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Roses are red, and violets aren't really blue

violets are a lie, unlike my feelings for you

and like how roses are forever red,

my feelings for you will forever be unrequited

I see the way you look at her

admiration in your eyes,

She's wonderful and charming, It's really no surprise

and it pains me to see that all we'll ever be

is best friends, and best friends only

I wish I had said

those three words that were so hard to say

because honestly it would've hurt less

then hiding these feelings

that I've tried so long to suppress

but then you didn't really feel the same way

I look up to see that the blue skies now seem gray

and as I held you close on my chest,

while photograph played,

that these feeling weren't gone

these feelings have still stayed

You're happy with her that I understand

because you talk a lot of wishing to be hand-in hand

and I am then reminded

that my love for you will always be unrequited.

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 07, 2016 ⏰

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