Chapter 26 : "The first Christmas"

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Thank you Tuba (mrscage) for the translation.

Candy went to buy a Christmas tree and the decorations. That's going to be her first Christmas with Terry and she was very excited. She was with Florence her devoted friend and she helped her with the tree first. Florence's children had to come for Christmas Eve and to spend the holidays with their parents. Candy helped her for the decoration of the tree and rest of the house. Then they went at Candy's where a big Christmas tree was delivered and they started to decorate it too.

- I don't know what to buy for Terry, said Candy

- You'll see, you'll find something..., said Florence.

- It's our first Christmas together...

- Well then, it must be very special, however every Christmas is special, it's a family celebration.

- Yes, when I was little at Pony Home, Christmas was one of my favourite holiday...

- "Was"? Said Florence

- It's not that I don't love Christmas anymore, but while growing up and hearing people talking; Christmas is a family celebration... I never had a real family...

- But you have a family with Terry, his mother, Rose and Jack... and me, what am I? Chopped liver?

- No, said Candy smiling, thank you Florence...

- You will have your own family with Terry, one day, with a lot of children...

- Well as he calls me "Snow-white", we always say that we will have 7 little dwarfs.

- 7? Wow! Big families are good and I'm sure that you will be perfect parents...

- I don't know if I will have 7 children, but I would love to have children with Terry... when we will be married...

They finished the decoration of the apartment, and then they went together for Christmas shopping. They went to an orphanage to make donations for the children. The place was cold and dark. Candy compared it with the Pony Home and she was outraged. The director was a thin woman, in her fifties, severe and cold.

- It's cold in here, said Candy to the director, the children will catch a cold.

- But we can't afford a permanent heating..., said the director.

- Really? Said Candy sceptical, your office seems to be heated, tell me where should I go to arrange a heater for the winter?

- But... said the director embarrassed, it's not necessary to bother yourself, I will do it if you give me the money...

- I will give the necessary for a heater for the establishment, and I will send warm clothes and toys for the children... An employee of the Andrew Enterprises will come to make sure that everything is in order.

- All right Miss Andrew, said the director against her will.

- Bye, said Candy, and thank you for your time...

- Bye, Miss Andrew, said the director.

Candy left the place with Florence.

- You see Florence, the poor kids... I hope that the situation will get better...

- Yes, for a time, but then she will start to not the heat the place to steal the money...

- If I could open an orphanage... said Candy...

- With your 10 millions? Why not?

- Oh Florence... it's a very good idea, but let's finish with the daycare first...

- All right...

- Let's continue our shopping...

They had fun while buying the gifts and they went back home tired.

- Florence, said Candy, I was thinking about going to the orphanages to give presents to the kids...

- That's really generous of you

- Well, as I'm an orphan and I know how happy I was to receive presents on Christmas morning, although we didn't have parents, we were so happy... I want that the orphans of New York, to be happy on Christmas morning.

- Well we could go tomorrow and bring the gifts, said Florence moved by the generosity of Candy...

- Thank you Florence... now let's get ready for our men...

- But don't you have a Christmas party at the theatre this evening? Said Florence

- Yes, but I could keep the meal for tomorrow, as we will be busy to visit the orphanages...

- All right, said Florence smiling...

- Terry will come to pick me up soon...

The theatre where Terry and Rose were working organized a Christmas party at the reception hall of the Grand Hotel. Terry, of course, was going to take Candy with him...There would be a present exchange between the members of the troupe. Susanna couldn't wait to be at the party. She wanted to try once more to seduce Terry, maybe if he drinks a little... But Rose was always on his heels!

The reception started and Terry wasn't there yet. Susanna was waiting for him to come... Rose was there but Terrence wasn't there yet. Susanna went to take a glass of vine and she started to talk with the other members of the troupe.

- Look at Rose, without her Terrence, said Karen

- He will come soon, said Susanna

- You keep looking out for him..., said Karen

- No, I'm just want to see when he arrives

- He isn't free...

- But I saw him with another girl...

- So what?

- He cheats on Rose...

- Oh... and that gives you hope... if he cheats on Rose with somebody else, he could cheat her with you too... Susanna you are unbelievable! You want to take advantage of his weakness to seduce him!

Susanna just smiled. She was in love with Terry, she was dreaming of him every night and day...

- How could you use that to your advantage...? Asked Karen outraged

Susanna wanted to answer but Terrence arrived with Candy at his arm, smiling...

- But who is that with Terrence? Said an actress

- It's her ! He brought her here !! Said Susanna

- Rose is here..., said the actress

- Maybe she's a friend of his, said Karen...

- Candy and Terry were laughing with Rose and other colleagues.

