Chapter 21 : "Like Snow-White and Prince Charming"

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A new day was starting. The sun, that wonderful luminous star which rises on the good and the bad, was shining. The birds outside were chirping. Candy didn't feel like getting up. Her world had come to an end. Terry had left her... how could he leave her? After everything they've been through since their first meeting on the Titanic, how could he believe for one moment that she would've been better without him in that cold and brittle college? She got up against her will. The bird chirping outside could be so lugubrious when we're in a bad mood. She got ready and her friends came to get her, to go to class.

- Candy, said Annie hugging her

- Oh Annie, Terry is gone! Said Candy crying, he left me! I thought he loved me...

- He does love you, said Annie, but he had to leave so you wouldn't be expelled...

- He made a deal with the nuns, said Patty, it was the only way to free you from your punishment without being expelled

- I don't care about this school! Said Candy, I want Terry!

- They say Eliza is expelled too...

- What? How? Asked Candy

- One of her velvet ribbons were found in Terry's room proving she was in the room too, said Patty

- Oh... Eliza is expelled? Oh my God! The Great aunt is going to blame me...

- Why would she blame you for something Eliza did in her foolishness? Said Annie

- She threw herself at a boy who couldn't stand her. No Candy, this time, they can't blame you... , said Patty

- From your mouth to God's ears! Said Candy, let's go to class

Eliza in the meditation room was secretly visited by her friends. She was angry and she wanted revenge.

- Louise, you got the pen and paper I asked you for? Said Eliza

- Yes, here it is, said Louise

- Thank you. Wait a minute... I'm going to write quickly..., said Eliza

She wrote a letter fast and she gave it to her friends, who put it in an envelope to mail it.

- The reverend mother thinks she can get rid of me so easily? She's going to have to live with the consequences of her actions! Said Eliza between her teeth

Candy was walking near the wood when Neil and his friends attacked her again.

- Oh, there she is! Said Neil

- This time, you won't escape from us, said Damien

- Your boyfriend is not here to stop us, said Neil

They jumped on Candy, pulling her hair, her dress. One of them was starting to pull her undergarment. Candy was crying for help trying to fight them off the best way she could.

- No stop!! Help!!

The boys heard some noise and they got afraid and they ran away. Annie and Patty arrived to help Candy up, who was crying of rage.

- Terry! She said angry, why did you leave me?

- Candy come with us, said Annie, let's go report those savages...

- No...

- Candy, said Patty, Terry is not here to protect you anymore, we have to tell the reverend mother...

- All right, said Candy still in rage

They went, all three to the reverend mother's office to tell her that Neil, Damien and their friend had attacked Candy and tried to abuse her.

- Miss Andrew, said the reverend mother, was it the first time?

- No, said Annie

- Why didn't you report the first incident?

- Because Terrence was protecting her, said Patty

- I see... without him here, those bastards think they can do anything... they will be punished in consequences.

Neil and his group were punished and they were very angry with Candy for telling on them.

A few days later, the duke of Grandchester arrived in college to speak to the reverend mother.

- Reverend mother, I just received a very upsetting letter from one of your students who wanted to keep her anonymity... she told me that my son had left college...

The reverend mother was a little embarrassed. She didn't know how to tell the duke that his son wasn't in school anymore.

- As a matter of fact, Your Grace, your son had left the college

- To go where?

- I have no idea...

- What do you mean you have no idea? I made very big donations to your institution because my son was here, all you had to do was to keep him in your school!! And now, you don't even know where he is!!

- But his best friend, Candy Andrew must know..., said the reverend mother, I'm going to send for her

The duke didn't answer, he was angry. Candy arrived a few moments later.

- You wanted to see me, reverend mother? Asked Candy coming in

- Yes, the duke of Grandchester wants to ask you a few questions about his son, I told him you were his best friend... I'm going to let the two of you talk

The reverend mother got out of the office leaving Candy and the Duke of Grandchester alone.

- Hello sir, said Candy

- They say you're my son's best friend?

- Yes sir...

- You're the girl for whom he came to ask me for help?

- Yes, sir, said Candy

- Do you know where he is?

- No sir, I don't know, said Candy

- Well I have nothing else to do here, said the duke opening the door, you won't get another penny from me!

He walked to the exit.

- Oh my God, said the reverend mother, the college is going to close without the duke's donations!

