Friday - Part 1

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Lexa stood in front of the mirror. She had been looking at her own reflection for quite a while, taking notice of every shade and curve whether it had been enhanced or not. She wasn't foolish - she could see the appeal. She was medium height, fairly muscular, she had a strong jaw and piercing eyes. She was very well aware of her effect on people, especially when she put her mind to affecting them. It was the mystery in her that often drew girls in, but it was the kindness and humility that they fell for. The two later being aspects of her personality that she couldn't really turn off, even though it would have saved a handful of broken hearts. She wasn't proud of it, although she tried not to blame herself since she was honest about not being interested in the long run.

Her reflection was hard. Cold. Dark. The black fabric of that sleeveless shirt hugged her breasts just the right way and showed off that grand pattern of flowers she got tattooed a few months earlier. It was a gift from Costia. A last distraction. Her eyes were painted hard with black eyeliner and maroon eye shadow. Light and bright had never been her thing.

She could see the flash of the mobile screen in the mirror and knew instinctively that it was Clarke calling, probably to get her to hurry up and come get her. Patience wasn't one of the blonde's traits. Lexa took one last glance of her outfit in the mirror, a second to gather her senses, before she stepped over to the bed to retrieve her phone.

"Alexandria Woods you better be in your car", came Clarke's voice through the device, confirming that it was the blonde was in a hurry.

"Would it hurt you to say 'hey Lexa, what are you doing'?".

Clarke sighed heavily. "Hey", she then said and put a smile over Lexa's lips.

"Good girl".

Clarke scoffed on the other line and the sound made Lexa's lips twitch. "Are you on your way?", the blonde then asked with a softer voice.

Lexa made sure to turn off the light as she left her room, then every other light she walked passed on her way to the front door. The house was empty besides for her and would most definitely be until she returned. It wasn't uncommon. All through Lexa's upbringing had the house stood more empty than not. That was just how things were. She locked the door carefully. The night is chilly but welcomed, Lexa sure needed some time to cool off before getting comfortable with the blonde and the state she would most definitely be i within the next few hours.

"I'm getting into the car right now", she informed the blonde as she got into her black Ranger and then closed the car door.

"Great!", came Clarke's reply, which was quickly followed by, "could you hurry up?".

"Why so rushed, Clarke", Lexa laughed.


Lexa huffed as she started the car, the AC immediately turning her whole body into a shiver. She could feel the goose bumps all over her arms and legs.

"Then you should have taken your own car".

"Don't be silly, I'm getting drunk tonight so you have to be my driver", Clarke answered and Lexa couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Ha funny", she said. "I'll be there in ten".

"Put me on speaker".

Lexa did as she was asked and placed her phone on the dashboard in front of her. She pulled out of the driveway to the sound of Clarke singing in the background. The green eyed girl couldn't distinguish which song it was, but the mere sound of the blonde's voice was good enough for her. It was beautiful.

"How's Raven getting there by the way? Are we picking her up?".

Clarke's singing stopped and Lexa glanced down at her phone to see that they were still connected to the call.

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