Candy went to powder her nose at one point of the evening. She met Susanna...

- Good evening, said Candy smiling, Merry Christmas!

- Aren't you ashamed to come here with someone else's boyfriend? Said Susanna

- Someone else's boyfriend?

- Yes Terrence! He is with Rose...

Candy looked at her surprised. The staff was thinking that Terry and Rose were together, but why was this girl was mad?

- I don't see why it's bothering you, said Candy

- You nauseate me!

- And you, you're interfering in something that's none of your business ! Said Candy while leaving...

She didn't like the vibe she felt from Susanna... She went back to Terry and Rose.

- Are you all right Snow White? He asked looking at her

- Yes, I'm right Prince Charming... she said smiling

- You two..., said Rose, you are so cute!

They burst out laughing, but Candy was still thinking about what Susanna said to her. It wasn't her business!

The time of exchanging gifts between the members of the troupe came. Terry received a gift from Susanna... it was a gold watch ...

- Wow, said Candy ironically, what a beautiful gift, a gold watch from Susanna Marlowe...

- Why do did you say that Snow White? Said Terry innocently.

- Why? Said Candy surprised

- Yes, it's a present from a colleague... said Terry

- A colleague madly in love with you... said Candy

- You think so? Said Terry

- Terrence Dear, said Candy, sometimes you can be really blind!

- What? I don't care about the attention of other women, you know it Snow White

- But that doesn't mean that you don't interest them..., said Candy

- Do you think that Susanna is interested in me? Said Terry, what makes you say that?

- Her attitude towards me, every time that I see her... said Candy

- Well she's wasting her time, said Terry, because, I love only you...

- Well her present is saying that she loves you, said Rose

- It's just a gift... said Terry

- Well, said Candy, I have read that in some cultures that to accept a gift is to accept to be with someone...

- It's Christmas Freckles... we exchange gifts... don't be paranoid

- It's Christmas, said Candy, let's have fun...

They ate and drank laughing and signing Christmas songs. Susanna was still observing Terry and she saw him leaving with Candy. She follow them slowly and saw them kissing behind the curtains and her heart broke in thousand pieces.

- You want to go home, Freckles? I want to be alone with you...

- Let's go, Terry...

- We're giving Rose a ride...

- Ok

Terry and Candy retuned to the party to look for Rose and take her to her place before going back home. Susanna, in her obsessed mind, still believed that Candy was a slut cheating with Rose's boyfriend ...

For Christmas Eve, Candy and Terry went at Eleonor's. It was the first time that Terry was celebrating with his mother and the woman he loved. Christmas was a family celebration and it was the first time Terry felt he was part of a family. He was so happy.

- Mum, said Terry, you can't imagine how happy I am to be here with you and Candy...

- Oh yes, I can..., said Eleonor, I've been dreaming of celebrating Christmas with you, all my life...

- And I'm happy to be with the man I love and his mother, said Candy, Merry Christmas, Terry, Merry Christmas mum...

- Merry Christmas, mum, Merry Christmas Candy, said Terry

- Merry Christmas my children said Eleonor, and she held them in her arms and hugged them...

They ate the turkey together and sang Christmas songs, and then Candy and Terry went back home very late. They wanted to pass Christmas Morning home...

On Christmas morning, Candy woke up and went to wash herself in a hurry to go arrange the presents under the tree... Terry woke up and went to wash up then he went to the living room and he found Candy in the kitchen preparing breakfast. He got closer to her and kissed her on the neck, from behind.

- Merry Christmas, honey...

She turned around and kissed him on the lips.

- Merry Christmas, my love, she said, do you want to eat something?

- Yes, but I want to give you your presents first

- All right...

- Come to the living room...

He took her hand and took her to the living room. He took a little box under the tree and gave it to her. She opened it; it was a gold chain with a locket in a shape of a heart; it could be opened. There was a little picture of Terry in it with an inscription on the heart in it;

"Always, never, here is my secret; always love you, never forget you"

- Oh Terry, it's marvellous and very beautiful, thank you so much...! But you are funny... especially since you forgot me after the Titanic tragedy...

- Yes I know, that's why I will never ever forget you again, he said smiling

She held her in her arms tenderly.

- That's not all, he said

- Oh...

Terry bent on one knee and he took her left hand;

- Candice Snow-White Andrew, would you marry me...?

There was a diamond ring in a small blue box. Candice didn't know what to say, tears were running on her cheeks.

- Oh Terrence, she said, yes... I want to be your wife...

He smiled and put the ring on her left hand finger. He got up and Candy jumped on his next while crying and laughing of joy...

- I love you Terry...

- I love you Candy...

She gave him a small box too. It was a gold fountain pen, that she had custom made especially for him. His name was engraved on it; Terrence G. Grandchester.

