Chapter 31

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"Gillian! Thank the Lord! You're here!" Ann exclaims as I run into the room, throwing my cape onto the bed. "Master Lovat is here!"

I nod, grabbing onto my laces. "I know. I know. I saw him when I was coming in. It took longer than I expected to get through the snow."

"I'm going to ring your neck when I quit panicking," she mutters, helping me pull down the skirt. In my shift, I turn, clutching onto her tightly. She seems surprised but after a moment, embraces me back.

"Thank you... for everything you've done for me, Ann. You're my closest friend and I trust you with my life." I kiss her cheek and pull back, swallowing with difficulty. She smiles, awed.

"Why are ye tellin' me this?"

"I just... need you to know I love you."

I turn back around, despite the look on her face. The look that shows me she knows this may be the last time we ever see each other. I blink away the tears that threaten when she rests her hand onto mine, grabbing the brush from my hand.

She kisses my hair softly as if she were my mother and not years younger than I and then begins to brush.


Master Lovat stands as I enter the room, already reaching for him.

If I'm to convince him to help release Lachlan, I must be desperate.

"Ye look radiant,  as usual, Mistress," he says gently, taking my hands. "Even despite these dark times. I tried- to convince him to deter from rebelling against the crown."

I nod, smiling calmly. "I know you did- and you're a good friend to do so."

"I came to see if there was anything I could do to help ye through this."

I nod, swallowing. "Come, have a seat with me... Would you like something to drink, to eat maybe?"

He shakes his head, adjusting his plaid while he sits, clearing his throat. "Nay, thank ye." 

He crosses his hands over each other, glancing at me expectantly. He knows I'm about to ask him for something.

"I would- like to try and have Lachlan released," I murmur, carefully. He stares at me a moment, before he gapes.

"I understand ye care for the man but Gillian, he's being held for treason. For going up against the crown. 'Tis no light matter."

"I know. But- but if we went- together- and declared that he was forced into it, that he made a mistake then there's a chance that they could let him go. And William too."

His eyes widen but I place my hands over his, clutching them briefly. 

"They're noble. Lachlan is a Chief of Clan Chattan. They don't want twelve clans against them right now. I can convince them."

"They're not easily convinced, especially by a sassenach. Not to offend ye, but you're not from Scotland- or from England. Who's to say they'd listen to a word ye said?"

"I'll have you. A well-regarded man, a clan leader who's loyalty is to the crown still... I'm telling you, I can do it. I just need you to help me. Help me help him."

He looks down at his hands. I watch his thumb rub against a scar on his index finger. "It would be at least a week to Edinburgh, if that's where he's being held."

"He is. I found out just minutes ago," I say. "It would be a few weeks away but- I know Lachlan would be indebted to you for this."

He shakes his head with a stiff smile, and rests his hand over mine on my lap. "Nay, he'll be indebted to ye."

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