Episode 17: Bad Men

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I continued to yell for him but knew it was no use.

I could barely see what was in front of me as I walked forward.
Every sound made me flinch and jump in that direction.
I could feel myself getting further from the real world, I was slipping away.

I heard a small voice but could see no one.


The sound of branches breaking forced me to quickly turn and see where the voice was coming from.


"You need to hide..."
She said, but her voice still seemed so far away.

"How do I get out? El, please you have to help me!"

I went to her only to have my hand slide right through her shoulder.
She wasn't really here, she was connecting with me from the other side.

"Hide... We will find you."

She disappears into the darkness and I'm left alone.
Alone with the monster that took will and killed Barb.
I couldn't let it win.


"El are you okay?"
She jumps and opens her eyes, quickly coming back to reality


"Nancy is hiding? Is she okay?"
I ask as She nods her head.
I feel my heart rate slow down knowing that she was okay.
At least she was for now.

"So what do we do?"
Lucas asks as Will quickly gets up.

"I can't go back..."
I look at Will as he nervously plays with a menu.

he was right. We couldn't put him
Through that again.
We needed to find Nancy, but that would mean putting ourselves in danger as well.

"Well if we have the wrist rocket we can fight it off!"
Dustin says sarcastically earning a shove from Lucas.

"Guys come on we have to focus!"
I say as they continue to bicker about stupid things.

I see them both slam against the back of the booth as El wipes her nose.

"Seriously? That's so not fair!"
Dustin yells as she smirks at him.

"My brother."
Will says as he quickly gets up.

I say confused on why Jonathan would be any help, then remembering he's dealt with the upside down before.

"He can help! He will know where to look."
Will says as he starts to get up from the table.

He grabs the phone and starts to dial, I quickly grab it from him and throw it down.

"Are you crazy? What if your Mom answers? She would make you come home immediately!"

"Well what are we supposed to do then?"

I feel El grab my hand and quickly turn to her.
I see the reflection of headlights in her eyes and turn to see three cars pulling into the lot.

Leave it to Dustin to speak for everyone!

I pull El out of the booth with me as we all rush to the back of the diner.

I hear the door slam open as footsteps were quickly heard all around us.

"El no!"
I reach for her as she gets up but she pushes me away.

I knew she could fight them off, but it hurt me to see what it did to her.


"Officer!! Officer Hopper... Hopper! Open up, I need your help!"
I continue to slam my fists on the door, knowing he was home.


"What the hell do you want kid?"
He asks as the door finally swings open. I walk in and try to collect my thoughts, trying to understand what happened.

"Jonathan... What's going on?"

"The boys and Eleven, they're ummm they went missing. Or ran away... We aren't sure. And Nancy..."

"What about Nancy?"

I cringe when I think about what happened. If I would've stayed with her none of this would've happened.

"Jonathan... What happened?"
He asks again, knowing he won't be happy with the answer.

"It took her."
I say as his eyes grow wide.
I didn't need to explain, he knew exactly what I meant.

Without a response he grabs his keys and throws on his jacket.

"Well let's go!"


I watch as the bad men turn the corner knowing we had a chance to get away.

I motion for the boys to go towards the door but they don't move.
I see their expressions change and Mike quickly jumps up and runs towards me.

"El run!"

I turn around to see three guns pointed at me, I know I should run but I couldn't.

I focus as the guns fling to the floor.

"Let me go!"
I see Will struggling to get away and feel the anger growing inside me.

I hear myself scream but feel as if it's not apart of me.
I raise my hands as the guns follow, pointing straight towards the men who caused all this.

I see Mike standing by the door as the others quickly join him.

I knew he didn't want me to do it, but if I didn't they would just come after us again.

I close my eyes as the shots are fired.
I hear their bodies hit the ground as the blood drips from my nose.

I open my eyes but everything is spinning.

I call to him knowing I was too weak to walk.

"It's okay El... We got you."

I feel his arms around me as I'm pulled off my feet.

"We need to get out of here!"
Lucas says as I feel myself drifting away.

The cold air hits my face and I feel Mike quickly stop.

I remember a car door opening and a familiar voice.

"Get in!"

Before I drifted off into the darkness.

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