Chapter 9 - Done

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Joshua's POV

Heeyeon-a do you hear me?

Wait for me.

I will be there.

"Where did you bring Heeyeon?" I shouted into the phone.

"What? Pffft. Why do you even care? I gave you a week and you failed to let go. That means, I have her fate in my hands. I told you didn't I?" my father said in the phone.

Tears started to form in my eyes. I blinked it away and breathed deeply, "Where did you take her? ANSWER ME!!"

Even me, myself is shocked by my words. I never talked to my dad like that.

"Tut tut, so rude," my dad said with disgust. "Who are you to be so impolite to me?"

I fell silent.

"Don't you try and find her, son," he said slowly. "Its useless to..."

Before he can say another word, I heard screaming in the background.

That scream is familiar.


"Thanks dad," I said before hanging up the phone.

So dad is with Heeyeon. All I have to do is track his phone...before he turns it off.

I rushed home, which is just a block away, and wrenched open my laptop almost immediately.

123-45678... I typed and in seconds, the location popped up.

I captured the name before it fades out.

Good. I got the location before dad switches off his phone.

'Daiyi Factory'

Don't worry,Heeyeon.

I'm coming.

Mr. Hong's POV

Ok, now what? Joshua nows where we are.

"Raymond," I called into the room," Leave now. With Heeyeon."

"Like this?" he asked, looking at the terrified Heeyeon then to me.

"Yes," I said, knowing the number of clothes they're wearing, "Joshua's coming! Go!"

He immediately tied Heeyeon with a rope and stuck her mouth with a tape. He then dragged her out of the room and towards the exit.

Heeyeon's POV

I cried as the man pulled me by my hair. It hurts.

I felt the chilly wind blowing onto my bare skin. Its cold.

I kept replaying what Mr. Jong said just now.

"Joshua's coming! Go!"

He's coming.

I felt excited for his arrival. Embarrassed for him seeing me in such few clothes(underwears). Worried that he can't even make it.

As these mixed emotions bubbled inside me, I felt myself banging onto the cold wall as Mr. Hong opened the main door of the factory.

Between sobs, I saw a black figure blocking the way and Mr. Hong looked shocked.

The figure moved into the light and I saw his face at last.

Joshua. He came.

"ABEOJI(dad)!!!!" I heard him shout as he came inside and slammed the door shut.

He saw me and he immediately barked, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!"

He rushed towards me as he take off his scarf and coat. He put them on me and I felt much warmmer.

"Let go of her," said Joshua as he glared at the man who grabbed my hair.

"Why should I?"he asked in a horrible manner. I felt the man pulling my hair harder and I flinched at the sudden pain as tears continue to stream.

"Let go! NOW!"Joshua shouted.

The man just chuckled and pulled my hair stronger.

"You innnocent child Not everything in the world works according to you,"he said. "You must think that I will listen to you beacuae you are Mr. Hong's son, right?"

Joshua didn't move or speak. And in few seconds, I heard a big 'BAM!' and the man was laying on the floor.

I looked up and saw Joshua holding his fist, glaring at the man.

"Jo...Joshua!"exclaimed Mr. Hong in shock.

"What? Haven't seen me punching anyone before? Shocked to see how far your son will go?" Joshua asked as Mr. Hong stood there, surprised.

"Now let me tell you a little something, dad," he continued. "Anyone, anyone touch the girl I loved, will see the wild me, just like what I am right now."

I felt my heart skip a beat and I looked at Joshua weakly.

"Ji...Jisoo-a," whispered his dad as he dropped onto his knees.

"I will not marry Kim Hyuna. Never!"he shouted. "And don't you dare lay a finger on Heeyeon, or else, I will tell the world your biggest secret."

"No! No! Not that secret!" cried Mr. Hong.

"Why not? You controlled my life for 17 years. Isn't that enough? I don't want you to even decide on my wife that I have to spend for the rest of my life. Why can't I enjoy something I really love? You rejected all my dreams, just for the sake of your company. What am I to you? A dong that can be trained? But don't forget you, yourself is doing something that insults the Hong group too. Want me to show it to you now?" asked Joshua.

Mr. Hong was silent for quite a long time. Then after the long pause, he finally said, "How much should I give you to seal your mouth shut?"

"Money! That's what you think I need?"he exclaimed. "My request is simple. Just let me live a normal life. A life with my own choices."

"Son... I'm sorry...for making your life hard in the past years," Mr. Hong said in a soft voice.

Joshua just nodded and came to me.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, you okay? You seems so cold! Come on, let's go and get you dressed," he said gently.

I just nodded and closed my eyes.

When I open them, we were in the car.

My body felt so numb that I didn't even know we went inside a car.

Then, I heard sobbing. I turned around with all my might and saw Joshua crying beside me.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah..." he answered as he brushed his tears away. "Its just that... I never talked to my dad so impolitly before. I sorry. Even he may be only thinking of the company instead of me, he is my father."

A tear rolled down his cheek and onto his sweater.


Sooooooooooo sorry for the laaaaaaate update🙏🙏

Cuz my status these few weeks is: busy

I am thinking of ending the story soon, so, yeah:))

Hope you enjoy it! Vote and comment!

Annyeong~ see you in the next chapter!

Ps. Did you watch 'W' and 'Let's Fight Ghost'? Its marvelous!!!!<3333

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