chapter 8

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Its December 18th and the day Jessica comes back from her vacation to Paris to visit her grandparents. I was being picked up by lovely boyfriend ,Lucas. I love saying that. Anyways. I had him go to Sunday morning church with me yesterday. Let's just say everyone loved him!
*ding dong* and he's here to pick me up. He's such a gentleman. He never beeps the horn at me to let me know he's here. He comes to the door and escorts me to the car. We've only been a couple since Saturday ,but ya. I opened the door. "Hey there my beautiful lady." He said all cute like. "Hello there my handsome man." I responded back. He pecked me on the cheek then we held hands to the car. "You nervous about today?" He asked me. I looked at him before sitting in my seat and responded with slight sarcasm, "Nervous about what? The fact that my um best friend aka the murderer is back from vacation. And the fact I'm going to have to act like everything is normal. The way it was? Oh and explain why I haven't told her about us yet? No ,I'm not nervous at all." "I'm here for you babe. We will face her together." He assured me. "Aw I love you!" "I love you more!" He then shut my door and got in to start driving towards the school. "So the gang didn't wanna tag along this morning?" I asked in suspicion. "They rode with Devon. They thought it would be great if we went to school together just us today. I guess to officialise to everyone that we are a couple now." He explained. I shook my head in comprehension, "I'm actually really thankful for their consideration. They're the best friends ever." "I agree. But you top all." He spoke this very romantically. I blushed. We pulled up at the school and started for the building. We held hands along the way and had a few people clap or whistle. I laughed. We entered the building. "I'm so happy our class schedules are the same. I couldn't stand not seeing you for that long in a day." I said to him. "Oh same here! Oho have a surprise for you!" He exclaimed. "What is it?" "Well you know how my locker is on a separate hallway than yours?" I nodded now looking him straight in the eye. He was smiling so big. Then he said, "Well babe I pulled some strings and got that dude that was next to you to trade with me." "Oh my goodness that's amazing! You are so awesome!" I squealed then gave him a huge hug. We were cut off by, "Hey bri! I'm back from my vacation! Miss me? Of course you did. So how's life been since I've been gone?" Exclaimed Jessica as she looked at Lucas then back at me. Back and forth. "Jessica! Oh my gosh I have missed you!" I exclaimed in the best acting voice i could manage. We hugged for a few seconds. She was giggling and I was doing the best fake laugh I could. Then I stepped back to Lucas and our hands grasped eachother. "Jessica, I have big news! Lucas and I are now a couple!" I said smiling and squeezing Lucas's hand because quite frankly she scares me. I mean she did murder Shane. So I'm still freaked out. She didn't look thrilled at all but continued with, "Oh wow! When did this happen?" "Saturday!" Answered Lucas. "I wanted to tell you but I thought I'd tell you in person." I told her. "That's awesome,Bri. So where's the rest of yall's gang?" She asked us. "Jessica ,you are apart of the Ganga too. You know that!" I answered. "No, I know how this goes bri. I've read books ,seen movies ,and faced reality. My best friend gets a boyfriend. He becomes centre of her world. You start cancelling with me a lot because he wants to hang or something. I become a third wheel. But honestly I don't feel welcome in yalls little gang. I was a tag along. You had to ask them for me to be included. Well I have news for you ,Bri. I have a boyfriend. Actually yup I do. I've been with him for almost seven months now. I've kept him a secret from you because I didn't want you to feel like the third wheel. I didn't want anything in our friendship to change." She tried to continue but I cut her off. "Jessica ,why are you telling me all of this now? Why are you blowing up? Who is this guy?" "Because that's something that I've been meaning to tell you. And his name is Matthew Taylor." She smirked evilly and we tried to act surprised. She continued, "That's right Bri. I broke best friend code. I'm dating the schools bad boy. The murderer. The guy who hates your guts. And you ALL deserve what's to come." And with that she winked at us and walked away. "She is so intimidating! Good thing we already new all this. So how about that algebra class?" I said and then we both laughed. "So how about I take you out for cook out after school today?" Lucas asked me. "I definitely would love that." We met up with the rest of the gang. "Hey guys! Jessica totally blew her top. She told us everything." Lucas explained. "You mean everything we already knew?" Jordan asked. "Well that's nice. So can we just focus on this school day?" Asked Devon. "Ya I have a quiz in history class today. So I'll catch you guys later!" Said Natalia. Then we all went to our classes ,smiling and cutting up with eachother.

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