Chapter 2

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After a moment of blank-faced shock, I stifle a laugh and shake my head. "Alright, Symon. I'm sorry I made you stay. Let's go."

"Ye think I'm lying?" she questions, angrily. 

Symon helps me up, taking my hand. "Yes, we do."

"Your clothes are in the wardrobe. We'll be outside."

As they shut the door, we open the wardrobe, finding the clothes we were wearing at the party. Why they hid them is beyond me. I don't want to find out. I want to get home- I want to forget this as soon as possible.

"Don't lace it," Symon says, reaching out for me when dressed. My shaking fingers give up on the corset and I nod, taking his hand. I'm relieved when he grabs the door and opens it easily, the night air blowing against us as we take a step onto the dirt.

Greer and her husband are standing beside the stone home, the only people outside. Symon and I stop mid-step, glancing around in the darkness.

Where are the lights? The streets? Why are all the homes stone? The roofs... My lips tremble as I take in the fact that the house we just walked out of looks exactly like one in pictures I'd show the tourists on tours of Inverness. Homes covered with clods.

"What-?" I breathe, letting go of Symon's hand. Walking onto the middle of the dirt road, I look down the brown, oddly-paved path, seeing no sign of electricity anywhere. No normal homes and I feel a sinking in my stomach.

No. No, this isn't happening. It can't be. It's impossible.

Tears of immediate fear spring to my eyes and I look to Symon, who looks as if he's just seen a ghost.

"Please, ye both need to come inside- eat something. I will explain everything."

I can only manage, "A-are you telling the truth?"

Greer's gaze is soft, compassionate when she nods, glancing at the man beside her. "Aye, it's true."

"Oh... God," I whisper thickly, shaking my head in horror.

"This can't be real." Symon sets his hand over his parted lips as his eyes wander over the dark, quiet highlands. "This isn't real."

"Please, ye need to come inside," the man beside Greer murmurs, holding open the door.

"You-you did this to us," Symon growls, clearly panicking. "I'll kill you, I swear!"

She backs up as the man moves in front of her, protective. He isn't anywhere near Symon's size but his gaze is fierce enough to be wary of him. "Maybe in time... but definitely not now. Your bones are weak from the stone dust- ye need nourishment."

"And you will explain this?" I swallow, touching Symon's arm to calm him. It doesn't work though- with an angry curse, he pulls his arm away and walks to the far corner of the path, staring out into the forest. I watch him silently before I turn, nodding to Greer before I step back in through their threshold.

There's no point in arguing. We're obviously stuck here. We can't push away the one person that knows how to get back.

She shuts the door behind the man, sighing. "He will come in when he's ready to listen."

I grab ahold of the back of a wood chair, inhaling. "How do we get back, Greer?"

"You're not a daft woman, Gillian. Ye ken we did this for a reason."

"What possible reason could you have to fucking transport us to another time?! What possible reason?"

"It is your destiny. I told ye change was comin'."

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