Candy felt she had to do something, she ran after the duke. She saw him get into a carriage to leave...

- Mr. Grandchester! Yelled Candy

But he didn't hear her and the carriage left. Candy arrived just in time to hang on the back of the carriage still screaming. The duke finally realise that Candy was hanging in the back of his carriage and ordered the coachman to stop.

- Stop the carriage! He said

He got out and he saw Candy at the back.

- You're very careless, Miss Andrew you could've hurt yourself very badly...

- I know sir, but I had to speak to you...

- About what?

- Don't punish the college because of me...

- But...

- Terry sacrificed himself to save me... don't punish the college

- You seem to know my son very well... maybe better than me. You're the orphan girl who threw herself at him...

- I see... You've received a letter from Eliza...

- What can a girl who never had parents could know about family?

- That's exactly why I know...I've never known my parents. I know what it is not to have any... he reconciled with his mother because he was looking for some affection he didn't find with you...

- You know his secret...

- I know all of his secrets, sir; I was with him on the Titanic...

The duke looked at her surprised. She was with his son on the Titanic? They had lived a terrible tragedy together.

- You were with him?

- Yes, until the boat broke in two and we fell in those icy waters... we got lost after that. I thought he was dead until I saw him alive again... without his memory...

- You knew him better than me, and better than himself since you knew what happened on the Titanic... are you in love with my son?

- Since the Titanic, sir, said Candy looking down...

Candy took something from her pocket.

- There you go, it's the note he left for me...

The duke took the note and read it.

- Let him pursue his dream, said Candy, if he's in America, he wants to be near his mother...

The duke looked at Candy, he could feel the love she was feeling for Terry.

- And don't penalise the college. Without your donations, it's going to close...

- You're pleading the cause of a school which was ready to expel you?

- I don't want everybody to pay for my mess. All this happen because Eliza was jealous of me....

- All right. Terry's brother and sister are going to go to St. Paul too, I'm going to continue my donations.... And I'm going to leave Terrence in peace if he wants to be in America with his mother, so be it...

- Thank you very much, Mr. Grandchester, said Candy smiling

- Terrence left you... I hope you'll see him again one day, because you love him a lot

- Thank you, Mr. Grandchester

- I'm going to take you back to college

He took her back to college and went to see the reverend mother.

- Miss Andrew convinced me not to stop my donations, reverend mother

- Thank you, Your Grace, said the reverend mother

The duke left. The revered mother turned to Candy.

- Thank you Miss Andrew, she said

- You're welcome, reverend mother

Candy went back to her room still thinking about Terry. She had saved a school which treated her so badly...

A little time later, during class, a nun came to announce that Louise's father was bankrupt and that she had to leave the college. Louise cried in Sister Margaret's arms.

- Oh sister, it's awful, I can't continue being in this school, I can't become a lady...., said Louise crying

- Come on, said Sister Margaret, it's going to be ok, Louise

Candy looked at the scene sadly. "A lady" Why was it that some people could become ladies and some couldn't? Life wasn't fair. Terry had left her so she could continue her education, to become a "lady"... But without Terry, all that didn't mean anything... she stood up and she went to console Louise and the other students did the same thing.

In the evening, Candy packed her suitcase. She was going to leave the next evening. She was going to go back to America to find her way... and with a little luck, find Terry. Oh she missed him so much!!

Candy went to the reverend mother's office the next morning to ask her for a favour.

- Reverend mother, I wanted to ask you not to expel Eliza please...

- But...

- I know she behaved badly, but it's only because she was in love with Terrence. Her friend Louise is leaving the college for good; please free her from her punishment so she could spend some time with her... and don't expel her...

The reverend mother was touched by Candy's goodness towards Eliza who always seemed to want to make trouble for her at every occasion. She decided to do her that favour. Even though, the students were going to talk. But it was because of Candy that the duke of Grandchester wasn't going to stop his donations to the school, even though his eldest son wasn't there anymore...

- All right Miss Andrew, to thank you for what you did with the duke, I won't expel Miss Reagan and her punishment will be over immediately so she can spend some time with her friend Louise

- Thank you, reverend mother, said Candy

Eliza was freed of her punishment to spend some time with her friend Louise.

- That little tramp is going to pay for this! Said Eliza

- Forget about Candy, said Louise, I have to leave the college...

