Chapter 15 : "Actions and consequences..."

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Candy was on her pretend Pony Hill lying on the grass thinking, when Terry arrived and sat next to her. Eliza was looking at them from afar angry...

- Hi, Miss Freckles, thinking about your old boyfriend? He asked with a mocking tone

Candy sat up and looked at him shaking he head.

- Can you not provoke me for one day? She said

- You're really thinking about your lost love? He's not going to come back! Do you know that?

- Really, what do you know about it? Maybe he was picked up by a fish boat somewhere and he lost his memory....

Terry didn't know of course, that Candy was talking about him.

- You're still hoping he's not swimming with the fishes? You loved him that much? He asked hurt

- "Swimming with the fishes"? Sometimes you're so mean! She said upset

- You're thinking about someone else...!

- You don't know what's in my head and who I'm thinking about! So stop, putting words in my mouth!

- He won't come back!

- Terrence, you can really be a lout when you want to! Come and see me when you're ready to apologise!

She stood up angry, and she left him. Eliza who was still watching them from afar was happy to see them fight. She decided to make her move on Terry. She approached him.

- Hello Terrence, she said with a little soft voice

- Eliza...

- Can you come with me to the library, I need a book for an assignment...?

- But...

- Please, the book is kind of high on the shelves, I need you to reach it for me...

Terry looked at her. Candy had just made him angry... why not go with Eliza and help her with her book?

- I was going that way anyway, said Terry

Eliza was in seventh heaven while she walked with Terry to the library.

- You know Terry, you can come and see me in my room at night, we could talk..., she said

- Talk about what? He asked

- Of everything, of nothing... like when you go to Candy's room....

- I go to Candy's room? He said innocently

- I won't tell....if you come to my room too, and stop going to hers...

- Stop seeing Candy and start seeing you, or you'll tell on me? You're blackmailing me, Miss Reagan, nobody blackmails me...

- I'm going to tell the reverend mother...

- Oh please, go right ahead, I can walk with you to her office if you want do know I do whatever I want in this school... my father gave so much money to this school he practically owns it... without me, the school would close for sure...So Miss Reagan, go tell the reverend mother whatever you want, I'll tell her you're having visions...

Eliza was angry, she knew she couldn't say anything to the reverend mother without any proofs... But she wanted to try and make it up to him, so she said with a smile;

- I was kidding, where's your sense of humour Terrence? She said

- I lost it at "Candy...", he replied

- You really like her a lot...but. I saw you fighting...

- And you thought it was a window of opportunity for you to seduce me?

- No, but....

- Miss Reagan, I just remembered that I have an assignment to finish for tomorrow; you can find the library by yourself, can you?

He left her before she could react. She was fuming, she was going to seduce Terrence Grandchester whether he wanted to or not...

Candy was outside with her friends when they heard students scream. They ran to see what was going on. They found Archibald and Terrence fighting.

- America is my country! Said Archie, and I don't like it when a snotty nosed English boy makes fun of it!

He punched Terry, who punched him back.

- Well we're in England here, my country and I can say whatever I want! Said Terry

- Stop it, said Annie, Archie!

- Yes, stop, said Alistair

- Terry, said Candy, Archie, stop it!

But the two boys continued fighting. Archie was thinking about Candy so close and loving with Terrence, which made him angrier. They continued fighting...

- Go ahead, hit him harder, said Candy

- Hein? Said the two boys, stunned

The others were looking at her stunned.

- But Candy what are you doing? Said Annie

- Since you want to fight, I'm encouraging you! Come on hit him harder! Said Candy

Archie and Terry continued to fight and the noise alerted the Reverend Mother, who arrived with other nuns.

- What's going on here? Said the Reverend Mother, it's forbidden to fight here!

- We weren't fighting, said Terry, we're playing....

- Who started it? Asked the Reverend Mother

- Started what? Said Terry, it's a game...

- Archibald started, squealed Neil, I saw everything!

- Really? Archibald Cornwell you're going to the meditation room...

So Archie was sent to the meditation room. His brother and Annie were sad, Candy and Patty too.

In the evening, Terry came to see Candy in her room.

- Candy...

- Oh here's the great British gentleman...

- Come on, Candy

- Archie is punished...

- I didn't squeal on him...

- But you could've avoided the fight...

- You cousin has something against me...because of you...

- What? But...

- He's jealous...

- You're talking nonsense...

- Nonsense? Don't tell me you don't know about his feelings...he must've told you of make you understand, somehow...

Candy was staring at the floor, Archie had indeed told her about his feelings.

- I'm right am I not? Said Terry looking at her

- That's not important...

- Yes, it's important... that's why he provokes me at every little occasion...because of you

- Annie is in love with him...

- What about you?