- Thank you Freckles..., he said smiling; I will think of you every time that I will use it... but I'm always thinking of you

They opened the rest of their presents laughing, there was clothes, shoes, toys...

- A doll? She said surprised

- An electric train, he said smiling

- We're on the same page...

- As a matter of fact, I love electric trains!

- And I love dolls!

They burst out laughing and they had fun like children on a Christmas morning; they were children on that first Christmas together.

They had their breakfast very late and in the evening they went to Florence for the Christmas dinner with her children. One of Florence's children was just ordained priest and he didn't find it fine for Candy and Terry living together without being married. His name was Jude.

- You know that it's a sin to live together without being married? He said

- Yes, we know, said Candy but we don't want to be separated, we almost lost each other forever...

- I asked Candy to marry me this morning said Terry

- And I said "yes", said Candy smiling and showing her ring

- Oh, said Father Jude, that's very good...

- We haven't decide about the date yet but we would like you to marry us when we'll be ready, said Candy

- I would be honoured said father Jude

- Congratulations, said Florence smiling and getting up to hug them.

- Yes, congratulations! Said the others smiling

- Thank you, said Candy and Terry smiling

- Well, I've never marry a couple before, said the Father Jude, I have to marry one next week in my church, may I practice on you two?

Candy and Terry looked each other smiling. Why not? This would be a practice for them too...

- Why not? Said Candy smiling, do you agree Terry?

- Yes of course, said Terry, I could pretend to marry you and that you're really are my wife!

- Alright said Father Jude, mom, dad, could you lend me your wedding bands, please ?

- Of course, said Florence, while taking off her wedding ring and taking her husband's one too which he also took off.

Jude took the rings. Candy and Terry got close of him while holding each other's hand. He asked them if they had wows to say...

- Oh... said Terry, why not? I always have something to tell to my Candy

- Go ahead then, said the Father Jude

Terry turned to Candy and he talked to her from the bottom of his heart.

- My dear Candy, here I am ready to attached to you for life and I am the happiest man on earth. Since the first time that I laid my eyes on you, on that cursed ship, I didn't stop thinking of you, even when I didn't remember you, you were in my head and you made me happy in my dreams... Now I will pass my whole life to make you happy. I love you Candy

- Terry, said Candy with tears in her eyes, I knew the first time that I saw you that you would never leave my heart, you are the one that I have been waiting for, you are the one who makes me happy... You are my Prince Charming and I'm happy I found you; I will spend the rest of my life with you. I love you Terry.

Father Jude and his whole family were moved with tears! Candy and Terry's love was intense, they could finger it.

- Terrence Graham Grandchester do you take this woman, Candice White Andrew to be you lawful wedded wife?

- I do, said Terry smiling

- And you Candice White Andrew, do you take, this man, Terrence Graham Grandchester to be your lawful wedded husband?

- I do, said Candy smiling

Father Jude took the rings and gave it to them.

- Terrence, repeat after me, with this ring I thee wed

- With this ring I thee wed, said Terry

He looked at Candy and said:

- Repeat after me Candice, with this ring, I take you as husband

- With this ring, I take you as husband...

- In the power invested in me, I now pronounce you, husband and wife, said Father Jude, you can kiss the bride.

Terry leaned and took Candy's lips with a passionate kiss. The others started to applause while laughing.

- So Jude, said his mother, you won't have any difficulty marriying your young couple in a week!

- Thank you, Candy, thank you Terry, said the father Jude, it was a pleasure to marry you... your love is so pure and so beautiful

- Oh you are welcome, said Candy, it was a pleasure to be married...

- An enormous pleasure! Said Terry laughing.

Everybody burst out laughing and they had a nice evening. Outside the snow was falling, covering the city with his beautiful immaculate white coat. The world was celebrating; those who had conflicts forgot them that day.

Candy and Terry were at their home after the dinner.

- So are you happy to be my fiancée?

- Yes, I'm already living in sin with my future husband...

- That doesn't bother you much?

- Living with you bothering me? Are you kidding?

- We are not married...

- The pretend ceremony with the father Jude was so realistic...

- I know I feel almost like married...

- Me too. You do know that we're trying to console ourselves, don't you?

- Yes, and I know it, this pretend ceremony calmed me down a little

- Me too. And we almost die without being together, said Candy and also, there are two rooms in the apartment. Nobody knows that the other room isn't used...

Terry smiled.

- I wanted to ask for your hand officially to Uncle William...

- But we don't know where he is...

- He must be somewhere, you are his adoptive daughter, I wanted his approval to marry you

- Well I will ask Mr. Georges to give him the message, then you would have his approval and we could get

- I love you Freckles

- I love you, Terry...