- What? Said Eliza

- Yes my father is broke...

- So now you're only a poor little girl?

- Yes, said Louise unsure

- So what makes you think I would want to remain your friend now that you're poor?

- But Eliza...

- Leave-me alone! I have to plot my revenge on Candy!!

Louise left crying in silence. Eliza was really mean. She had no compassion what so ever. Even Candy was nicer to her than Eliza when she learned the news of her father's bankruptcy.

After the morning mass the next day, the reverend mother wanted to speak to the students. And since the weather was nice, they had put chairs in the court so the student could sit down.

Candy was waiting impatiently for the day to be over. She wanted to leave that school as fast as possible. The reverend mother was making her speech outside.

- We've got new rules in the school... from now on...

She was interrupted by screams of pain coming from the wood.

- Ouch, ouch, aww, ouch!! Were saying Neil, Damien and their friend

Everybody turned around to see why Neil, Damien and their friend were running in pain. They arrived in front of the reverend mother.

- But what in the world is going on? Said the Reverend mother

- Ouch! Said Neil angry

- I'm the one who whipped them, said a voice coming from the woods

Everybody turned to see where the voice was coming from. Terrence Grandchester dressed in white, with a cape of the same colour.

- For daring to touch Candy while I wasn't there..., said Terry

- Terrence Grandchester, what are you doing here? Asked the reverend mother, you shouldn't be on this property...

Candy couldn't believe her eyes. Terry, Terry was in front of her, in front of everybody in fact! He wasn't gone!!

- I came to get Sheila who was still in your stables..., said Terry

- Your horse? And would that be all? Asked the reverend mother

- No, that's not all..., said Terry riding with his horse in the middle of the chairs.

He arrived where Candy was sitting. They looked at each other in the eyes.

- Snow White, he said giving her his hand, you want to come with me? You didn't think I was going to leave you here?

All the eyes were on Candy, whose mouth was open, surprised and frozen on the spot. She was speechless!

- Candy, said Annie, what to do you say?

Candy came out of her surprise and she smile to Terry.

- Of course, Prince Charming, I'll come with you..., she said standing up and taking his hand.

He smiled and put her on the horse with him. The nuns and the students, started to scream with indignation. Candy was in front of Terry and she hugged him closing her eyes. Terry took his horse and walked to the gate to get out of the school forever. The reverend mother didn't say a thing. She understood that Terry couldn't be without Candy and that he came back to get her... she would never admit it in a million years, but she thought it was very romantic.

- Reverend mother, said one of the nuns, we have to stop them...

- Yes, said Eliza why aren't you doing anything?!

- What's the use? Said the reverend mother, they obviously don't want to be here...

The other students clapped their hands screaming and whistling. Candy and Terry rode out of the school.

- But Reverend mother! Said Eliza

- Miss Reagan, said the reverend mother, all this is your fault, you couldn't leave well enough alone, now you have to live with the consequences... Now, enough with this circus, shut up!! I'm continuing my speech...

The students were sulking, but they had to obey. Eliza was ready to explode. Annie and Patty were happy for their friend. Alistair and Archie were stunned. Archie wanted to scream.

Candy was holding Terry and she was crying. She couldn't believe he had come back to get her.

- Tell me I'm not dreaming, she said once they were outside the gates of college

- I'm here Snow White, you're not dreaming...

- Oh my God!

Terry stopped the horse He took her face and kissed her on the lips.

- I love you, Snow White...

- I love you too...I thought you left me...

- I know, I'm sorry angel... wait a minute...

- Why?

- I'm going to go get your suitcase...

- My suitcase?

- Yes, I took the liberty of taking it from your room... and I was surprise to find it already done... you wanted to leave the college too?

- Without you here, it wasn't the same... I wanted to leave tonight for America...

- Without any money?

- Well I was planning to find some jobs on my way...

- Oh Freckles... I'm sorry, I couldn't tell you about my plan. I had to make you believe I've left you, so your punishment would be over...

- But, I heard some boys say that you were taking the boat at dawn...

- Snow-White, why would I tell some boys I barely even talk to, what my plans are?

- I went to Southampton... and I saw the boat leaving...

- Oh my God! I'm so sorry....

He took Candy's suitcase which was hidden behind some bushes. He attached it on the saddle. He went back on the horse and they left college to never go back again; for good. They arrived to a hotel in town; the Crown Plaza Hotel. They got off the horse and Terry got inside with Candy.

