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I finally let it go. I finally let her go. It’s like swimming against the current. It exhausts you, you know? And after a while, you just have to let go, and the current will take you home.

Months of living with my new girlfriend has taken her off my mind at last!

I realized that when people walk away from you, let them go. You shouldn’t have to talk them into staying with you, loving you, calling you, caring about you, and coming to see you, because if they really cared about you; they wouldn't be going away in the first place. It was the greatest feeling ever. The truth never set me free so I did it myself.  


One day, my girlfriend and I went hiking in a nearby mountain to visit this lake that has been recently discovered by local forest rangers. My girlfriend loved nature so much, it kind of reminds me of her, but I dismissed the thought of it.

As I parked my car behind the tree beside the lake, I saw a beautiful damsel by the lake taking a bath. I elbowed my girlfriend so she could see but as soon as she looked, the mysterious woman disappeared.

Thinking it was some kind of illusion, I drank some Pepsi and got down the car. I set up the tent because my girlfriend and I decided to camp there since they said it was safe there, also it is now a tourist spot for people who indeed loved nature.

I was reading some of the directories, and it turned out that that lake lead to the ocean. The ocean, the house, that location wherein I left all my beautiful memories along with her.

I shrugged it off, maybe everything was purely coincidental. I could see people taking pictures around the area. It was indeed a beautiful location, no wonder it became tourist spot in our local place, considering that the area holds the secrets of the ocean, they say.

A tourist guide gestures the guests to follow him towards the lake.

"As you can see, this lake is very long because it is connected to the ocean. They say that if you follow this path, it will lead you to an isolated area with a house. This house is abandoned now, although we did find some valuable items like peals and photographs of a man and woman together. Must have been a couple who used to live there. Rumor has it also, that a beautiful siren lives in that area and guards the place. If you infiltrate it, it will lead you to your doom."

I couldn't believe it! A photograph? Maybe it wasn't me and her. Maybe someone else had inhabited that area after I have finally abandoned it. My girlfriend laughs as she listens to him.

"Do you even believe this? Mermaids! Hahaha come on, I may  be a freak when it comes to nature, but magical creatures like those only exist in make-believe stories and fantasies!"

Yeah, mermaids. They only exist in fantasies. In my fantasies.

Who would have thought that this old wound of mine would bleed again at the slightest word.


I felt tired all of a sudden and went inside my tent.

I succumbed into a deep slumber until one moment later, I heard rustling outside my tent. Thinking it was one of those tourists who wanted to explore the area, I went back to sleep. Minutes later, I heard that rustling again. This time, my name was called.


Was I beginning to hear things too?


Meh, this is probably nothing. I'll go back to sleep.

"Please, Andrew"

I got pissed, got up and went out of my tent. I saw no one there. I knew I was hearing things. Maybe I drank too much coffee or something.

As I slid through the tent, there was that voice again, calling out my name. It sounded like it came from the lake. I followed the voice, trying to recall. I swear to God I have heard this voice before.

Somewhere... It reminded me of my past... My past with that  beautiful angelic mermaid I shared my beautiful memories with... 

Is it true?

Has she finally come back for me?

It was too good to come true. Impossible, for someone who has waited this long.

There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.

I followed the lake that lead to this vestige. Washed on a shore of enchanted lies and I am breathless. My home has been always the same. The way I have left it was dirtier and messier, this time it was tidy and spotless.

Perhaps the people who have discovered this place made it a habitable area? Or maybe somebody lives here now? 

I enter the house and find the famous photograph. It was a blurry picture of a man carrying a lady who's face wasn't seen.

It was the way I carried her. Could it really be? I linger around the house. I begin to sob as the memories and flashback come back to haunt me. I miss her so much, it hurts.

How can you even run away from something and still manage to come back to it?

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