- He's my cousin, that's all... I promise

- You liked Anthony better....

- Terry, don't start, you don't hear me throw Mireille Dubois to your face!

- Mireille Dubois? How do you know Mireille Dubois?

Candy had, unfortunately said too much... On the Titanic... but...

- She was on the Titanic too with...

- Your lover boy and he was flirting with her?

- Well...

- And you took me for him again? Oh my goodness Candy, for crying out loud!

- Terry...

- No, leave-me alone! I'm going to let you think about your frozen boyfriend!!

And he got out of her room. Candy stayed very sad.

"You're the frozen boyfriend! You idiot!"

She heard some noise at her door and she went to open, it was Annie who had some goodies for Archie.

- Candy, I want to go see Archie in the meditation room, said Annie

- The meditation room?

- You know how to get there; can you show me?

- Annie, you'll have to climb very very high, are you ready for that?

- Yes, I'm going to take some goodies to him...

- Goodies? Said Candy, taking a rope, ok, let's go... but let's go quietly

The two girls went to the meditation room, going out the window, trying not to make any noise. They rested a little near a tree.

- Are you ok Candy? Asked Annie, you seem a little it Terry?

- Who else?

- What happened?

- It's like he's always looking for a way for us to fight ...he's jealous of Terrence...

- He doesn't know it's him, that's normal... be patient, Candy. He's going to remember and he's going to laugh when he's going to realise that he was jealous of himself

- I got impatient so I mentioned Mireille Dubois...

- Mireille Dubois?

- Yes, she was in first class on the Titanic and she was interested in Terrence

- Oh... if he knew her from before, he probably asked you how you knew her...

- As a matter of fact, and I told him she was on the Titanic with...

- Terrence. And he got angry thinking you were confusing him with himself in fact...

- Yes. I can't tell him the truth

- It's going to be ok. You can go and see him in his room and you're going to make up. You never stay angry for long...remember the May Festival?

- Yes. I hope so...

- Candy, come on, he's the boy you love, who doesn't remember you, but who seem unable to be without you...His heart probably recognised you, now his head is going to recognise you soon, you'll see...

- Thanks Annie.

- You're welcome, sis. Let's go see Archie now...

- Ok...

They took their stuff and they went to climb the wall to get to the meditation room.

- Annie, I'm going to help you...

- Thank you, Candy.... I should've learned how to climb with you when we were younger, but I was too scared

- Annie, it's never too late to learn...

After an ultimate effort, they finally arrived at the window of the meditation room.

- Archie, said Candy

- Candy, said Archie smiling

- I'm here too, said Annie

- What are you doing here? He said when he saw Annie because he was disappointed Candy wasn't alone

- What? We come and see you this is how you greet us? Said Candy

- Are you ok, Archie? Asked Annie

- I'm fine Annie, said Archie, don't worry about me

- Well we were worried, said Candy, Annie give him is package

- Here you go, Archie, said Annie, there's a blanket, goodies...

- Thank you Annie, now go back to your rooms quickly before you get caught...

- I hear some noise, said Candy to Annie, let's go fast!

Candy and Annie went down as fast as they could, and they ran to their window. The reverend mother, other nuns were outside with a lamp.

- Annie, hide, I'm going to get out, so you could escape...

- But Candy...

- Annie, I'll manage...

- Candy, no, let them catch us both...

- No... it's no use for the both of us to be punished. Go Annie!

Annie hesitated a little, she didn't want to leave Candy alone, but she finally decided to leave.

- Ok, Candy, be careful

Annie hid, and Candy got out letting herself be caught by the Reverend Mother...

- Miss Candice White Andrew, what are you doing there? She asked

- I couldn't sleep, so I said to myself I would go for a walk, said Candy

- It's forbidden to get out of the room so late at night

- But I wasn't hurting anybody; I was going back to my room...

- You broke the rules of the school, you're not going to go on the summer holidays, you're going to stay here in college

- Oh... said Candy sadly

- Now, go back to your room!

- Yes, reverend mother, said Candy sadly

Candy went back to her room, while Annie managed to get back to her room with Patty's help who had heard her outside while the sisters were talking to Candy.

- Thank you Patty, said Annie

- Where's Candy?

- I think she got caught by the nuns

- Oh...

- She did it to save me, and so that I wouldn't have any problems

- She loves you a lot

- She's my sister Patty, she's great

- Come on let's go to our room before Eliza hears us...

They got in their room just before Eliza opened her door, she had already alerted the nuns that Candy wasn't in her room and she wished she would've gotten her sister in trouble too. But she found the hallway empty and she went back to her room.

Candy went back to her room and got ready to sleep. To spend her summer vacations in college... that was just great! Well she was going to try to have fun alone while the others would be in America or in Scotland with the school.

