to be your body guards she took control of the pranks well then they turned to actual threats. She didn't want y'all hurting me. Jessica killed Shane to try to make you understand that "I" meant business. She made me write that on your door. And yes it was Shane's blood. She covered her tracks really good. She has a grudge against you though ,briella. And I'm sorry to say she is going to do her best to kill you. It's not at all as y'all talked about. She's already made up her mind on when where and how she will do it. It's gonna be on the school yard at 1 in the morning on April 16th. So by all means ignore her the entire evening the 15th and the 16th." "Why are you telling me this? You do know that Lucas is literally so tense I can't even move his hand right now. He's ready to go get her." "Ya except I don't beat up girls. That's against code." "I'm telling you this because I know you briella. You're a great girl. You don't deserve this. I feel after my prank this is the least I can do." "How do we know that you're not lying?" Asked Jordan. "Well you have my word I am not lying about any of this. Briella, her grudge is from 2 years ago to the present. Beware of Jessica. She's a danger zone." And with that he left. "Okay. What did you do to Jessica?" Questioned Natalia. "I don't know. I've always been a friend to her." "Okay well. What happened 2 years ago?" Asked Lucas. "The only thing big that happened was believe it or not I had braces and I got them off that year. Oh and I got an eye surgery to correct my vision ,so I wouldn't have to wear glasses anymore." I explained. "Oh wow! Major year for you." Exclaimed Jordan. "Ya seriously." I responded. "So basically your braces were off and your glasses were gone. Just out of curiosity did you do your hair a different way?" Asked Natalia. "Actually ya. I was your basic looking nerd. I wore my hair in a braid everyday." "Was Jessica known as the prettiest girl?" Asked Devon catching onto Natalie's idea. "She was voted the 2nd most prettiest girl in school." I said. "Okay I know exactly what happened! You got prettier. You got  voted prettier than Jessica didn't you?" Remarked Natalia. "Oh my goodness that was when we were like 14!" I said as I laughed. "I did though. I did get voted prettier." I couldn't stop laughing. "I'm sorry guys. *laugh* but if this is her grudge then that is so immature." I continued. Lucas let out a chuckle then said, "Well she finds it big enough to try and kill you." He choked up when he said kill. I looked at him trying to find his full attention. "Lucas, it's gonna be okay. You said it yourself. You won't let anything happen to me. I know I'm safe as long as you're here. As long as all of you are here ,really." I assured them all. "We are all destined to a fate ,but sometimes if you're lucky ,you can change your fate. And that's what we are gonna do for you." Spoke Devon. "Whoa man you are like ,I don't know ,poetic in a way." I said surprised. "Thanks. Don't tell anyone." He replied. I laughed but then held up my hand with the other on my heart, "I won't." He just shook his head. I know I'm safe as long as Lucas is here. And the others. But I'm also so scared at the same time. She killed Shane the toughest bully in school besides Matthew. What makes me think that she can't do the same to me. April 16th. My best friends gonna murder me. Lovely.

Hi there again! So wow. Were you expecting that? Let me know how this chapter was in the comments. Make sure to vote please!👌✌️

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