Chapter 32

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"Gillian," he whispers, standing slowly. His clothing is torn and bloody, his face covered in dirt. I can practically see his body trembling from chill. I stare at him from my place, unable to say a word. He comes to me in a rush, wrapping his arms tightly around my shoulders. "Gillian."

His head is buried in my hair, his breathing labored. I realize just seconds later that he's crying.


"I thought ye hated me. I never received a reply from ye after the news of the Mackenzie."

"I never wrote you back," I whisper, truthfully. "But, it's not because I'm mad at you."

He pulls back, clasping my face. "I'm so glad- are-are ye alright?"

I nod, letting out a breath, scared. "Yes... a-are you? You're shaking."

"Aye, I'm fine- I'm fine, now," he whispers, smiling wide. I remove the plaid I have wrapped around my shoulders and hand it to him. He looks at it as he takes it from my hands, releasing me.

"I'm so sorry for-for what happened that day. I never meant ye to be harmed," he says, suddenly. "It's plagued my thoughts ever since. I've not thought of anything else but ye. No matter what I was doin'- fightin', plannin', eatin', you're all I thought of."

Oh no. "Lachlan."

"You look so beautiful. I couldn't believe it when ye walked in. I've been prayin' to see ye but I hadn't expected anythin' from it. I dinnae ken what's going to happen to me. But I'm glad to be able to tell ye what I feel, now-"

"Stop, Lachlan," I press, backing away from him, feeling as if I were choking on something that's not there. Courage, maybe. "Stop."

He shakes his head in confusion. "What's- what's-"

"Please, just sit down. Wrap that around you, it's cold."

"I want ye to tell me what's wrong, Gillian, and I'd like to do it standin', for the look on your face is frightening."


"Gillian, tell me."

I drop my hand. "MacCallan-"

He turns in a spin so fast that the wind should knock me off my feet, shaking his head. A deafening growl escapes his throat and I tremble in place.

"Ye came here to this cell to tell me about another man? That's all you're here for? I've been pourin' my heart out to ye!"

"I came to see how you were, Lachlan, and to get you released," I whisper hastily, "so long as you agree- to my terms."

"Terms?!" he shouts. I look at him, surprisingly stern.

"You yell like that and they'll be escorting me out right now and I will tell you that if I leave with them, I'm not going to get you out of here."

"What damn terms are ye speakin' about?"

I back up, shaking now. I prepare myself for what's to come. "I will have you released from this cell if you- if you promise to let me go."

His eyes bulge from his face. "Let ye- never! I willnae do that!"

"Yes, you will. If you want any chance of living your life, you will. You will let me leave. I don't care if you have to make up a funeral or divorce me, but you will let me go with him, unharmed and unattached to anything involving you."

"With him?"


He slams down the plaid onto the ground. "Bastard! That filthy bastard! I left expectin' he'd honor the vows of marriage! Not bed ye as soon as I'm gone!"

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