Chapter 5

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This is it. Blake had spent countless months researching the perfect school to go to; one that wasn't very expensive since her father simply couldn't afford it, one that offered the program she wanted to study and one that wasn't on the other side of the world. By some god given miracle she had found this community college and she fell in love. She wasn't very picky and learned to settle for things easily plus this campus just felt right when she had visited last fall.

These are all reasons why on that unusually chilly September morning she felt great. She had woken up before her alarm, which seemed almost impossible, and was getting dressed when she could almost hear birds singing outside. Sighing happily she shrugged on a pair of black skinny jeans, a tank top and a soft sweater.

Padding to the kitchen she grabbed her phone, answering a few texts and scrolling through Instagram she began making coffee. Humming quietly, knowing her tattooed roommate liked to sleep in, she started cracking some eggs in a bowl.

After she had finished her breakfast she walked towards the bathroom she shared with Luke with the intention of brushing her teeth. Opening the door though she did not find what she had expected; there stood her roommate butt naked in front of the sink. Shrieking she covered her eyes and turned around still in shock. Meanwhile Luke had grabbed his towel off the floor and closed the door with a slight pink into to his cheeks. After what seemed like an eternity finally Luke cleared his throat and spoke through the door "I am so sorry you had to see that, honestly I thought I had locked the door and usually I'm not up this early so-" he was cut off by Blake's loud laugh. "It's alright Luke, really I should've knocked. You can come out now by the way, it feels strange talking to a door." Chuckling he slowly poked his head out. She could see his cheeks were still red which made her smile. "So I guess have a good first day of school." He said giving her a small reassuring smile. "Thanks roomie." She giggled making her way back into her room. Luke breathed out in relief looking at the ground, why did he have to be so god damn awkward? Just as he was scolding himself he heard Blake calling his name. "Yeah?" He responded, loud enough to be heard in the other room. Poking her head out of her room she smirked suspiciously. "Nice ass."

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