6 - "Their Unhappy Family Reunion"

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Cilia firmly banged on the apartment door, anxiously tapping her left leg. She was standing outside of the apartment that Iris said she lived in. Cilia wasn't really excited, she was nervous. She was hoping the guy wasn't some big, abusive, aggressive dude that was holding her sister captive. Cilia wouldn't hesitate to fight either way but it would make it much easier if he wasn't.

She knocked again after five seconds hardly giving anyone inside a chance to come out. Cilia continued to look down at the address on the paper like it would somehow change while she impatiently waited. Just as she was about to knock again the doorknob turned and the door opened. Cilia brushed past the person without even looking up and walked inside.

"I'm looking for my sister Iris." She said reading the address again. "Iris!" She then shouted, looking around the place. "Iris where are you I'm here! Iris?!"

"Excuse me." The dude, taking a step forward.

Cilia moved away from him without even looking, still shouting. "Iris! Iris where are you come on!"

Cilia was pretty sure the entire building could hear her, but she didn't give a fuck. She was gonna make all the noise she had too until she got her sister.


Not a second later Iris came from the back, her eyebrows furrowed as she slowly walked into the living room, her eyes darting around. "Cilia?" She called softly. "Cilia is that you, what's the matter?"

Cilia gasped and dropped the paper, rushing over to her sister. She was the spitting image of her still and that was one of the major concerns Cilia had. She always wondered if her sister had gotten bigger or if she lost weight. Did she develop scars or body mutilations? Cilia grabbed Iris in a tight hug as tears ran down her face. She couldn't remember the last time she cried, it had to be the the second day she got to juvie and reality hit that she had really been separated from her sister. She didn't even cry the first time Tom raped her. Crying was something she couldn't do that easily.

Cilia sniffled, pulling away to look at her sister. Her skin was still soft and beautiful with not a scar in sight. "Are you ready? Come on we gotta go." Cilia rushed, pulling her sister's hand as she walked them toward the door.

"Woah woah woah Cilia go where, what are you doing calm down." Iris rushed out in one breath, pulling out of her sister's hold.

"What do you mean where are we going. You're not staying here Iris let's go!" She shouted, yanking her this time as she continued to the doorway.

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