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It was such a long, hard day. You were so tired and slightly depressed. You walked into your apartment and threw your keys to the side not caring where they landed.

From up stairs you could hear the sound of guns going off and your boyfriend yelling. You smiled to yourself and flung your bag onto the couch. It was heavy filled with the books and notepad from your university courses. You had so much homework. You thought that maybe you should get to work but you were hungry.

You thudded to the kitchen and threw open the refrigerator. Rummaging through the contents, there wasn't much left and you made a mental note to go shopping soon. All you could find was milk, apples and some grapes. Along with the usual condiments and a few sodas. You sighed and slammed the door shut.

You made a steady stream for the pantry. Finding a can of soup. You smiled and grabbed it. Making it and sitting down at the kitchen table to eat. You lifted your spoon to bring it to your mouth when you seen a figure turn the corner. It was Nate.

"Hey!" Nate said cheerfully, kissing your cheek, "You been home long?" he asked grabbing one of the cans of soda.

"Nope" you said not as cheery as Nate. You continued to eat. The food tasting bland.

"What's wrong babygirl?" Nate asked coming up behind you an placing his hand on your back, looking down at you with concern filling his eyes. He wasn't used to seeing you like this.

"Nothing" You say shrugging his hands off your back.

"Um...okay" Nate said backing away, his hands in the air surrendering. He shook his head in wide confusion, but didn't push it. Instead he took his drink and went back upstairs.


Later that night you decided to finally go upstairs. You climb the stairs and enter your bedroom. You find Nate reading a book, which is surprising. You raise an eyebrow but move to the closet, pulling out at lace night gown.

Nate's eyes shifted up from his book. And he watched you. He took in how beautiful you looked as you slipped your night gown on. His bottom lip found it's in between his teeth and he closed his book, sitting up. He threw back his blanket and stood up. His legs popping and he stretched.

Nate slowly, like a hunting tiger, moved towards you. His cold hands, tracing your back, and sliding down your body, resting on your hips.

You jumped a little. You looked up in the mirror on your wall just as Nate placed a kiss on your neck.

"Baby, please tell me what's wrong" he said making eye contact with you through the looking glass hanging on his wall.

His lips left a cool, refreshing sensation on your neck that spread through out your body. You shivered, wanting more.

"I'm...just stressed" you whispered finally turing around, your hands rested on his pecks and you looked down at your fingers that were tracing imaginary designs on his skin.

You felt Nate's hand find its way under your chin, slowly lifting your head, so he could see your beautiful face.

"Sweetheart, let me be the one to make you feel like your flying" he whispered, while moving his lips down towards your's.

You matched his pace, interlocking your lips. The kiss was blissful. Your lips melted together in perfect harmony.

Nate's hands moved up your back, and your's moved to his neck. Nate started to walk backwards towards the bed, falling down onto the soft sheets, you on top of him.

The kiss continued. Passion exploded with each movement. Your hands inched their way up his body to caress his face, at first it was soft strokes, but as his tongue explored your mouth, in the most gentle way possible, your fingers gripped his face. And that's when Nate flipped you over. And he broke the kiss.

You were light headed and so...turned on. "Nathaniel, please, make love to me" you said looking up into his eyes.

Nate only nodded & he smoothly took off your night gown, he tossed it behind him. He took of his boxers and threw them away. He turned back you and with no warning, pushed himself inside. His memeber, having little trouble sliding past your walls. Dipping inside of you.

Moans fell past your trembling lips. It felt so incredibly amazing to have him inside of you. Your finger gripped his bulging biceps. Your nails breaking his skin. As he thrust harder and deeper inside of you.

"Gosh, Nathaniel..." you moaned your neck extending and your eyes fluttering up to the ceiling. You felt your hands drifting up his sides, your nails scratching Nate, marking him.

The only noise coming from Nate was his heavy breathing, he was watching your facial expressions. Smiling when he made your lips part and words escape.

"You are so beautiful" he muttered finally. His thrust still strong.

You couldn't muster a wordy reply, ecstasy filled your mind when you felt your bitter sweet orgasm approach. You clenched your walls, a small indication that your "little death" was arriving.

Nate smirked as he slowed down, so his manhood could reach the very back of your womanhood.

"Please, kiss me" you mumbled & Nate lent down to kiss you again. That's when you let go.

There was no sound that came from you, but your face said it all & Nate pulled away just in time.

Your eyes squeezed shut and you held your breath. Trying to maintain your euphoric experience. It felt oh so good & you bit your lip.

Then when you opened your eyes all you seen was the angel before you.

Nate Garner Dirty ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now