Stupid Injuries

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Light came flooding through the infirmary's windows. It seeped into my soul and I opened my eyes to the kind face of Leo. Annabeth and Brenna lay on the cots next to me. Percy paced at the bottom of Annabeth's bed mumbling something to himself.

I tried to sit up, but my wound burned in protest.

"Erg, what happened?" I groaned as Leo studied my injury.

He laid my head back on the pillow,"Just rest."

I looked at his dark eyes, and all the memories came running back to me. The Minotaur's loud roar and Leo's kiss. My wound screeched in pain when I thought of the sharp claws grazing my skin. A shiver ran down my spine.

"Can I ask a question?" I asked Leo.

"Sure," hesitated Leo trying to scan any emotions I might be showing, but I am good at hiding them.

"Okay, so you know her,Elizabeth," I asked,"Are you guys really dating?"

Leo looked shocked an I wondered what had happened,"Well, no. No we are not."

"How come?" I edged him on.

In his eyes, Leo ha just given up,"Fine, Elizabeth and Caitlin got offered a spot in the Hunters of Artemis, and Thalia's coming tomorrow to pick them up."

Leo gave me one of those classy smiles that always cheers me up.

"So, what are you saying?" I asked although I already knew where this was going.

"Will you, Natalie Julia Marquess, go out with me?" Leo did not have to ask because he knew what I was going to say.

"Yes, Leo what did you think?" I sarcastically answered though I was very happy to be back together.

Leo brought me into one of the longest kisses I have ever experienced. My gut hurt but I just ignored it. He held my head to bring me closer. When he broke away I looked into his sparkling brown eyes and remembered all the good times we had together.

"I missed you," I whispered.

"Yeah, me too. Elizabeth just wasn't like you," admitted Leo.

Annabeth sat up in her cot,"Whoa, what just happened here?"

"Oh, nothing," I blushed a crimson,"Well, everything. Leo and I are back together."

She looked like she just got hit by a bus,"What!? How come?"

"Long story short. Caitlin and Elizabeth are now Hunters," that was all Leo needed to say for us Athena campers to understand.

"Why the heck does all my friends become Hunters," Annabeth said and looked at me,"You're not going to become one? Are you?"

"No,I couldn't give up Leo for one second," I responded looking up at Leo, and he grinned at me with his childish smile,"Hey, Leo would you mind getting us some tacos?"

He laughed like the little kid I know him by,"Sure, anything else you want, your highness?"

I caught on with the joke,"No, sire. Will you please just get tacos."

"At your service," and with that he left with me smiling.

Percy looked at me and said,"Whoa, you guys are perfect for each other. Well, I better go get some food. Enjoy your tacos."

He left and Brenna sat up in her bed,"I had the weirdest dream there was the Minotaur and the you like took the flag. Then Annabeth stabbed him and he exploded. Was that all real?"

"Yeah, it was," I told her.

"Oh, and then you Leo got back together, but I thought he was dating Elizabeth," Brenna continued with her story.

"Also true," I could not help but smile.

Leo busted through the door with two plates of tacos in each hand.

"Who wants tacos?" He asked us.

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