- Master Grandchester, said the receptionist, your wife has arrived?

"Wife"? Said Candy to herself.

- Yes, said Terry taking his key

- She's very beautiful...

- Thank you, said Candy still surprised to have been called "Terry's wife", but she was on cloud nine...

They walked towards the elevator and they went on the 7th floor. Once in their suite, Candy threw herself in Terry's arms.

- Terrence, don't ever scare me like that again! Don't ever do this to me again!

- I promise you, I won't Snow White, he said hugging her back

- "Wife"? Said Candy

- You'd rather they take you for a young girl with her boyfriend?

- But with my uniform dress, I look like a little girl...

- Whatever you put on, Freckles, you look like a little girl.

They burst out laughing.

- What are we going to do now, Terry?

- We're going to go to America and I'm going to look for a job as an actor

- All right. Do we have enough money to live on? I didn't get my allowance...

- Don't worry about that Freckles...

- All right. By the way, I talked to your father...

- Really?

- Yes, I told him to leave you alone, to let you pursue your dream and I convinced him not to stop the donations to the college

- You pleaded the college's cause? He asked surprised

- And that's not all...

- There's more?

- I asked the reverend mother not to expel Eliza...

Terry looked at her smiling. She was so good and generous.

- You're impossible, you know that? I try to punish Eliza and you get her out of her punishment...

- I'm sorry...

- That's why I love you, said Terry approaching her to hug her again and kiss her neck, thank you for speaking to my father...

Candy burst out laughing. They ended up on the bed kissing passionately, their clothes were falling on the floor... later they continued talking.

- You were so handsome with your white clothes on your white horse; a real Prince Charming! I thought I was dreaming... thank you for handling Neil and his friends...

- You're very welcome Freckles, I'm just sorry you had to suffered from their hands

- Annie and Patty saved me and accused them to the reverend mother...

- That's why I found them fuming and plotting their revenge on you...

She was happy, she was with Terry and they had enough to live on their own. She didn't have anything of value...but... she remembered something.

- By the way Terrence... there's something I forgot to tell you about...

- What?

- You remember the necklace "The heart of the ocean"?

- Yes, the one Cal accused Jack of stealing...

- That was a vicious lie...

- I know...

- Well, you remember how I didn't have any lifejacket and I was cold, Rose gave me Cal's coat?

- Yes, said Terry who was getting more and more intrigued

- Well, when I woke up after the tragedy, and Anthony and the others came to get me, they took me to a hotel. I changed and the maid from the hotel wanted to take Cal's coat I was wearing, but I refused. It was like I wanted to hang on to your memory, Jack's and Fabrizio's... I wore it over my new dress and I put my hands on my pocket and there was something inside...

- What?

- "The heart of the ocean"

- The necklace?

- Yes...Cal put it in the pocket of his coat and he gave it to Rose

- Who gave it to you... oh my God, Candy! Do you know how much its worth?

- Alistair told me that the stones came from the crown of Louis XVI...

Candy stood up and she went to the bathroom to get a robe and she put it on. She went to open her suitcase and she got her treasure box out and she took the necklace out and showed it to Terry, who took it still stunned.

- I can't believe you had this necklace since the tragedy

- I even forgot about it.... Do you think we should give it back to Cal?

- He probably already cashed the insurance money... it's yours Candy...

- I can keep it?

- Well, "In fact of piece of furniture, possession is worth title"...

- What does that mean?

- That you've got it, it's yours... people who find stuff from sunken boat they keep them... it could help you one day...

- Are you sure?

- I'm positive, Freckles... Now come back to bed, I missed you...

She put the necklace back in her treasure box and put the box back in her suitcase and when went back to bed smiling.

Mean while at St. Paul, everybody was talking about Candy and Terry. Archie was talking to his brother.

- I can't believe what just happened...

Annie and Patty arrived and got in the conversation.

- What? Said Patty, that Terry came to get her on his beautiful white horse? That was very romantic...

- Very romantic, like the end of Snow White, said Annie

- What? They're going to live happily ever after and have lots of kids? Said Archie, life is not a fairytale!

- Come on Archie..., said Alistair

- The Great Uncle William sent her here for her education, and that snotty nosed son of a duke comes and takes her away like he had every right on her!

