+ yourself

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As Ten sat on the grass looking a bit down, he watched a happy couple talking to each other and laughing. He got annoyed by it and faked a loud cough.

The couple then turned around and he faked a cough once more and told to go away if they were going act all lovey dovey to each other.

When the couple left, he sigh at himself and wondered what he was doing wrong to not being able to attract Yin.


The next day, Ten sat with Doyoung instead of Yin.

Doyoung was watching a hilarious video that amused him. "Dude, check this out," Doyoung said and showed Ten the video.

But then didn't want to watch the video. "No. Not in the mood right now," Ten said with a not so happy tone and continued to play with his laptop.

"Bruh, don't be sad, you're making me sad," Doyoung said to Ten.

Ten sigh and said: "I don't know what to do. I've tried everything, being English, being Ed Sheeran - even got damn EXO. But none of that works."

"Maybe she's just different from other girls?" Doyoung questioned to Ten.

"Yeah, what do I do? I can't read her like the other girls," Ten replied.

"I'm not a professional, but maybe you shouldn't try so hard. Try being yourself?" Doyoung suggested.

"Being myself sucks," Ten said.

"Y-y-you got a point," Doyoung replied not being able to disagree with that - making Ten's face change into a poker face. "But the other versions of yourself is more unbearable."

"Being myself is not good enough," Ten said.

Doyoung sigh a little before telling Ten: "You know what? For the right girl, it will be enough."

"Whatever," Ten said and continued to play his laptop.

"Bruh, trust me on this," Doyoung said but Ten just replied with: "Whatever. Thanks."

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