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"HOODRAT!" Sammy yells.

I jump in the hedge on my seat.

We are currently sitting on the bench, trying for our coach to sub us in. My eyes were caught by a certain midfielder. Her long blonde hair are flying in the air every step she takes, and her piercing blue eyes are looking at the ball. The same eyes are now looking at me, intrigued. But it's a totally different person.

Shit, Steph. Stop staring. I look at my friend Sam, and she just frowns.

"I've been talking to you for like forever" Sam grumpily says. "Did you listen to anything I said ?"

"S-sorry" I say, feeling her eyes get colder.

"Dude, what's going on with you today ? Ever since Kristie is back from her trip in Germany, you just aren't here with us anymore !"

Yeah, for the record, Kristie went to learn German in Germany for the past six months. We've been friend for a very long time now - our mothers delivered baby Sam and baby Steph the same year, and in the same little town of Hanson, Massachusetts - and Sam and I got even closer when Kristie left. When she came back this morning, it just made me remember all those weird feelings I've been having around her for the past 4 years. Yeah, four years is a long time. But I may just be wrong.

Sam looks at me with concern in her eyes.

"Steph, you okay ?" she asks.

The coach calls me. He puts my number on the board, so I just smile at Sam and get up. I run on the field, clapping in my teammates's hands one by one. Kristie runs towards me and wraps me into a tight hug.

My body immediately responds to her touch. I feel shiver in the back of my neck, and my stomach seems to be pierced by hundred of butterflies coming from all around. I swallowed my saliva, and almost chuckled with it.

"I missed you" Kristie whispers in my ear.

She then looks at me, and runs back to her position. I run to the forward position and throw a quick look at Sam, who is making weird signs with her arms. I just nod to confirm that I am okay, and focus on the game.

We end up winning 4-1. We are all happy, since it is a very important game. We are qualified for the national colleges championship that will take place in several weeks. And it also is Kristie's big return. The stadium is filled with supporters of our team. You know the perfect girl - smiling, caring, funny, soft, and so on - that everybody like and who is like THE star of the whole school ? That's more or less what Kristie is. Everybody like her, and she's got all the guys she wants. But weirdly, she's never kissed anyone.

As I am walking with Sam - because Kristie is talking to a lot of people behind us - we come across Syd, Kristie's best friend. The girl hugs us quickly, before smiling at us. She also is a pretty popular girl.

"Hey guys. So, I'm planning a big party in Kratchet's honor tonight. Care to join ?" she asks.

I smile when I hear the nickname I gave Kristie several years ago. She came up with "Hoodrat" for me after this, because she thought it was as ugly as mine was. Syd's a great girl. I mean, I'm not a very social person. I wouldn't be noticed if it wasn't for Syd and Kristie, that always make me come to big events. I joined the team because of them. And they always are kind to me. I sometimes wonder why. I mean, Kristie's my friend obviously. But Syd is Kristie's friend, not mine. And still, she always cares about me.

Sam is smiling wildly.

"Of course we'll come, right, Hoodrat ?" she exclaims.

"Sure" I shyly lets out.

Syd smiles at us.

"Cool. See ya later !" she says, quickly waving at us before disappearing in the crown that is around Kristie now.

I exchange a desperate look with Sam : we both know we better get going otherwise we'll never be done with those fucking calculus homework before the party.


We arrive in my house less than twenty minutes later.

Ever since my parents died in a car crash, my sister Carli is taking care of me. She and her best friend Hope are living under the same roof than I am. I couldn't think of a better older sister than Carli. Except for her natural sarcasm, she's the greatest. Always caring, concerned, and very supportive or me. And about Hope, Car and I must be the only people she likes.

Carli is sitting in the kitchen, her laptop on the table. She probably is working on that project she told me about several days ago.

"Hey Carlo" I say.

I know it annoys her when I say it. She looks up and grins at me, before smiling at Sam, who is shyly standing next to me. Even though she's seen Carli more than a hundred times, she always is impressed by her.

"Hey, Sammy ! How's it going ?" she asks, ignoring me.

They exchange a few words, before I hug her from behind. She isn't exactly what you call "touchy", so she just groans and I place a light kiss on her forehead.

"Where's Hopey ?" I ask, while Sam is settling our things on the other side of the table.

We usually do our homework on this very table, because there isn't enough room in my small room. Carli is working her ass off in order to offer us a good life, so I will never complain about her and Hope getting the biggest rooms, and me the cubbyhole at the end of the corridor. I like it, actually. It's small and cozy.

Carli looks up at me, pushing me aside.

"She went to buy some stuffs for your birthday tomorrow" she says. "By the way, you can invite some of your friends over."

"I said I didn't want you guys to spend money for my birthday..." I argue.

"I know. But I want my little sister to have a wonderful 18th birthday. It's only one in a lifetime, right ?"

Sam burst out laughing.

"Still not funny" I grumble, looking at her with despair. "Oh, I almost forgot : Kristie's back in town, so Syd is organizing her a party tonight. Mind if I go ?"

"No. Go and have fun, girls" she smiles.

She's pretty happy when I socialize with people. She actually really likes Kristie because she forces me doing things I don't really like, which by the way is supposed to be Carli's job. I smile at her and kiss her cheek once again. She pretend to punch me in the face, which makes me giggle.

Sam throws a book at my face. It's time to work now.

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