- She didn't refuse... and he did sacrificed himself for her, said Annie

- Why did he come and get her?? Said Archie angry

- Because, he couldn't live without her, apparently..., said Patty

- Archie, after everything they've been through on the Titanic... they don't want to be separated anymore, said Annie

Archie didn't reply. Everything he was saying made him sound like a jealous boyfriend...

- Well they left with a bang! Said Alistair

- I'm happy for Candy, said Annie, she was crying every night over Terry

- Yes, she must be on cloud nine, said Patty, Candy is going to find her path with Terry by her side

Alistair looked at his brother's angry expression and shook his head. Eliza arrived with her brother.

- What a scandal! Said Eliza, the great aunt is going to have a cow when I tell her about it!

- Eliza, said Alistair, leave the great aunt alone, you've got your own scandal to deal with; you tried to seduce Terrence in his bed...

- But Candy seduced him, said Eliza

- If there was any seduction involve, said Archie, Terry was the one doing the seduction on Candy...

- They love each other, said Annie, if we had any doubts; Terry had just proved it by coming to get Candy to leave with her...

- Like the Prince Charming on his white horse, said Patty, wouldn't you want to be in her place, Eliza?

- And Neil, said Alistair, Terry whipped you and your friends, you tried to attack Candy again? You thought he had left for good...

Neil gave him the mean eye and left fuming. They continued talking for a while, the bell rang and then they went to class.

The next day, after lying in bed all day and all night, Candy and Terry went in town to do some shopping. Terry bought her some travel clothes.

- Terry, you don't have to, let's keep our money

- I have enough money, don't worry Freckles, and don't forget, we have to pass off as a married couple on the boat, we're going to share the same cabin...

- A married couple? Said Candy

- Yes, since there were no more single cabins...

- What a surprise..., said Candy smiling

- I didn't do it on purpose, I swear...

- Oh I'm not saying you did, Prince Charming... but if you did, I wouldn't be angry, I never want to leave you... I love you...

- I love you Snow-White... let's go and spoil you now

They shopped laughing around. Terry bought her evening gowns and all the accessories for dinners on the boat, in first class.

Candy and Terry went to Southampton the next day to wait for the boat for America. They were going towards new adventures in America. Terry sent a telegram to his mother to tell her he was coming to America and that she didn't need to come to live in London. The Mauritania was supposed to arrive in a few days. They were taking a walk by the harbour.

- Southampton... reminds me of Jack, said Candy softly

- Jack... I can't believe you weren't really brother and sister, he was defending you so well...

- It's funny; we can love in so many different ways... Jack and I, it was brotherly love... I was sleeping in his arms with no fear what so ever...

- Rose and I, we envied you...

- Really?

- Yes. Even though you were third class passengers, without a dime to your name, you seemed so happy... when Rose who was engaged to one of the richest man in America, just wanted to scream.... Money doesn't make people happy... I was the heir of the duke of Grandchester; all I wanted was my mother's affection. I was unhappy with my father...

- But you were so full of joy, said Candy

- That's because, I met you and I wanted to make you smile, I wanted to laugh with you... you made me want to smile and smile always...with your red hair...

- You're not disappointed to see that I'm now a real blond?

- Well, I've seen women dye their hair to look blond, I say you're very lucky. I love you whether you're a redhead or a blond...

- You still want your 7 dwarfs?

- Of course, honey, 7 dwarfs for our happiness to me complete

They burst out laughing. They met a young boy who spent his time by the harbour. He was trying to help out and earn some money. Candy felt like talking to him.

- Hi! Said Candy smiling, what's your name?

- They call me Cookie, he said

- What are you doing here, Cookie? Said Terry

- I want to become a moose...

- Oh, but aren't you a little young? Said Candy

- No, I can do it! I'm strong... it's my dream...

Candy and Terry looked at each other. The young boy, as young as he was, had a dream; to become a moose.

- But I have trouble convincing captains that I'm serious, said Cookie sadly

- Well good luck, said Terry

- Thank you, said Cookie...see you later...

- Bye, said Candy

Cookie left to help another merchandise boat.

- He's so young, said Candy

- He knows what he want, said Terry

- You know what you want to do Terry, I don't know yet...

- You'll find your path, Snow-White, I have no doubt about that...

They continued their walk, holding each other, making plans for the future.

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