•Chapter 26: Christmas Party

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•Chapter 26: Christmas Party

Sam's POV

Its been a month or so since Olivia hid Jeff and everyone, minus Rick, have been watching her everytime she comes round. I once noticed her watch Harry with Jeff and smirking as they walked by. I never trusted her. Anyway, everyone's on Christmas break at the moment but it's still 11 days till actual christmas day which has all the little kids excited.

I was sitting in mine and Tees room on my phone texting Andre. We have been dating for over a month and he asked me to be his girlfriend on our 3rd date. He's great, he isn't as bad as everyone things he is. I was sending him a message when Tee bursts through the door. I drop my phone in shock and hits the floor with a thud.
"Tee. Give me a bit of warning next time" I say reaching over the side of the bed and picking up my phone.
"Sorry" she says, "but guess what Mike just said". I shrugged my shoulders as I sent Andre a message.
"Mike said we are gonna have a Christmas party this year. We are gonna have it here with friends from school and everything" she said while smiling so big it looked like it hurt. I put my phone down and looked at her, "as in a party with people outside the dumping ground. He's never let us do that and please stop smiling like that you look like the joker". She whispered a sorry and stops smiling as big.

"Does that mean I can invite Becca, Hayley, Marcus and Andre?" I ask which she nods at.
"Cool" I says to her before she skips out the room, probably to tell everyone else. I pick up my phone and text Becca, Hayley and Marcus first saying, 'hey guys Mike is letting us have a Christmas party and you are invited xxx'.

I waited about 30 seconds I got their replys, 'im in', 'cool', "Yay! Party!'. I grinned at their replys before texting Andre, 'hey Andre, the dumping ground is having a Christmas Party and I was wondering if you will come as my date? Xxx'.

I got a response straight away which said, 'I'd love too. Tell me when and I'll be there xx'. I grinned at his text before getting off the bed and going downstairs to find out when the party is.


It's December 19th and the Christmas party is starting in about an hour. It's a very formal event, dresses, suits but most of the boys swapped their suit trousers for black skinny jeans. I decided to wear a blue dress with black belt. I did my makeup a bit different than I usually do and I I'm wearing heels. I left my hair slightly curly but I thought it looked nice. (Outfit at side)

By the time I was done it was time for the party to start and I could hear the guests arriving. I headed out the door and downstairs to find Marcus and Hayley talking to Mike.
"Well don't you two look nice" I say walking down the stairs. They look up at me and smile.
"Thank you" Hayley says and poses.
"You look great Sam" Marcus says to me. I smile at him before Becca walks through the door. Hayley whistles at her, "hottie over here". She blushes but still laughs.

Becca is wearing a short red, Peter pan collared dress with black boots. Her pair is in a fishtail plait and looks really pretty. She has bits of jewellery here and there too.

Hayleys wearing a dark green dress which is longer at the back than the front with black heels on too like me. Her hairs in a bun and lots of rings on, a necklace and bracelets.

Marcus is wearing black skinnys with a pair of grey converse. He has a black blazer on over a light grey shirt. His hair is like normal, a mess but he rocks it.

I stood talking to Becca while Hayley and Marcus go find the food because they are always hungry. We were talking for about 5 minutes before Andre walks through the door. He was wearing a pair of black skinnys, a tight white shirt, a leather jacket and a pair of doc Martins. I stared for a second before I was hit in the arm by a giggling Becca.
"Shut up" I whispered at her before she walked of to find Hayley and Marcus.
"You look gorgeous" Andre says as he stands infront of me. I blush and look down.
"Thanks". Andre takes my hand and we head towards the party.


It's about 10:30pm and some of the younger guests have left. It's mostly the high schoolers left. I was standing in the kitchen with Marcus talking and eating crisps.
"Can't they change the song?" Marcus whined while a song from a girl group played. I rolled my eyes and ate another crisp.
He continued to whine until I felt a hand on my waist. I turn round to see Andre.
"Hey" I say to him.
"Hello" he said smiling.
"You alright mate?" Marcus says while stuffing his face. I giggle at him before Andre says, "Yeah....great" and takes my hand and leads me out the kitchen. I look back at Marcus who waves and continues eating.

We get into the living room where mostly everyone is. I snatch my hand back and say, "that was rude, you know?".
He shrugs him shoulders and responds with, "I don't want you talking to other boys on your own".
My eyebrows raise at this, "It's Marcus. He's my friend".
"I don't care".
"Don't you trust me".
"Course I do".
"Well it doesn't sound like it". He doesn't say anything for a second which causes me to turn my heel and head out the room. I walk up the corridor, to the stairs and sit half way up. I sigh and run a hand through my hair.

"You alright Sam?" I hear I voice say. I look up to see Rick standing at the bottom of the stairs holding a cup of something.
"Could be better" I sigh. He starts to walk up the stairs to where I am and sits next to me.
"Anything I could help with?".
"Depends. Can you get my boyfriend to trust me and let me talk to Marcus?".
"He doesn't trust you?". I shake my head and put my hands under my chin.
"To be honest my girlfriend isn't perfect either tonight" I look at him and motion for him to continue, "she hasn't talked to me all night and won't stop talking to Johnny's friend".
"Oh. The tall Italian one" I say to annoy him. He groans at me which I laugh at.
"Don't worry. She really likes you, she just has a funny way of showing it" I say taking his drink and having a sip. I cringe and say, "Dr. Pepper? That's horrible". I give it back and he puts it on the floor next to him. We sat in silence for awhile.
"If you have a relationship, shouldn't you feel better than I do right now? I mean the whole night I talked to everyone apart from Olivia except for one conversation and I think I've had more fun sitting here than with her" he says before looking at me. I grinned slightly and nod, "same". We sat looking at eachother before looking away. I sat listening to the music when it changes to 'secret love song' by little mix. I grinned and hummed along. I starting thinking about the lyrics and glanced at Rick. He turned his head towards me a second later and I looked into his eyes. I don't know how it happened but the next second he and I were leaning in.

Usually when this happens something interrupts us but this time nothing did. When our lips touched it felt like the first time we kissed. The butterflies in my stomach began and I smiled into the kiss. One of his hands hands moved to my waist while one of my mine went to his shoulder. We continued to kiss until Rick knocking over his drink broke us apart.

I kept my eyes closed and let a breath. I opened my eyes to find Rick looking straight at me.
"Um....I..." Rick looked lost for words but it didn't last long because we heard footsteps coming closer to us. Rick suddenly stood up, grabbed my hands and pulled me upstairs. He pulled me to his and Tyler's room. My back was against the door whilst he lent over me and listened through the door. He let out a breathe he had as the footsteps went past the door.

I was looking up at him when he looked down at me, even in heels I'm smaller than him.
"Sam...um...." Rick began but I shook my head at him before kissing him again. My hands went around his neck and his either side of me, leaning on the door.

We know we shouldn't do this...but what the hell.

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