Dumped by Taco-boy

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The next few days Leo has been hanging out with Elizabeth, while Elise, Caitlin, and I trailed behind. I swear I saw them kiss. Okay, that was it. I had to go see Annabeth.

I ran to the Athena Cabin, crying so hard I probably lost half of the water in my body. I found Annabeth drawing a sketch of a building.

"What's wrong?" Annabeth asked, confused to see me crying.

"Everything," I sobbed through outbursts of tears,"L-Leo has a new g-girlfriend."

Annabeth scanned me with her gray eyes,"Oh, my. You are not lying. He did dump you. I'm so sorry."

"What should I do?" I asked Annabeth, she always is there for me.

"Hmm. I would ask him to pick either one of you. Tell him that you can still be friends with you and date her or the other way around," Annabeth wisely concluded while she gave me a hug.

I wiped the tears from my eyes,"Thanks, Annabeth. You're the best."

"No prob'. Hope it works," Annabeth turned back to her architectural doodles.

I raced back to catch up with the group. I trudged behind as usual.

"What happened?" Elise asked.

"Nothing," I lied.

Finally, I found the opening, and I cornered Leo. The others did not seem to notice.

"Tell me something," I commanded and then in calmer tone I added,"Do you still love me? Wait don't answer that. Who do you choose? Me or her? Tell me now!"

Leo looked dumfounded, astonished that I would be so harsh,"Jeez, calm down. Do I have to choose? Either way I would pick Elizabeth. No offense or anything, but she is so awesome."

I was so shocked,"S-so this is it. Bye, Leo."

I turned and walked away tears were forming in my eyes. How could he do this to me?

"Wait! C'mon, Nat, don't take it seriously. We can still be friends right?" Leo chased after me, his words still stung my ears.

I turned around, tears were falling from my eyes at a constant rate,"If you want me that badly, you could've said something. I'm moving back to the Athena Cabin. Why don't you go ask Elizabeth to go with you. I'm sure she would enjoy that."

This time I walked without Leo following me,"Stupid Aphrodite. Stupid love."

I muttered a few curses in Greek a few times along the way. My covers on my bunk were unmade from the restless sleep last night. They would stay that way and I would not care. All I had with me was a change of clothes and other toiletries.

It was not much, but it was difficult to carry to the Athena Cabin after my distressing day. Just as I left, Annabeth was at a desk in the library sketching wildly. She looked up from her work and a worried look spread across her face.

"It didn't work, did it?" asked Annabeth although she already knew the answer.

I shook my head slowly, notifying Annabeth on the answer.

"Well, there's nothing you can do. But, hey, you get to room with me," I looked at her funny. Annabeth responded as if reading my thoughts,"Percy talks too much in his sleep. As much as I like him, it bothers me."

"Oh, I, see. Annabeth, do you have any book suggestions? Reading helps me feel better," I wiped the water off of my face.

Annabeth scuttled over to the bookshelf and pulled off two gigantic books that looked more like dictionaries.

"Personally, I would start out with 'Moby Dick' then move to 'Romeo and Juliet', but you can read them the other way around," suggested Annabeth.

I plopped myself down on my old bed which was bumped up against a window. I always liked getting sucked into staring out the window at little birds. I opened up the cover of the first book, but never started reading. Instead I got up and picked up a notebook and pencil.

My hand raced ambitiously as I drew a picture of my window. Drawing was what I do when I need to clear my mind, or when I'm just bored. It turns out I draw better in these two situations. Annabeth peered over my shoulder from nowhere.

"That's a pretty good drawing. Are you feeling better? You were so into your masterpiece I decided not to tell you that it was time for dinner, so here you go," Annabeth handed me a plate of mac 'n' cheese with a side salad and a bottle of water.

I ate in silence as Annabeth watched me eat. I was starting to get tired, but I still stayed up anyway.

Annabeth interrupted the silence in the cabin, for all the campers were at the fire,"Hey, you know what will cheer you up?"

"What?" I questioned knowing what it was already from screams outside the building.

"Capture the flag!" Annabeth over exaggerated.

"Yay, but I'm already better. Leo won't forget me, trust me on this one," I confidently confided,"I'm going to bed now."

Annabeth laid down on her bed, which was located close to mine. I tucked myself in and once I hit my pillow, I was out like a light.

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