For the New Year, Terry took Candy to a restaurant that was full for the New Year.

- Well if we hadn't met each other on the Titanic, we would have met on December 31st.

- Yes... and I would have find you very arrogant, as you laughed at my freckles

- Because I found them adorable...

- You have funny ways to make compliments to the girls, you were much better on the Titanic... much more charming...

- Well on the Titanic I was trying to stop a girl from the 3rd class, from running away

- And on the Mauritania, you took me for a spoiled little rich girl...

- In both cases, I couldn't get you out of my mind...

They looked at their hands.

- We forgot to give the alliances to Florence..., said Candy

- They are beautiful to see on our hands, said Terry

- I love you Terry...

- I love you Candy

He took her hand and kissed it. They had a wonderful evening, eating and dance, and at midnight he kissed her...

The year 1914 started well. Terry had to go in tour in spring. Candy wanted to learn how to drive before he left, so he was giving her lessons on week-ends and evenings. It was very fun and she was a little bit mad when he was teasing her, but it was always friendly and likable.

- You are a good student, Freckles

- I have a good teacher, even if sometimes he gets on my nerves

- I'm teasing you, Freckles, but you will be on the road with other drivers and I just want you be sure that you will be safe and also you would not put other people in danger....

- I know, Terrence... and thank you from the bottom of my heart

- Are you ready for the exam...?

- And obtain my driving license... I can't wait !

Terry was looking at her, she always was surprising him, she had 10 millions of dollars in her disposition and she was opening a daycare for children instead of buying haute couture clothes... she could pay for a driver, but she preferred learning how to drive her self.

- Will you buy me a car, Terry?

- Of course, Freckles, let's continue until we get home

She drove them home and Terry congratulate her by kissing her.

- Thank you Terry , said Candy smiling

- You're very welcome, let's go home...

Candy's attempts for the opening of the daycare centre were going well. Sometimes she would meet Michael who was keeping up inviting her for a drink.

- Michael I'm engaged...

- I just want to have a drink

- It wouldn't be very appropriate, I'm sorry...

- They will send me to France soon, to a military base... I won't see you again

- Oh... when will you leave ?

- In 4 weeks...

- I promise you then I will come with Terry to have a drink with you, or I will invite you to our place... to thank you for your kindness.

- All right said Michael, smiling

Candy found a building for her daycare centre. She hired some people to prepare it and to paint the walls. She also hired a young artist.

- Miss, said the young artist named Léo, what can I do for you ?

- Well, I wanted a special work on the walls of the hall

- Oh, I'm at you service...

- All right, what I have in mind is... said Candy

The works had been done in time for the end of January and she already started to do some publicity for her daycare centre. Georges, who thought it was a good idea, sent his employees to help her in the administration field and the paperwork, the accounting... Candy hired young women to help her to take care of the children. She organized a little party for the inauguration of the centre, the day before Terry's birthday. It was a success and many mothers congratulated her for her idea. Terry invited Robert Hathaway who was congratulating him for having a very dynamic fiancée.

- Terry, your fiancée is a strong headed woman...

- She doesn't like staying without doing anything, said Terry

- I see, and I know others who would spend their time shopping in expensive boutiques...

- Candy prefers shopping for others, said Terry smiling...

- I really am impressed, said Hathaway

Terry looked at his Candy who was talking with a young blond man. Who was he? She was coming towards him with this young man.

- Terrence, dear, here is Michael that I always talk to you...Michael, this is Terry my fiancé, said Candy smiling

- Nice to meet you, said Michael, smiling

- Nice to meet you too, said Terry by shaking his hand

- And this is Mr. Hathaway, the manager of the Stratford Troupe... said Candy

- Nice to meet you, said Hathaway

- Mr. Hathaway said Michael

- Michael helped me with the work, said Candy and he found for me the artist who made the walls.

- Oh, said Terry, he did a wonderful job

- Very beautiful, said Hathaway

On the walls of the room, there was a fairytale "Snow White and the 7 dwarfs" illustrated by the young artist. Terry took Candy by the shoulders.

- Snow White, you had a very good idea, Snow White's story on the walls... that's brilliant!

- You gave me this idea by calling me always "Snow White", said Candy smiling

- Well you complete each other, said Hathaway laughing, you really are made for each other...

They all burst out laughing. Rose came and she held Candy in her arms.

- Candy, now I won't worry about Jack any more, I'll know that he will be in good hands at his godmother, said Rose

- Well it's him who gave me the idea, said Candy; I can't wait to spend my days with him!!

- And so does he, said Rose, laughing...

The evening went on very well. There was even the press who were there to take some pictures and write an article, about William Andrew's daughter who had open a daycare for children...

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