Chapter 22 : "The trip to America"

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The Mauritania was at the harbour and the passengers started to get in. There were a lot of people. Candy and Terry were together and they got on board. It was the same boat on which they saw each other again. They walked to their first class suite.

- It's not the Titanic, said Candy sadly

- I know that the crossing is going to be a little shaky with the memories of the Titanic tragedy and especially our brutal separation...

He approached her and he took her in his arms and held her against him.

- You can't imagine how many times I had wished I had died with you, said Candy

- It's a good thing you didn't die, because I'm very much alive...

- Yes that's a very good thing...But when I woke up and I realised I had lost Jack, Fabrizio and you... I was wondering why I was alive... I wanted to die. But Anthony gave me the will to live, only to die himself a little while later...

- My poor Snow White, you must've had suffered...

- To see you on this boat that night was a miracle for me... I was so happy...

- And I had no idea who you were... but I thought you were want to go for a walk with me on the deck?

- Yes, let's go, she said smiling

They got out to go for a walk. They were going to America, where they were going to start a new life together. They spent a lot of time in their cabin and they also took their meals there.

One evening, Candy was walking outside while Terry was reading. She saw a little boy coming out of the life boats to watch the ocean. It was dark and she approached him slowly. But...

- Cookie? She said surprised

- Oh... Ma'am! Please don't say anything... They're going to throw me in the sea...

- No they won't...

- But that's what they do to stowaways...

- Those are terrible stories told by sailors to discourage people from stowaway, said Candy smiling, what are you doing here?

- I want to be a sailor...

- By hiding in life boats? You're a stowaway! How do you think the captain is going to take that?

- Please don't say anything...

- But hiding you're not solving your problem; you're a stowaway, that's far from been a sailor

- I know and I'm hungry he said sadly

Candy looked at him and she decided to help him and to give him something to eat.

- Come with me, she said softly

- Are you taking me to the captain? Please, let me hide, I won't bother anybody

- Easy Cookie, you're going to attract other people's attention! No, come with me to my cabin

- Oh...

She took him to her cabin in the first class area and they found Terry still reading his book.

- Candy? He said, oh... Cookie?

- Yes, she said, he's hungry

- There's still the left over food on the table, said Terry smiling

- Come on, said Candy taking him by the arm, go wash your hands in the bathroom and wash your face...

- Thank you Ma'am

- Call me Candy

- And I'm Terry

Cookie went to the bathroom and he washed his face. Candy and Terry were talking.

- What are we going to do with him? Said Terry

- We can talk to the captain so he could give him a job

- Yes, but since he's a stowaway, it's not going to be easy

- That's why he needs the son of the Duke of Grandchester, said Candy

- All right, said Terry, I'm going to use my father's influence and my name to help him

- Thank you , said Candy smiling

Cookie got out of the bathroom and he went to sit at the table and he ate the food. He was very hungry. Terry was thinking about how he was going to speak to the captain. Candy knew that Terry would not let Cookie down. When this last one finished eating, he drank some fruit juice and he was now smiling at Candy and Terry.

- Ok, what's my fate now? He asked

- Let's go see the captain, said Terry

- All right, said Cookie softly

They went to see the captain. They knocked on the door.

- Come in! Said the captain

Candy, Terry and Cookie, got in.

- Mr. Grandchester, said the captain, Miss Andrew...sorry, Mrs. Grandchester...

Candy almost corrected him...

- What can I do for you? Said the captain

- Well, said Terry, I've got a little friend here, his name is Cookie...and he's a stowaway on your ship...

- Really? Said the captain with an angry look, do you know that a very big offense, young man?

- Yes, captain, said Cookie looking down

- So why did you do it?

- Because I wanted to be a sailor at all cost...

- Why didn't you come to see me then?

- I was afraid, said Cookie, I was afraid you'd say no...

- But you're not afraid to get on board without any ticket, or not afraid of being thrown in the sea like the stories say...?

- Yes, I am, said Cookie, I love the see, so if I die at see, I'm not afraid...

The captain looked at him. He knew Terry and he knew Candy. It was very unusual, but he decided to help their little protégé... Since he had lost his son, he decided to take Cookie under his wind.

- All right, I like your determination, but you should've asked me, I might have said yes. Now you're forcing my hand... you're going to stay with me and you're going to be my assistant and you're going to go to the kitchen to help in exchange for your trip. If you want to be a sailor, I can show you how, once we get to New York.

- Thank you so much captain, said Candy and Terry at the same time

- Thank you my captain, said Cookie, thank you Candy and Terry

- Now I'm going to show you where you're going to sleep, said the captain

- Bye Cookie, said Candy

- See you later, said Terry

- Thank you again, said Cookie leaving

Candy and Terry went back to their cabin with a sigh of relief.

