chapter 7

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*ding* oh there goes my phone again. Its gone off three times this morning already. I looked at the message. Its from Lucas, "Hey briella, can I come over?" I replied with "of course, when do you even have to ask 😂" I got up from the couch where I was watching Saturday cartoons ,because ya know I'm still 5 on the inside. Then I through my hair up in a messy bun ,brushed my teeth ,washed my face ,and through on a cute tee shirt and my comfy sweat pants. He's already seen me in PJs from their surprise visit. So I don't care if he sees me in a comfortable PJ type outfit. *ding dong* and he's here. I cheerfully walked down the stairs and opened the door. There he stood in sweat pants and a tee shirt just like me. "Oh my goodness I think we had the same idea!" I said as I laughed. "Well I bought us some breakfast from bojangles ,popcorn for later ,and a bunch of different variety's of candy. Also some movies for a marathon." He told me while smirking. I smiled back then said, "Oh wow that sounds amazing! Come in!" He walked inside and we went to the living room. "Where's your parents?" He asked in wonder. "Oh they are out back. They are starting a flower bed." I explained. "Okay cool." He went to put in a movie. "Oh Lucas, but the cartoons."  "Don't you know me at all?" He asked sarcastically. I sat there watching him. He came back to the couch and pushed play. The movie started. "Oh my gosh! Lucas you bought a DVD with Saturday morning cartoons on it!?" I excitedly asked. "Yes ,yes ,I did. Its 3 hours long." I smiled and hugged him. Then we got our food out and started eating.
    3 hours later
"Those were so hilarious! I loved it!" I exclaimed. "Same here. Especially that weird cat one." Lucas said as he laughed. We sat there for a second in silence till finally I broke the silence, "So what other movies did you buy?" I asked. "Oh I have this one that I'd like to watch next." He said. "Okay. What is it?" I asked. "It's a surprise." He said while grinning. He put in the movie then sat back down. He pushed play. Then all of the sudden it started playing sweet music and showed a picture of us together. Then it started speaking. It was Lucas's voice. "Briella, ever since I met you I knew you were special. I have liked you since the first time we hung out. But now I know that its blossemed into this love that I have for you. If you can see behind my flaws for just a second maybe we could be something.  So if you would look at me I want to ask you something. In person." I had my mouth somewhat open in surprise then turned my head to look at him. He was smiling ear to ear. "Briella, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me in a hopeful and joyous tone of voice. I finally caught my breath and answered with, "Yes ,lucas I will be your girlfriend!" He smiled then held me in a hug for quite some time and then he kissed my cheek. "I already love you so much." He gently whispered in my ear. We were still in a hug. "I love you too lucas." I whispered back.
Wow. My first love. I mean I've had a boyfriend but I didn't love him. I just liked him. But this is my first love. Jessica is not stronger than our love.

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