Chapter 5 - Why

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Joshua's POV

Heeyeon and Woozi came back from the First-Aid Room.

They are laughing together.

They look good together.

They made me want to hit something.

"That's call jealousy,"said a voice behind me. I turned and see Jeonghan walking towards me, beaming.

"W...what?"I stuttered.

He put an arm around me and repeated, "JEA-LOU-SY!!"

I rubbed my eardrum and said, "I heard what you said!"

"You're jealous Josh,"he said, looking up at the sky. "You like Heeyeon! Its so obvious."

Do I really like her? M...maybe I do.

"I don't know..."I said.

Jeonghan sighed and said, "Just wait and you'll see. Maybe the answer will come to you then."


Yuju's POV

We are now around the campfire. Mr. Han left and told us to play games on our own until he comes back.

We decided to play 'Truth or Dare'.

Lame~ I know.

But it turns out quite exciting.

After Woozi ate a full spoon of wasabi, he hit Mingyu, who ask him to ate it, with Joshua's guitar. It was hilarious.

Then he put back down Joshua's guitar and asked him, "Ayo, Jisoo, truth or dare?"

"Dare,"answered Joshua confidently

"Okay!"said Woozi, standing up since he's excited.

"I dare you to kiss one of the girls here," he said as he laughed at the stunned Joshua.

"On the lips?"he asked.

"No, we can't let you steal away someone's first kiss so easily. So just on the cheeks," said Woozi, smirking.

Joshua stood up timidly and looked around. His eyes landed onto Heeyeon, who is now avoiding eye contact with him.

Pick her! Pick her! I chanted inside my brain.

"The ship is sailing~"I heard SinB screaming silently beside me.

But Joshua started walking off towards Seolhyun and pecked her on the cheek.

Oh right! Seolhyun is his cousin!

I saw Woozi's smile turn into a frown. Then he whispered something to Jeonghan who was next to him.

Probably failed their plan. The whole school knows they are brilliant matchmakers.

They are so good that you won't know when are they matchmaking or when are they just being friendly.

Well, of course, their plans failed sometimes.

The Suzy and Lee Minho couple in the other class is also their masterpiece. They are probably working on the Joshua and Heeyeon couple now.

I see that Jisoo didn't fall into the trap this time. Its way too obvious!

The crowd just keep quiet cuz they obviously know that its no fun.

I saw Heeyeon staring at the space in front of her without blinking. A bit of sadness on her face. She don't know Seolhyun is his cousin though.

And Joshua sat back down, glanced at Heeyeon once more before looking away, with a bit of guilt on his face.

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