Chapter 2

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I suddenly shot up and looked around to see I was now in an almost plain white room with very simple furniture. My breathing suddenly picked up as I got out of the bed , seeing I was still in my dance outfit.

I noticed a mirror on the wall across from the bed I was in and walked up to it, seeing my makeup had smudged and I looked absolutely horrible - but then again that wasn't my biggest problem right now

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I noticed a mirror on the wall across from the bed I was in and walked up to it, seeing my makeup had smudged and I looked absolutely horrible - but then again that wasn't my biggest problem right now.

I rushed over to the window and tried to open it, groaning when I noticed it was shut and locked. I debated breaking the window but as I looked out I noticed I was very high up.

I walked away from the window as quietly as I could and got to the door, slowly turning the knob, praying that somehow Klaus had forgotten to lock the door. I was extremely surprised when I noticed it wasn't locked.

I slowly peeked my head out of the door and glanced both ways, seeing no one. Something wa wrong... oh well, this could be my only chance to get out! I quickly slid up the hall as quietly as I could, thanking myself for wearing slippery socks so it wasn't hard for me to slide rather than step.

I stopped at a staircase and glanced down skeptically, seeing Tyler and another hybrid talking. Tyler spotted me but didn't make any obvious hints to the other hybrid. He then yawned over dramatically, leaning slightly one way with his fingers pointed in that direction. I glanced that way and noticed a large door down a hallway.

"Hey man, do you wanna grab some food?" Tyler spoke, acting if I was never there. The hybrid soon agreed as they both headed in the opposite direction towards what I assume was the kitchen. I quickly ran towards the large door, thanking the lords Klaus had decided to make his flooring out of marble so I was virtually making no noise.

I reached the door and yanked it open, quickly glance behind me, checking that no one has seen me. As I turned to run I ran straight into a hard chest. I cussed to myself, glancing up to see the one and only Klaus standing at the door with another man I hadn't seen before.

Klaus gave me a smirk and suddenly gripped onto my arms, making me yelp in surprise as he lifted me over his shoulder and vamp-sped, making me feel slightly sick. He abruptly stopped and threw me towards something.

When I opened my eyes I noticed I was now sitting on a couch. "Brother!" Klaus called and I gasped to myself. Brother. Aha! It was Elijah I had seen earlier. I had heard of him before but I had never seen him.

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