The next day, she went on the pretend Pony Hill and she sat on the grass, when she saw Terry sitting next to her.

- Hi Freckles, he said

- Did you calmed down? She asked

- I can't stay angry at you for long and you know that...

- No, I don't know that...

- Well I'm telling you then, he said softly

They looked at each other with love. She wasn't angry with him; he was jealous of himself.

- Terry, I told you, I'm with you. You know you don't have to be jealous of my past...

- I just have those mood swings sometimes...

- You're a snotty nosed kid...

He burst out laughing

- I'm sorry for getting angry, he said

- Don't worry about it...

- I heard you got punished again.... No summer holidays for you!

- Well good news travels fast!

- I'll bet you anything that it's for one of your friends again...

- Terry...

- I'm right, am I?

- Well Annie wanted to go see Archie in the meditation room and...

- You let yourself get caught so she could escape, he guessed

- In a way, I thought I could get away with it...

- Yeah right! Candy to the rescue of her friends!

- That's not funny!

- It's the truth...

- Did you come here to make fun of me?

- No, I came here to offer my help, it you're willing...

- To offer your help?

- Yes. If you ask me kindly, I can talk to the reverend mother for you...

- Really? I have to ask you? You can't do it on your own? Especially since it's your fault too; if you weren't fighting with Archie...

- That's why I'm offering my help...

- Don't do me any favours! She said standing up

- Candy, think, you could go to Scotland with the school, my father has a castle there, we could spend the summer together...

- I'd rather stay here alone in the school, far away from you!

She ran out of there. He could've helped her and he wants her to beg him for it? Who did he thought he was? It was partly his fault! She was walking and she saw a nice woman, a little chubby, crying reading a letter.

- Are you ok? Asked Candy with her generous nature

- I just got a letter from my son; he was waiting for me for the summer holidays, but I'm going to have to tell him I won't be able to come..., she said

- Why?

- Because one of the student misbehaved and she's punished, so she has stay in college and someone needs to stay here to take care of her and cook for her and I'm the only one here who can to do it... I don't see my son because I work here, and I was hoping to see him during the holidays... now, I have to tell him that I won't be able to see him

The woman was crying and Candy felt very bad. She was the student in question, and others had to pay for her mistakes....Every action is followed by a consequence, by wanting to help Annie, she got caught but this poor woman won't see her son because of her! She had to accept Terry's offer...But...he was so frustrating...Darn! This was not the time to sulk. And why was she angry? Because he asked her to make her request nicely? She had to talk to Terry. But where could she find him? In his bedroom, in broad day light? She saw Alistair from afar.

- Alistair, can you do me a favour? If you see Terry in class, can you tell him I agree?

- You agree to what? Asked Alistair

- Just tell him I agree, he'll know why...

- Ok, said Alistair who didn't understand anything...

He got in the boys' hallway and he saw his brother.

- Candy just asked me for something weird, he told his brother

- What weird thing? Asked Archie

- She told me to tell Terry that she agrees...

- What does that mean? She agrees to what?

- She didn't say, she just said that he's going to understand...

- You don't think she means..., started Archie

- What? Are you out of your mind? Why would she send that kind of message through me? She could tell him herself if she goes to see him in his room...

- You really love to hurt me bro...

- Archie, he's with her, you have to accept it...

- What does he have more than me?

- What did Anthony had more than us? Never mind... I have to give Terry the message

- But...

- Candy asked me to, Archie...

Terry arrived and he heard his last sentence.

- Candy? Said Terry, she gave you a message for me?

- It's not good to eaves drop on other people's conversation, said Archie sulking

- I heard Candy's name and I'm curious, said Terry

- She's our cousin, we can talk about her if we want without having to justify ourselves to you! Said Archie

- Archie, said Alistair, that's enough! Terry, Candy told me to tell you that she agrees and that you'll know what she meant...

- She agrees..., said Terry who's eyes were illuminated with joy

- You know what it means? Asked Alistair

- Yes, it's between her and I, said Terry leaving, thanks for the message!

Archie looked at him leave sadly.

- I had to tell him Archie, Candy asked me to, and it seemed urgent, said Alistair

- Yeah, yeah..., said Archie

- You know Annie is available... and she likes you a lot....

Archie didn't respond. He had just realized how close Candy and Terry were; they had a secret code to communicate with each other.

Candy was with her friends in their bedroom, who were sorry she was punished, especially Annie.

- Candy, please, let me go tell them it's my fault, said Annie

- No, Annie, you might make the situation worse, said Candy

- I have to take my responsibilities, said Annie

- Annie, it's going to be fine, you'll see

- But you're going to miss the summer vacations, you could've come to Scotland, said Annie

- Don't worry about that..., Candy said

- What are you up to, said Patty, you seem very sure of yourself

- Oh...nothing..., Candy replied

- Terry, said Annie, Terry is going to help you, isn't he?

