Friday - Part 3

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Three hours later and Lexa had a lump in her throat. Her eyes were glued to the blonde, whose body moved effortlessly to the music. The swaying of her hips had Lexa feeling faint. The air was heavy with smoke and sweat. Much like the other times the green eyed girl had agreed to be the designated driver for the night she felt an increasing need to settle her thirst, to dim the light, to drown in someone. She had long since gotten rid of shame and regret, none of it bothered her the morning after as long as she had successfully distracted herself. And in that particular moment, as the blonde let her own hands follow the curves of her body, Lexa wanted someone to make her lungs scream for air. At least that way she would have not felt like actually screaming.

It all took a worse turn when the blonde danced up to a guy, the same guy that had been eyeing her for the last ten minutes. The green eyed girl didn't need a warning - she already knew what would happen next and it made her stomach turn.

It wasn't much of a decision, more of an escape, when she spun around and went out through the first door she could find. The chilly air met her as she stepped out, causing a cold shiver to run along her spine. Her eyes closed immediately and she took in the feeling of her skin cooling down, how every inch of her body stopped vibrating and her nerves settled. It was intoxicating - the illusion of being free of her, because in that insignificant moment Lexa truly was free. She knew better than to hope for it to be more than fleeting, after all she had been stuck in that imaginary prison of hers for years.

"It's hot in there isn't it?".

Those emerald green eyes of Lexa's snapped open, they took in the woman standing a few feet in front of her. Luna. The older woman was leaning against the deck railing, Lexa could barely make out her features in careful light from the windows but she could see the burning cigarette between Luna's fingers and how she flicked it against her thumb every other second. The smirk on those intriguing lips though was far from careful and Lexa's chest immediately felt lighter.

"Sure is", she answered and walks over to the other woman, whose eyes followed every step she took.

Lex couldn't quite put her finger on it, all she knew was that the woman in front of her made the tightness around her heart ease. She couldn't figure it out, nor was she interested in doing so in that particular moment.

The two looked at each other, green met brown. Lexa saw the desire within the deep colour of the older woman's gaze, how it intensified and then how Luna bit her lips.

"So I got to ask", she said and Lexa leaned against the deck railing. "That girl, Cl-", Luna started and waved with her hand once she couldn't remember the name.

"Clarke", Lexa filled in.

"Yeah her. Are you two dating?".

Lexa was left stifled by the questioned. She blinked, twice. Her breath caught deep down in her chest. She stumbled over her answer as she came to her senses, "wh- what?".

"She was very protective of you back there", the older woman explained and took a drag.

Lexa shook her head. "Oh that, that's just how she is". Luna hummed at that and offered her the cigarette. The smoke was bitter and suffocating when it filled up Lexa's lungs, she could drown in that feeling alone if she let it consume her. "We're best friends", she said, as if that would have explained anything at all.

"So she wouldn't get pissed if I kissed you right now?".

"No". Lexa eyed the other woman, slowly, taking her time to really look at her. She was beautiful. Mysterious. Attractive. She was exactly what Lexa needed. With a subtle move she dropped the cigarette and took one small step forward, she wet her lips and dropped her voice down to a whisper. "But I will if you don't".

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