chapter 12

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"Okay what are you even going to say to him?" Asked Lucas. We were going to Jordan's house after the incident at the diner. Devon and Natalia were behind us in their car. Bethany decided its best that she just stay at the diner. "I don't know ,Lucas. But I'm sure a lot will come out when we get there." "You have to be kind of sensitive to what you are saying with this subject. He loves her and seeing her again is just something that shouldn't of happened. Not this way." We kept driving till we came to a bridge. "Lucas stop!" I screamed. Lucas slammed on brakes. I jumped out of the car and slammed the door behind me. There on the edge of the bridge was Jordan. He was sitting on the edge looking down. "Jordan! What are you doing?" Screamed Lucas. He didn't answer. "Jordan, you don't have to do this. Why would you even attempt this?" Asked devon. "Look I'm not gonna jump guys. I'm not suicidal. I'm just thinking about my brother. Life gave me one more chance to see Bethany. I obviously blew that chance. But I wish it would give me one more chance to see my brother." I went over and sat next to him. Lucas and the others followed. "Okay. I know I haven't known you as long as these guys have. But I have known you a while now. I know a lot about you. And I know enough to know that you are strong not just like physically strong but your also emotionally strong. You didn't cry once telling your back story. That right there says a lot. I can see a lot of pain still there. But I know that you are strong enough to get through seeing Bethany again. It may have jogged back bad memories more so then talking about it but that's life for you." He finally looked up at me with tears in his eyes. He then looked out to the distance. "I know he's out there somewhere. They never found his body. He's out there I know it." He looked back at us. "Well then we'll help you find him." I said then looked at the others they nodded. "Thanks Briella ,but you have your own things to worry about right now. I mean it is February Jessica will be coming before you know it." "I know. But I'm not worried about that whole thing. We are gonna report her stuff to the police actually. And if she tries to come for me before that. Well I believe Lucas tensing at me just talking about it should tell you enough." We all laughed. Jordan spoke,"Okay. If you really want to." "We do." "Alright." He nodded and smiled. Then he gave me a friendly hug and whispered thank you in my ear.
"Alright let's go somewhere else and start this. The whole edge of a bridge thing is downing me out." Said Devon. We all agreed and got up. I was about to the jeep when ,"Watch out!" Yelled Lucas. Then everything kinda just went slow from there ,till finally I blacked out.
Lucas's POV
"Briella! Come on wake up. Someone call 911!" She has a gash on her head and her arm is cut up. I took off my jacket to put it on her head to slow down the bleeding. "Got it. There are on their way!" Yelled Natalia. Everyone gathered around. "Boy when I get my hands on her-" I started. "Lucas! Plan your revenge after she's at the hospital. "Right sorry. I don't think they'll get here in time. She needs a medical attention now!" "Let's meet them half way!" Suggested Devon. "No. Guys her neck could be broken. We don't need to move as much as possible." Said Natalia. *sirens* "There they are!" Yelled Jordan. The medics stepped out to take a look at Briella. "How long has she been out son?" Asked one of the medics. "About ten minutes sir." I informed him. "What happened." asked the other as they put her on the stretcher. "Some jerk came speeding down the road and hit her. On purpose." I said. "How do you know on purpose?" They asked. "We know who did this. They've been sending threats and everything under the sun to her." Said Jordan.
"Well you need to report this to the police. We are taking her to Wake Nor Hospital. Meet us there. You'll need to tell the doctor what happened." "We will sir." I said. Then we all went to the hospital. *ring* my phone went off. Its Briella's mom.
"Lucas, we are stuck in a terrible traffic jam. There's no telling when we will be at the hospital. We are gonna need you to give the information needed to the doctors there. If you need anything that you don't know just give me a text. Okay? How is she?"
"Yes ma'am I understand. Well she's being rushed into the hospital as we speak and I am walking in with the others. I will let you know as soon as we get an update."
"Thank you so much ,Lucas. Just keep praying for her."
"Trust me ma'am ,I am. We all are."
"That's good. Thank y'all. See you soon."
"Alright ,goodbye."
I hung up the phone and we all walked into the lobby. We were escorted to a waiting room. "Do you think she'll be okay?" Asked Natalia. "I sure hope so." Said Devon. "I know she will. Briella is a fighter. She will be just fine. She has to be."
  About a hour passed ,which felt like torture, before the doctor came in. "Davis family?" She asked. I stood up and answered ,"They are stuck in a traffic jam. They asked me to give all information to y'all. And to give updates to them." "Very well. Briella has suffered a large amount of blood loss from the gash on her head. She has a bruised lung and bruising to the upper spine in the neck area. She also has a slight fracture in one of her ribs. Lots of swelling on her neck and stomach area. Her left leg has an enormous bruise down it and lots of swelling.   Plus the obvious cuts and scrapes. Now we have stitched the gash up and her neck is still in a brace just till the swelling from the impact goes away ,we don't want to aggravate the bruise by her moving. She has ice packs on her stomach and her leg. We've put her on morphine for any pain. She is currently unconscious ,but we are expecting her to be awake within the next hour or so. Now may I ask exactly what happened?" My caught my breath and shook myself to speach ,"We were walking to our car we had parked on the side of the road ,and this car came speeding down the road. I know they saw her and I know this was on purpose. Before I could jump and knock her out of the cars way ,it was to late. All I saw was her body flung to the side and on the ground. Luckily the side of the car is the only thing that hit her. I'm so glad it wasn't a full front of the car impact." "Oh my word. I see. Shes definitely lucky to be alive. And could any of you identify the car and the person driving it?" "Yes ma'am. We all could. In fact we can show you a picture of it." Devon pulled up the picture and showed her. "Oh my. That's my nephew Matthew's car. He's always causing trouble. I never thought he'd go this far!" "No ma'am. Matthew did not do this. It was his girlfriend. Her name is Jessica. She has been sending threats to Briella. We weren't going to tell anyone ,but then we finally decided to. But she made her move sooner than expected." I explained. "Well then. I will call the cops for y'all if y'all would like? And I can get then down here." "That won't be necessary Ms. I heard it all." Spoke a male voice from behind her. He was a police officer who had evidently been listening in on our conversation. Well that saves us the trouble. "So how long has this been happening? Has she killed before? And if so you have witnesses?" He asked. The doctor left the room to go tend to Briella. "About five to six months ,sir. And according to her boyfriend she's the one who killed that Shane kid at our school a few months ago. And yes sir. I have these guys ,Briella ,and Matthew Taylor. We would have told you sooner ,but we weren't sure if she really did kill him or if the threats were real." I explained. "Well that explains why we found a long hair on Shane's body. Thank you all so much for this information. I will be taking her and her boyfriend in for questioning. Do y'all happen to know her last name?" "Actually ,we do not sir." I answered. He nodded then left. I called Briella's parents and gave them the update. They said they'd be here in ten minutes. So we all just sat down and waited patiently for another update.

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