- I don't know, I sent him a message, said Candy, we'll see

There was a knock on the door. It was Sister Margaret.

- Candy the Reverend Mother wants to see you, said Sister Margaret

- Yes, Sister Margaret, said Candy following her

They walked in silence to the reverend mother's office. Candy knocked on the door and she got in after hearing; "Come in".

- You wanted to see me, reverend mother? Asked Candy

- Yes, said the Reverend Mother, have a seat

- Thank you Reverend Mother

- I going back on my decision about your punishment... you won't stay here but you'll have to come to Scotland with the school...

Candy's face illuminated and she smiled.

- What made you change your mind, reverend mother? Asked Candy

- That's none of your concern, said the reverend mother, just be happy you're not going to stay here alone...

- Yes, reverend mother, said Candy

- You're dismissed

- Thank you, Reverend Mother, said Candy, I'm happy other people didn't have to pay for my mistakes...

- What do you mean?

- Nothing, Reverend Mother, thank you again!

She got out of the office on cloud nine, almost jumping of joy. She met the woman who was crying earlier, in the school court.

- Miss, Miss! I have great news, I'm going to be able to go to Scotland and see my son and even stay there for good. The duke of Grandchester gave me a permanent job in his castle.

- Oh, said Candy smiling, that's wonderful! That way, you won't leave your son anymore for all those long months

- Yes, it's wonderful, said the woman smiling

Candy walked to back to her room. She was going to go see Terry in his room to thank him, later.

"You're so nice when you want to, Terry" She said in her head.

She got to her room and her friends came to see her.

- So, what did the Reverend Mother want? Asked Annie

- To tell me that I wasn't punished anymore, that I have to go to Scotland with you...

- What? Said Annie smiling, that's wonderful!!

They all jumped of joy, hugging laughing screaming of joy.

- It's Terry isn't it, he helped you, said Annie

- Yes, said Candy, I'm sure of it...

- Oh, said Patty, he must love you a lot, he never does anything for anybody...

- That's because no one ask him. You don't know him, he's very nice...

- Well you sure know him well, said Annie winking at her, better than anybody else! Better than himself, she whispered

They stayed with her for a little while, and then they went back to their room to pack.

- See you Tomorrow Candy, said Annie and Patty at the same time

- See you tomorrow, girls

Candy finished packing her stuff and she decided to go see Terry, but he arrived in her room by the window.

- Terry! I wanted to come and see you...

- Really?

- Yes, I wanted to thank you...

- I'm happy you're coming to Scotland too...we'll be able to see each other...

- Yes...

- I'm leaving in a little while

- Oh... we're leaving tomorrow morning...

- Since I'm not going to stay with the school...

- At least you won't have any classes

- Come on, you're going to be free in the afternoon, aren't you?

- Yes, and I'll come to see you...

- I can't wait to show you my father's castle...

- Thank you again, Terry and for the woman and her son...

- That was the least I could do. A mother shouldn't be separated from her child...

He had a sad look when he said that. He was probably thinking about his mother who was in America. Candy didn't say anything; she approached him and hugged him.

- Have a nice trip, Terry, she said softly

- You too, Snow White, he said

- What?! She said pulling away from him

- You too, Freckles...

- No, you called me "Snow White"...

- "Snow White" why would I call you "Snow White"?

"Because that's how you called me on the Titanic..." she said in her head.

But what came out of her mouth was;

- I don't know Terry; you're calling me by another girl's name; should I get angry too?

- I don't know what you're talking about...

- You called me "Snow White", she insisted

- I don't know who the hell "Snow White" is, aside from the one from the fairy tale...!

- That girl impressed you so much; she made you think about Snow White? And who were you, her Prince Charming?

- Candy, please. I swear, I don't know what you're talking about...

He didn't remember that he just called her "Snow White". She was trying to insist to push his memory a little, but it was no use... they looked at each other.

- I'm sorry, if I called you "Snow White"; I don't know where it came from, ok? I was thinking about you now, only you...

"But I'm Snow White; you have to remember on your own" She said in her head.

- Oh Terry...

He leaned and put his lips on hers in a passionate kiss; she put her arms around his neck and kissed him back. Every time he kissed her, Candy was back on the Titanic and Terry too, even if he didn't know why...

- I'll see you in Scotland, Freckles

- Good bye, Terry...

He got out of the balcony and went back to his room to get ready to leave the college for Scotland.

Candy stayed in her room and went to bed. Terry called her "Snow White"... his memory was coming back. A memory he didn't even know he'd lost...

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