You know, I never was a person coming to strangers and saying "Hi, how are you?" and looking friendly at them. But in the same way I was just a cute little kid like everyone else was, happy, playing with her toys, loving the world around me und living in a nice, happy, friendly world.
During the last few years everything really changed, exspecially things in my head. I learned so many things, I got more open to the world and the things that happen outside there every second. I learned to think about different things, ask what's behind and trying to see all the aspects that were possible. I started to be happy noticing, that I was happy and why I was happy.
But with all those positive things the negative things came into my world, too. From one moment to the other I noticed so many new things, with the good things like joy also the bad ones came and suddenly the world stopped to be the happy, bright place it once used to be. Suddenly I saw how horrible people could be, how easy and without any shame they break and destroy everything around them, alive or not. Live started to be a fight against everyone trying to get you down and break you to the last little piece you are. So I left the world you're in, looked back, locked myself in a safe place like a snail in its house and watched the fights raging on outside. But people are not like this. You never let me stay in a place of Safety, I can't count the times you destroyed my house and the times I built it up again. At the end I don't really know if I gave up or if I'm still fighting with a tiny rest of energy. At one time in my life I broke and I'm still not sure if these wounds really healed. I don't know, what happens right now and to be honest, I don't know if I'm afraid of that.08|07|16, 05:05

RandomEinfach, weil es mir selbst momentan nicht sehr gut geht und weil ich weiß, dass es noch viele andere da draußen gibt, denen es momentan auch nicht gut geht. Einfach ein paar Gedanken und Dinge, die in dieser Zeit so geschehen.