- Thank you Terry, said Candy

- You're welcome, said Terry smiling

- You're very generous when you want to, you're not the terror everybody thinks you are

- The terror?

- Yes, you don't have a very good reputation at school, you were a snotty nosed kid... but I love the way you talked to the reverend mother...

- But I was unable to get you out of trouble, I had to sacrifice myself so they would free you...

- She had to keep up the appearances. The rumour was out there that we were caught together in your room, someone had to be punished

- I can't believe you're defending her... you're way too good honey...

- Well I put myself in her place, it must be hard to be the head mistress in a school like St. Paul with girls and boys, teenagers with raging hormones who only have one thing in their minds...

- She wanted to do an example out of us...

- We were the only ones who got caught...

- With a delicious creature like Eliza Reagan to help them? What on earth have you done to that girl?

- Nothing, I swear to you, said Candy, she hated me at first sight

- I bet that your positive aura couldn't get along with her heart full of hatred. I can't believe she was trying to impress me by being mean to you...

- Her mother apparently didn't show her good manners, or how to hide your flaws in front of a young man you're trying to impress

- But in my case, it wouldn't have worked anyway, more sweet than you, you die. Even without my memory, I turned to you...

- You have to say, I made things easy by calling your bluff and kissing you that first time

- You surprised me a little, but I was very happy...

- When I think that I slapped you the first time, said Candy laughing, and it was so good... but the memory of Damien trying to force himself on me...

- I'm so sorry

- It was horrible. The awful feeling of being at the mercy of someone like that! I thought it was it for me... and Jack arrived... I've never been so happy to see him!

Terry hugged her hard to reassure her.

- If he had raped you, I would have beaten up bad...

- Well you did whipped him and beat him up, said Candy smiling

- I won't let anybody hurt you, Candy. We're going into the real world, we're going to earn a living, we're going to get married and have our 7 dwarfs and live happily ever after. We've survived the Titanic, we've been given a second chance in life. Let's not wasted it. Let's make sure this life is beautiful and happy...

- I'm happy just by being with you, Terrence, she said softly

They kissed passionately and they expressed their love for one another, physically, softly, with the fire of passion. Their clothes were on the floor, they were on the bed, caressing each other. He kissed every inch of her body and she closed her eyes. Her face was showing the pleasure she felt every time his lips touched her body. She was moaning, she was caressing his chest and she like the contact of their naked skin against each other. His hands went down, below the belt and it stayed there for a while... he did the same thing to her... they made love with passion; they were in harmony and they were made for each other. They had fun during a big part of the night, then they fell asleep, exhausted and happy to be in each other's arms.

Cookie got used the ship life with the captain who had almost adopted him. The ship finally arrived in New York, to Candy's big relief. Being on the sea, had bought very bad memories. They got off in New York and they went in a bar to have a drink on firm ground. Terry knew the barman...

- Charlie!! He said hugging him

- Terry!! My god! It's been years! And you haven't changed a bit!

- You neither! Said Terry laughing

He turned to Candy.

- Let me introduce you to Candy, said Terry

- Oh... you've got a fiancée! Said Charlie smiling

- Yes, said Terry smiling

Charlie hugged Candy and kissed her on both cheeks.

- Oh my God ! She cute as a button, this child! Are you sure of what you're doing Candy? He joked

- And certain, said Candy smiling, I love him

- And I love her, said Terry

- You two are so cute! Said Charlie laughing

- We came to New York to stay, said Terry, but we have to go to Lakewood to see Candy's family

The Pony Home, was indeed Candy's family.

- Oh, good luck then, said Charlie

- That's funny, said Candy looking at Charlie, the clothes you're wearing, they look like the uniform from St. Paul College in London...

Terry looked at his friend and he agreed.

- Yes, said Terry, you look like a student from St. Paul college

- Really? They dressed you so well at St. Paul? I'm proud...

They stayed with Charlie for a while. A young girl name Sandra arrived and they spent time with her too. Then, the young couple left for the train station. They were going to the Pony Home. In the train, Candy was sitting next to Terry.

- I can't wait to see everybody! Thank you for this trip Terry!

- You're very welcome Freckles. I wanted to take you there so that you could show me you infamous Pony hill...

- You'll see how beautiful and magnificent it is. The Pony Home is the place where I've always been happy... all the others wanted to get adopted, but not me... I wanted to stay there forever

- How did you find yourself at the Reagan?

