Chapter 23

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I step into the entrance first as MacCallan and Ann follow. I let out a gasp when Greer turns, basket in hand. She's glowing, making the blue hue in her eyes the most prominent feature of her face. 


"Gillian, you're up and about already?"

I nod. "How did you know?"

She smirks and steps forward, touching my face. "I've brought ye some things that should help... I cannae stay long."

"Oh, why? It's been months since I've seen you."

"Knox sets off tonight for- Inverness."

I stare at her, silently at that.

Why is Knox going? He surely knows the Scots lose this battle.

"May I take your shawl ma'am?" Ann persists. I turn at that, still recovering.

"I'm sorry. Greer Neilson, this is Miss Ann and-and MacCallan Mackenzie."

She smiles, secretively. "Aye, it's wonderful to meet ye. And thank ye, Miss Ann, but I must be off to say farewell to my husband... May I speak to ye, quick before I go?"

I nod, glancing to MacCallan, who staring at me, starts forward with Ann to give us privacy.

Lowering her voice, she grabs a bottle from the basket, holding it up, "There's a potion I've made in here to help ye."

I take it from her, unsure as to why the color of the liquid is green. "Thank you... Greer, why is Knox going?"

"He's not really. He'll make it to the barricades and then- he'll be forced to turn around."


She nods. "I've seen them. They should be up by now."

"So, MacCallan will have to turn around too?"

"Depending on which way he goes. I'd tell ye to send him now but that would be rather suspicious."

"He knows about- the war. I told him."

"And he believes ye?"

I nod. "I think he does. But the damn honor thing... he won't stay when he's already promised to help."

She looks down and nods, pressing her lips together. "I'll see what I can do... I must go."

"Okay, thank you for coming."

"I am glad you're safe, Gillian," she murmurs, pressing her lips to my cheek. I watch her turn, back into the sunny afternoon, feeling a deep pit in my stomach.


With a deep, unsure breath, I take the potion back, downing it as if it were college night at Dimaggio's back home. I nearly vomit at the taste and I briefly wonder what I just took into my body.

Setting down the glass heavily, I walk to the window, looking out into the sky. It's clear, bright with stars. I smile softly, remembering when I'd look up into the sky in a time where light pollution would dim the visibility in our atmosphere.

They didn't shine like they do now.

I remove the shawl around my body, shivering while I shut the window, thus shutting out the approaching winter chill. There's a knock at my door- it's soft but surprising considering the hour.

"Who is it?"

"It's- me."

I step forward immediately, swallowing at MacCallan's whisper. Opening the door slowly, I find him in the dimly lit hall, his head towards the ground. He looks up after a couple fleeting moments of silence, staring into my eyes with a intensity that covers my body in goose bumps.

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