Chapter 13 - A Happy Surprise

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Hikaru POV

Once we arrived at the hospital, (Y/N) literally leaped out of the car as soon as the guy opened the door. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair was blowing behind her as she did so. We followed her out and into the large white building. I've never been a big fan of hospitals.

Kyoya guided (Y/N) up to the reception desk and after talking to the woman there they began following her. They gestured for us to follow, and we did so. We came to a landing with a few doors and some seats near them. As we approached one, we were halted as the woman told us that (y/n)'s mom already had a visitor at the minute. Confusedly, we watched as the lady left and we were alone.

"Who could be..." (y/n) mumbled, but her question was quickly answered as a man in casual clothing exited the room. Her pretty (e/c) eyes lit up excitedly as they met the man's similar coloured ones. "Dad!" She cried as she ran to the man. He grinned as she hugged him, him spinning her round joyfully. Once he had set her down, he gently pecked her cheek affectionately, his short stubble scraping her cheek as he did.

"Hehe, long time no see, huh?" He smiled down at what I figured out was his daughter.

"Yeah... You never told me you were back from France!" She told him and he smiled guiltily.

"I'm sorry sweetie. I came as soon as I heard you're mom was stuck in here. I'll buy you something nice later and we can catch up, yeah?" She nodded excitedly, almost like a little child. As if it were contagious, I also found myself subconsciously smiling at them.

However, (y/n)'s dad realised us all standing around, and stood up slightly straighter and cleared his voice. "You know these gentlemen?" He looked at all of us, and we looked at each other as (y/n) answered him.

"Oh, yes. These are my friends. Sorry for not introducing them earlier. They came with me to see mom." She blushed cutely in embarrassment as she remembered we were here. It was obvious that she didn't see her father much.

Nodding he walked over to us and inspected us one by one. As he approached me he introduced himself and held out a hand. Taking his hand in mine I gave him my name and he firmly shook my hand. First impressions are always important, and for some reason I felt like I should try to be in (y/n)'s father's good books.

When Tamaki's turn came, Tamaki was glowing, probably because this was (y/n)'s dad. Tch. As they shook hands, he asked the man what area of France he had just came back from. After he had told him so he began babbling on about how beautiful the countryside over there is, with (y/n)'s father nodding along in agreement. Looks like they'll get on then...

Removing my focus from the other hosts, my eyes wandered over to (y/n). She was talking to the nurse who had just came out of the room. The nurse was smiling at her, so I assumed nothing was wrong, and (y/n) then followed her into her mom's hospital room.

Sitting down on one of the uncomfortable metal chairs I sighed and folded my arms. Kyoya's family could at least afford some cushioned chairs... I thought to myself. As (y/n)'s father was talking to Kyoya, the other hosts sat in the chairs next to mine.

"Has (y/n) gone in?" Kaoru asked and I nodded. "It's nice that she got to see her dad, ne?"

"Yeah." I replied, staring into space and thinking. I don't really know what I was thinking about, just thinking in general. I heard a door open, and looked up to see (y/n) standing at the door.

"You guys can come in now." She smiled at us, and we stood up and entered. There, a woman who looked to be in her mid forties laid on the bed with a bandage around her knee. She glanced up at us as we entered the room and smiled at us. We looked back over to (y/n) as she had begun talking.

"So," she began, "I know I've told you a lot about my friends already, plus you've met Haruhi before when she slept over."

Tamaki made a small noise of surprise at this, which made (y/n) just smile slightly. Of course they've had a sleepover, they're best friends...

"Anyway," she continued, "I'd like you to meet everyone else. First, this is Kyoya. His dad runs this hospital, so I thought I should introduce him first."

Kyoya stepped forwards towards (y/n)'s mom's bed and held out a hand. She shook it and he smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss (y/l/n)."

"And you too. Thank you for letting me stay in your hospital." She replied, and Kyoya nodded.

(y/n) then introduced Tamaki. Then Honey and Mori, and then us, as she'd already met Haruhi.

"Visiting time is over. Miss (y/l/n) needs to rest if she wants to go home tomorrow. Thank you." A nurse standing in the corner of the room spoke up. We nodded and said goodbye to (y/n)'s mom, with her hugging her and saying goodbye, and walked out of the hospital.

As we walked, (y/n) seemed happier, maybe because she got to see her mom. She was quite worried about her before. It's good to see her getting back to her old self.

Getting into the limo, we drove (y/n) home and said goodbye, before dropping everyone off at their homes.


Your POV

Ringing the doorbell of my house, the door opened to reveal my father. He was wearing an apron over his work clothes and held a wooden spoon in his hand.

"(y/n)! You're just in time; dinner's almost ready. I've made this really good soup that I tried over in France." He told me as I took off my shoes and slid on my slippers. Following him down the small hallway I sat down at the dining table that was in the kitchen.

"Sounds really good!" I said, breathing in the delicious scent. "Smells good too!"

Soon enough, dad was pouring the hot soup carefully into little bowls. After buttering a few slices of bread, he brought over our plates along with two spoons. "Bon apetite" he said as he placed it in front of me.

"Itadakimasu!" I thanked him before digging in. He smiled as he watched me as I lifted a mouthful to my lips. Amazing was an understatement. My dad was always picking up new recipes wherever he went and he became terrific at cooking. That's why all my favourite meals were when he was home.

The rest if the evening we laughed and talked about his time in France. He told me about Paris and the Eiffel Tower and the Champs Elysees. Paris sounded like such a pretty place. I'd never really specifically wanted to go there, but it sounded amazing nonetheless.

We then spoke about school as he asked me how I was getting on. I told him about my friends he met (but not about the club) and how fun they were. I told him also how Haruhi was a girl, which surprised him as he didn't know. Overall, I was happy to see dad more than anything, as I hadn't seen him in so long, which was nice. I wish he was home more often.

I am so sorryyyyy please forgive me! It's been forever ^•^'

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