- I had just got a letter from Annie saying that she couldn't write me anymore because her mother didn't want people to know that she was adopted

- But why? Said Terry, it was the truth wasn't it? They found themselves with a little girl all of a sudden and nobody is supposed to ask questions?

- I think that her mother said that she was the daughter of a distant cousin who had just died

- Oh...

- I was crying and I saw a boy wearing a kilt who was playing bagpipe who told me not to cry anymore... that I was so much prettier when I smiled... then he disappeared and I found a sign with the letter "A" on it. When I went back to the Pony Home, I saw a car with the sign but the letter was "R" ... but I misread it and I agreed to be adopted by the Reagan... it was the beginning of my hell on earth...

She continued telling him about her story and all the bad stuff that happened to her at the Reagans. Terry was outraged. He didn't know she had suffered so much... he consoled her the best way he could. They had a sleeping wagon and since it was night time, they were going to spend the night in the train. They woke up in the morning when they arrived to Lakewood. They got off and there was snow everywhere. They took a carriage to the Pony Home. One on the ground, Candy ran to the Pony Home. She met Jimmy whom she had seen from afar running towards her.

- Candy!! Everybody, it's Candy!! It's Candy!!

The other children started to run towards Candy and they jumped on her screaming and laughing.

- Boss! Said Jimmy, you're back!

- Only for a little while, said Candy, I came to say hi, since I'm back to America... I'm here with a friend, this is Terrence Grandchester, we call him Terry

- Hello Terry! Said the children

- Hello, children! Said Terry smiling

- Come on, said Jimmy, let's go see Sister Maria and Miss Pony!

They walked to the Pony Home and they got in; Candy ran into Miss Pony and Sister Maria's arms.

- Oh, Candy! Said Miss Pony, it's so good to see you!

- Yes, said Sister Maria, what are you doing back here?

- I came back to America, said Candy

- What about college? Said Sister Maria

Candy looked at Terry and she approached him.

- Miss Pony, Sister Maria, I would like to introduce you to Terrence Grandchester, she said

The two mothers looked at the young man they hadn't seen before.

- Miss Pony, said Terrence, Sister Maria, hello

- Hello, said the two surprised mothers

- Terrence and I are together...

- Terrence, said Sister Maria, like the one from the Titanic?

Candy didn't even remember she had talked about Terrence to her two mothers, and she was surprised to see, that Sister Maria remembered his name....Like she had read her mind, Sister Maria, said:

- I heard you in your dreams, she said, I knew you had lost a young man name Terrence...

- Oh..., said Candy, yes, it's the Terrence from the Titanic, he's not dead like I thought, Thank God! And now we don't ever want to be separated...

The two ladies looked at them surprised.

- You're going to live together? Said Miss Pony

- Yes, said Candy

- Candy, you don't live with a boy without being married...

- We're going to have separate room, said Candy laughing, but there is no way we're living separated!

She looked at Terry who winked at her smiling. They couldn't tell the two women that they already shared the same room. But they probably had guessed that Candy and Terry were lovers... But they couldn't say anything, Candy was a big girl and she knew what she was doing and apparently she wanted to be with the boy she thought she has lost on the Titanic.

- Good luck, said Miss Pony

- I'm going to show Terry the Pony hill, said Candy

- All right, said Miss Pony

Candy took Terry by the hand and they ran together to the Pony Hill.

- Terrence, here is my Pony Hill, said Candy, the place were I always feel good no matter the mood I'm in....

- It's beautiful, said Terrence smiling

- We could come here in the summer and have a barbecue...

- Yes, anything you want honey. I don't want you to be sad anymore. I want to make you laugh for the rest of our lives together...

- I want to make you laugh forever too. I have to admit; on the Titanic, I was really in love with you, but I didn't thing you were serious and I knew that once on the ground, I would've gone on the road with Jack. I had no intention of going back to the Reagans...

- We will never know what would've happened if the Titanic hadn't sunk, said Terry, I wanted to go see my mother...

- All those people died in those icy waters...we're lucky to be alive

- You're telling me? I was living careless without knowing that I almost died on the Titanic... Oh my God!!

- I loved it when you made jealousy scene for yourself! We have the rest of our lives in front of us...

- And we're going to live it together

- Did you see my two mothers' faces when I told them that I was going to live with you?

- Sister Maria was restraining herself not to explode...

- I know that it might not be what we do in this society, but I think that living with the man I love is nobody else's business but my own

- I wonder how you would've been if you were never kidnapped and sold to London...

- I would've been more prude I suppose.... A brush with death changes you... I love you so much Terrence...

- I love you Candice Snow White

They kissed for a long time and they stayed on the hill for a long time and they went back home to eat and spend time with the other.

