I Die but Don't Know When

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We munched on our delicious tacos. I never really had a soft spot for tacos, but being with Leo made them taste a whole lot better.

After we ate both trays of tacos Leo questioned me,"Can I tell you something? Don't answer that. I have to tell you anyways. Okay, there is a quest that Phillimedes wants me to go on. I'm going to go rescue Calypso, and I was wondering if you would want to tag along."

I thought about it for a second. This would be my first quest, and probably would not get another opportunity."Yes!" the words just tumbled out of my mouth.

Leo looked so relieved,"Great, Elise is coming, too."

"Why her? You know Percy's been there, right?" I was surprised that Elise out of all people was going on this quest.

"Well, to get there you need magic, and Elise is the master of magic," sophistically stated Leo so matter-o-factly I thought he was joking.

"When are we leaving?" I asked silently praying it was not tomorrow.

"Tomorrow," Leo was suddenly interested in his shoes, and I cursed under my breath.

"Fine, I'll still go," I blurted out. I had no idea where that came from.

Leo left two hours later, and I drifted of to slumber. Obviously, I had some very vivid dreams.

I was standing before the judges of the dead. King Minos and the others discretely discussed my fate.

"Your fate has been decided, Natalie Julia Marquess," boomed Minos,"You have been placed in Elysium, the land of heroes."

That was a relief. I thought I was going to The Fields of Punishment. I was escorted off to the Elysium, and that was when I woke up.

What was that supposed to mean? Really, was I meant to die on this quest? I hoped not.

I glanced at the clock. In blazing green numbers it read "3:36." I would never fall back to sleep after that dream. Instead of just laying there, I crept outside and towards the Athena cabin. I shut the doors as quietly as possible.

My bed was only a few feet away, when the floorboards creaked under my weight. I nervously checked the room for anyone that had been woken up. Nobody seemed to be awoken, so I continued my expedition to my bed.

I gathered all my supplies and headed back to the infirmary, but was pushed to the ground by a brutal push. My wound stung so badly, I winced in pain. I silently let a few curses slip out, but I regretted simultaneously my language once I saw who it was.

"Couldn't sleep," we both said at the same time.

Leo busted out laughing, and put my finger on my lips to silence him. We both walked back to the infirmary together. Once inside, I told Leo my dream. Leo and I sat in what kindergardeners might have call "criss-cross-applesauce" on my bed.

"Sounds to me that someone is having precautions of this quest," he sarcastically commented.

I nudged him in the gut,"You'll get it for that!"

"Somebody's feeling a whole lot better," Leo smirked at his stupid joke.

"Shut-up! We got to get serious," I screamed at him,"Do you think I should go on the quest?"

"Well, considering most demigod dreams are misleading, your dream might happen years from now or it will happen tomorrow or your identical twin is in trouble," incited Leo.

"I-I will go," I hastily decided.

Annabeth snored something like,"Whatchadoinhere."

Leo and I started busting out in laughter. Se woke up with a start.

"What's so funny?" asked Annabeth apparently ignorant that we were laughing at her.

"You were like," Leo imitated her snore,"'Whachadoinhere' and we just sarted laughing."

Annabeth blushed a shade of rose,"Oops, sorry."

"It's all good. We were already up," said Leo as he looked at the clock,"We better get going."

"Good luck," wished Annabeth,"You'll need it.

"Thanks, Annabeth. Bye," I said to her.

Leo lugged our bags to Long Island Sound where we met Elise aboard the boat.

"'Sup, you guys ready?" she asked, but it was more of a kind gesture.

"Yeah," I hesitated.

Elise unlatched the rope, and we were sailing through the crisp ocean waves.

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