Chapter 15 - Its Been A While

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Your POV

Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool, me and the rest of the host club were sprawled out on the deck chairs. Drinks in hands, sun-cream on skin, warm sun beating down. This feels so good.

Honey was in the pool by himself, still playing. On the other hand, my hair was almost dry already, and I didn't feel like swimming anymore.

"So, have you had a good day?" Kyoya asks from next to me. I nodded happily as I took another sip of my sweet drink.

"This place is so amazing, I can't believe you're family actually own it." I say, placing my refreshment gently on the table next to me. He nods, sighs and sits back in his chair, closing his eyes. I've never seen Kyoya so calm before; usually he's frantically writing down notes and looking out for the rest of us. It's nice to see him taking it easy.

Sitting back in my own chair, I closed my eyes slightly. Bright light from the warm sun glowed through my eyelids slightly, but not enough to make me feel uncomfortable. Rays of sunlight lay on my skin, lightly baking it. I could stay like this forever.

Although, suddenly, I was shook out of my peaceful slumber. Flickering my eyes open I rubbed them as Tamaki stood before me. Smiling, he squeezed my arm.

"Time to go" He sang softly, and I nodded. Gathering my things together, I sleepily followed Tamaki back to where the limo was parked. Climbing in, I slumped between Kyoya and Mori, who smiled at me.

"So, you finally woke up?" Kyoya asked, scoffing slightly.

"What do you mean finally?" I question him, but he simply shrugs.

"You're a really deep sleeper, (y/n)-chan." Honey giggled as he nudged Mori. Hugging his plush rabbit to his chest he laughed cutely.

"Took forever to wake you up." Hikaru jeered. I rolled my eyes at him.

"It's not my fault, I can't help it!" I defended myself, but they just laughed again.

"We all tried to wake you up but you wouldn't." Tamaki laughed, causing me to be even more embarrassed.

Sighing in defeat, I sat back into my seat of the limo. "Well, thanks anyway I guess for waking me up..." I huffed. They knew I wasn't really mad at them.

Soon enough, the long black car pulled up into my driveway, and I said my farewells to my friends for the evening. As they drove away, I walked up my small driveway and knocked on my door.

My mum came to the door, setting her crutches to the side as she did so. She greeted me with a warm smile and began asking me about my day. I told her all about how they nice all my friends were and how much fun we all had. All the while she listened, nodding along.

"You're friends really are wonderful, aren't they?" She smiled happily to me. "Looks like sending you to Ouran was the right choice after all."


The next day was Sunday, and I found myself lost for something to do. For some reason, I felt like doing something today, not just mooching alone in my room.

Reaching for my phone, I decided to call my best friend, Hitoshi,  from my past school, as I hadn't seen him since I joined Ouran. He's the only other one out of my friend group that didn't move away from Tokyo for a new school. Dialing his number, he picked up after a few rings.

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