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 Make a sock puppet and put it in the window, when your neighbor looks squish a blueberry in the sock puppets mouth (@TheCanineVendetta)

• Lick your cat and when someone asks what you're doing say, "Good deeds" (@TheCanineVendetta)

• Make a movie plot and act like you're in it. Make props with things around the house (@Hozhoni)

• Draw eyes on your chin and make a video of you talking upside down (@Hozhoni)

• Go to random people and ask them if you can tie their shoes. When they ask why say you don't want them falling for anyone else (@Cause_why_not_)

• Bread. (@Mushroompal) 

• Walk backwards and ask everyone else why they are walking the wrong way (@andPeggySchuyler)

• Attempt to start a flash mob (@andPeggySchuyler)

• Make a raspberry occult club where you and the members study the magical ways of raspberries, and blueberry demon summoning (@-FAYZ_Fanatic-) what

• Get a potato, and just throw it into someone's open window, or just throw it across the neighborhood if it's possible and then yell, "INCOMING!" before you throw the potato (@Rosetta_The_Derp)

• Find a hobby (@alexis082502)

• Food. (@iamthelerasaur)

• Mix peanut butter, oat meal, chocolate chips, coconut flower, and eat it. It's like cookies but no baking just in a bowl (@M_DOWG) 

• Eat the blueberry clan. Eat the strawberry clan. Eat every clan. RASPBERRIES UNITE! (@_Faith-o_)

• Meditate and summon your inner unicorn (@TDiprincess101)

• Talk to a stuffed toy in public (@Am_HXY)

• Grab a potato and draw a mustache on it. Name it bob. Have dinner with your parents and Bob. Tell your family you're getting married to bob. At the wedding, tell Bob that you're hungry. Take a bite out of Bob. Scream, "BOB NO!" Then eat the rest of him. Walk out like a boss and say, "FOREVER ALONE!" (@Icecloud9644)

• Go to the cinema and start crying really loudly during the film when nothing emotional is even happening (@Amarawr)

• Run outside and scream potatoes (@SydneyMarts)

400. Grow tentacles (@nerdy_jayda)

There are lots more suggestions, those who didn't get your suggestion on this chapter will have it posted on the next chapter :D

There are lots more suggestions, those who didn't get your suggestion on this chapter will have it posted on the next chapter :D

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1,000 Things to do When You're BoredМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя