Chapter One

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It was just another typical day for Kiara Aliqua, except the fact that it had been almost three weeks since three students at her school had gone missing. Not that she had ever interacted with them, but they disappeared one night without a trace leaving the whole school in shock and confusion. Still, classes went on as the students were being searched for.

Kiara stood next to her crew, Nathan Richards and Maxwell Ross, waiting for her turn in the simulator. She watched the previous group exit the simulator and listened to the teacher bark "Aliqua, Richards, Ross, your turn."

Kiara followed her crewmates into the simulator and took her place at the driver's seat. She bucked in herself in and started up the simulator.

"All ready for takeoff?" she asked her crew.

"Yes," they replied.

The count down started and they were blasted into space. She flew them to Kerberos, where Maxwell proceeded to locate the distress signal.

"Watch out how you fly this thing Kiara," Nathan said.

"Got it, I haven't failed you guys yet," she smirked and flew above the overhang.

She positioned them right above the distress signal and landed. They "picked up" whoever was there and took off back to Earth.

When they were done, the words "Simulation Successful" flashed on the screen and they got out.

"Well done cadets," the teacher congratulated them. "You were our last group, everyone is dismissed for the weekend, remember exams are Monday."

The students left the classroom and Kiara waved goodbye to her friends. She followed the five other students that lived in the area out the door and walked to the bike rack.

She unlocked the bike and put the lock in her backpack, then climbed on her bike and started to pedal home.

Kiara was about five minutes from home, when she got off her bike. She had reached the old mines, a very fragile place to be riding, so she instead walked along with her bike next to her. She had walked this path many times, but this time she felt some energy coming from somewhere that she just couldn't explain.

"Just one peek," she said, resting her bike on the signpost. "I must see what's going on."

Kiara walked over to the KEEP OUT sign and slipped under it. She walked into the tunnels and saw some strange markings on the wall, covered in dust. She brushed off some of it to get a better look, when everything started to glow orange and the strange energy felt stronger and it was leading her somewhere.

She felt the energy as it lead her down a path into a large chamber that had a large metal orange lion in it. She gasped as she stared at the massive forcefield surrounding it, and in front of the forcefield, was a pod draped in a tarp.

Kiara walked up to the pod and pulled off the tarp, and saw a control panel on the side. The buttons seemed to be in some strange language, and she pressed a few to see what would happen. Suddenly, the pod's clouded glass dissapeared and a girl with navy hair and a black dress with a white corset fell out. Kiara jumped back as the girl stood up.

There was something interesting about the girl, she had pointy elf like ears instead of normal ears.

"Who are you? What year is it? Where am I?" the girl asked.

Kiara didn't know what else to do, then respond. "I'm Kiara Aliqua, you are on Earth and it's the year 2016," she said.

The girl studied her and processed what she just said. "10,000 years in that pod? Wow! Oh, I'm Astra by the way, I'm from the now destroyed planet of Altea."

"What's Altea?"

"Earthlings know nothing of planets out of their system," Astra said, crossing her arms. "It's a planet a long length away from here, but it was destroyed 10,000 years ago."

Kiara nodded, beginning to understand the story. "And what's that metal lion behind you?"

"The orange lion, the non essential and first working variant of Voltron," Astra said. "Speaking of which, how did you find it or me?"

"I-I don't know, I was coming back from school and I felt a strange feeling near the mines and I decided to check it out. Then the walls started glowing orange and it lead me here," Kiara sad.

"I see, try to enter that particle barrier, I wonder if it means what I think it means."

"What?! Won't I get electrocuted?"

"Just try it, trust me."

"I've only known you for less than five minutes, but I guess this will work," Kiara said and walked into the particle barrier.

The second she touched it, it faded into nothingness the lion lowered its head and opened its mouth. Astra cheered as part of the lion's jaw folded out.

"It works!! Hooray!" she smiled and reached into her pod, pulling out a small pouch that she attached to her corset. "Get in!"

Kiara shrugged and walked in, soon followed by Astra, who grabbed some pouches and a sack from the back of the pod. Kiara sat on a seat, that pushed her into a cockpit.

Astra stepped in behind her. "What are you waiting for?" she asked as the lion closed its mouth.

"You want me to fly this?!" she asked, brushing her bangs off of her face.

Astra nodded, "I will explain everything I know, just start this thing!"

Kiara sighed and pushed what felt like the start button, and the lion took flight

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