- You're going to spend the night? Asked Sister Maria

- No, we're going to take the train tonight, said Candy smiling

- Yes, said Terry, we have to go back to New York

- All right said Miss Pony, it's nice of you to have come to see us...

- The pleasure was all mine, said Candy smiling, I've missed you all...

- We thought you were going to stay with us boss, said Jimmy

- I'm going to get married with Terry and I'm going to live with him... but I will come and see you, don't worry

- All right, said Jimmy a little sad

- Jimmy, said Miss Pony, Candy has to live her life like you're going to live yours one day

- I understand, said Jimmy, Candy, come with me, I'm going to show you something...

- Ok, said Candy

She went to sit with Jimmy in a corner and he started to tell her stories. Terry was talking to Miss Pony and Sister Maria drinking hot tea. Jimmy went to see Tom and he told him about Candy's visit. Tom came after diner to see her with her fiancé.

- Candy! He said hugging her

- Tommy!! Oh I'm so happy to see you, said Candy smiling

- Me too! How are you, little sister?

- Yes, I'm more than fine!

- Jimmy told me you're going to get married

- Yes, she said, letting him lose, Tommy let me introduce you to Terrence Grandchester

Tom looked at Candy; he didn't understand what she was saying.

- Terrence? He said looking at Candy

- Yes, said Candy, it's the same one, from the Titanic, he's not dead, it was a horrible mistake

- Rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated, said Terry smiling

- Oh my God, Candy! Said Tom, oh my God, you must be so happy! Hello Terrence!

- Hello Tom, said Terry smiling and shaking his hand

- Well, you've made my little sister very sad, don't ever make her cry again, otherwise, I'm going to kill you, said Tom laughing

Everybody burst out laughing and the day continued in the general joy. Then it was Time for Candy and Terry to leave. Candy was sad to leave her family. She had tears in her eyes.

- I will come back to see you, said Candy

- You're always going to be welcomed here, said Miss Pony

- Thank you, said Candy, bye Miss Pony, bye Sister Maria, bye children

- Bye Candy!! Yelled the kids, bye Terry!!

- Bye Sister Maria, bye, Miss Pony, said Terry

Tom's father arrived with a carriage to take them to the train station.

- Candy! It's so good to see you. And with a fiancé! That's too bad, I was hoping you'd marry Tom one day

- What? Said Candy

- Dad! Said Tom

- What? Can't I dream a little? You don't want to marry the girls I bring to you, so I thought maybe you were in love with Candy

- Dad! Said Tom outraged, Candy is my sister!!

Candy burst out laughing, Terry had a little smile.

- Mr. Steve, Tom is my brother, my saviour, without him Annie and I would've frozen to death in the snow, said Candy and he let me win when we fought...

- Yes, daddy, what the hell are you talking about? I'll get married when I'm ready, said Tom

- All right. Said his father, good luck Candy with your fiancé

- Thank you Mr. Steve, said Candy smiling, Terry and I are going to be very happy

They got on board the carriage and they left making sign goodbye until they got the train station.

- Bye Tommy, said Candy and she hugged him

- Bye little sister, said Tom smiling

- Goodbye Mr. Steve, said Candy

- Good bye Candy, said Tom's father

- Good bye sir , Tom, said Terry

- Bye Candy , bye Terry, said Tom

The train arrive and they got on board the first class compartment. Candy went to the window to wave at them. The train left. Candy went to sit with Terry.

- You and Tom? He asked

- His father has a lot of imagination, said Candy

- It's not impossible...

- Terry, Tom is my brother, like Jack was my brother, said Candy and you don't have to be jealous, honey. You're the only one I love...

She curled up against him and he held her tight

- You don't want to go see your adoptive family?

- No, Alistair and Archibald are not here and the Great Aunt is not going to be happy to see me

- But you're part of their family

- Terry, I'm going to make a family with you...if the Great Uncle William decides to show up, I'm going to introduce myself and we will continue living our lives together

- All right

Terry looked at her. She belonged to one of the richest families in America, she was worth a fortune and she didn't care. He admired her pride and her desire to be independent.

- Candy, you know that as the daughter of William Andrew, you're worth a fortune

- A fortune?

- Yes, you must have some money or trust fund ever in a bank somewhere

- Money at the bank? Oh... but I wanted to earn my own money...but are we ok financially?

- Yes, I can take care of you... I'm just letting you that you must have a trust fund somewhere in a bank...

- Oh... I also have a necklace worth millions... but that's not what's important. What's important is for me to be with you...

Terry took her in his arms and he kissed her. They were in America. They were going to start a new life together, and they were very optimistic...

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