• sing your favorite song at the top of your lungs in the middle of the street
• eat a whole bar of chocolate in under 1 minute, I dare you. write your time in the comments
• chug a water bottle in under 30 seconds. write your time
• don't die from eating too much chocolate and choking on water
• longest record you've ever kept
• go outside and pretend you are a caveman
• stand outside your neighbors window at exactly 9pm and start banging on the windows. wear all black. at exactly 9:02 run away and quickly go inside your house without them knowing it's you and change into normal clothes and pretend you were reading or drawing in your room the whole time
• don't get the cops called on you
• omg wait no don't do that one I have a better one. at 8:00pm dress in all black stand outside your neighbors door and knock a couple times then run away so they open it to no one. do this a couple times and on the fourth time knock very loudly and just stand there waiting and when they answer the door just stand there and stare at them (but have a mask covering your face) and then when they start to close the door scream "scoodlyboop" and sprint away
• do this to them every night for 4 days then stop then after 2 weeks do it 4 days in a row again and never do it again ^^^
• play air guitar at the grocery store ask for tips
•give your pets some nice TLC
• I'll come crashing down in the ash of the fire that I built
• write your teacher a song and in the middle of class stand up and start to sing (no warning at all)
• watch the time for an hour (report back if you could do it or not)
• reminisce all your baby photos
• make a collage out of your baby photos for your mom (include one nicolas cage photo)
• read my English literature book for me (it's 1,379 pages)
• get hyped for christmas (I'm so excited for it to come 😀)
580. 420 away from 1,000
haha 420
Anyone have any Xbox game suggestions

1,000 Things to do When You're Bored
RandomPlz don't judge I wrote this when I was 14 hahaha. Unfortunately I did not finish or make it to 1000 things.... Are you bored? You've come to the right place! Updates are erratic there is no schedule #225 in random YEET