Not Welcome in Ogygia

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I has been hours since we left Camp Half-Blood. The sea was so desolate without any fun nor warmth. Elise had gotten tired of controlling the ship with her magic, and just fallen asleep right on the deck. I was huddled up against Leo with his jacket around both of us.

My lips quivered from the cold, and were chapped from thirst. The cold wind was biting at my skin. I shivered feverishly though Leo's warmth helped.

"Want some tacos?" questioned Leo.

"Sure," I spoke with difficulty as I edged closer to him.

Leo reached into his pockets and pulled out tacos for two. The salt stung the cracks in my lips but i pushed my way through. After eating, Leo spontaneously pulled me into a thorough kiss. Nothing could prevent this. No salt nor cold could ruin this moment in time.

The temperature gradually got warmer as we cruised along, but I did not notice. Birds flew over the sky, but I did not bother to observe for any sights of land. Elise had woken up, but I ignored her cries for food. Nobody needs could have broken our moment, but natural forces could.

Suddenly the boat was jerked to a sharp stop, an I fell on top of Leo. I got up to prevent awkwardness. My head turned to see what had caused such a horrible stop, and what I say amazed me.

We were stranded on the most beautiful island ever! Everything was so natural like man-kind had not disturbed a thing. A perfectly golden beach lay before us and a forest lay over yonder beyond the seashore. All of us were in awe, but Leo looked like this was totally an everyday sight.

"Welcome to Ogygia," Leo greeted us with his hands in an open gesture.

Leo and I lugged all our things off the boat while Elise munched on some lunch. After we finished, we shoved tacos down our throats, and headed towards the forest. We each carried a magical camp bag with all our stuff fit into them. It was bottomless so it could hold everything you could dream.

It was hours since we left the beach. Specks of light started to cross the horizon into night sky. Just when I thought my legs were going to fall off, we arrived at a cave. Not just any cave, this cave was at a beach with a full garden and pathway. I cannot believe we had hiked all the way across the island.

Out of the cave came a teenage girl just a few years younger than me, yet she radiated lots of power. Once she saw us, she raced down and hugged Leo which made me boil inside.

"You came back for me! I always knew you would," she greeted him like an old friend which made me start to wonder what had happened between those two.

It was just like Elizabeth. Chills raced down my back, and I began doubting my relationship with Leo.

Leo just stared at what I guessed was Calypso,"Well, yeah. I promised. Are we still going have our business?"

"What business?" I was really jealous now.

Leo was interested in his shoes. In a mute tone he mumbled,"The business that Calypso and I were going to have before we started dating."

Calypso turned towards me and gave me a nasty look,"You are dating her!?"

Now Leo was really trying to focus on his shoes,"Umm, yeah."

"How dare you!" she screamed and turned on her heels,"You have to sleep outside then!"

"But, I came to save you," Leo called after her half-heartily,"Well, I tried. Calypso is a little moody, but she gets better you just wait."

I wanted to say something, but the words coagulated in my throat. Instead, I just said words with my eyes. It stinks having a boyfriend who is so attracting. Girls just Leo.

Elise and I pitched the tent. It was a good thing we brought camping supplies. Leo was sitting by the shore staring up at the constellations. I walked over and sat next to him.

"The tents ready. Aren't you going to sleep?" I said, but never made eye contact. Nowadays Leo gets on my nerves sometimes.

"I know. I'll be there in a second," He answered, and I left even though he did not notice.

I snuck into the tent, unaware of Elise. I might have stepped on her hair a few times, but she stayed sound a sleep. I guess magic wears her out. As soon as I hit my pillow, I was out, but I would not wake up to see daylight. Instead just a knife being stabbed in my chest. By whom? Calypso herself.

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