Chapter 12

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I laid down on the bed in Elena's house for a good three hours, attempting to sleep but every time I came close to drifting off there would be a sharp pain in my side or through my temple. I groaned as I started to feel drowsy but a jolt through my left side awoke me again. "What the hell? Let me sleeeep..." I whined out to no one or nothing in particular, gripping onto my side with both hands, trying to soothe the aching area.

"Not going to happen, darling." At the introduction of a new voice I shot up from my bed, glancing around the room quickly before my eyes landed on Kol who sat on the dresser, feet swinging high from the ground. I felt my chest tighten at his presence and opened my mouth to shout for help but he quickly appeared in front of me and covered my mouth with his cold hand. "Shhh, shh, shh darling, wouldn't want to wake up dear Jeremy now would we?" He smirked at me, his tone obviously implying that he would hurt Jeremy.

I glared at him over his fingers and he just smiled before grabbing my hand and yanking my ring off. Before I could yell at him or even attempt to put my ring back on he was making eye contact with me and whispering his words. This bitch is compelling me! "This didn't happen, you fell asleep and dreamt of Kol Mikaelson." He winked at me before continuing "You will help out your little scooby gang for a short while longer before realising you actually want to help the Mikaelsons. When I leave you will put your ring on again and forget that I was ever here."

I blinked and felt a cold whoosh of air and I sighed to myself, standing up and closing the window. That must be why I couldn't sleep! As I turned I noticed my ring on the floor and groaned. I was going to have to get a bracelet or something, that damn thing keeps falling off! I reached down and picked it up, slipping the ring back onto my finger before sliding back into the bed and closing my eyes, finally being able to sleep again.

At last..


"All done, brother!" I spoke to Nik as I walked into our house again, seeing Nik stood near the fireplace, some paper burning along with the wood. I glanced at the paper, seeing a face and the bottom of some hair before the paper completely burned. "Oh, Nik, please do not tell me you are bothered by that little blonde wench." I spoke. He had always shamed Rebekah for loving so easily when it was clear he himself was in love.

"Of course I am." Niklaus revealed, turning to face me and I rolled my eyes at his dramatics, flopping down on the armchair I had claimed as my own. "I am bothered by that whole gang." He snarled and I smirked lightly at this. Good. "Caroline? I no longer care for her. She has chosen the wrong team for the last time." Klaus spoke with a slight growl at the name of the girl he was once infatuated with. I do not understand why he didn't just compel her or even cared for her in the slightest.

We are vampires - love is our greatest weakness.

I have loved before but never got hung up over it. All of my sibling were starting to lose their marbles. Finn with Sage, Rebekah with anyone who gave her five minutes of attention, Elijah and that Katherine girl that Nik hates so much  and finally, even the big bad hybrid had fallen onto the curse of loving with Caroline. I never understood his liking of her. When they first met he was trying to kill her boyfriend and the second time - he was trying to kill her! 

My brother sure was a strange man.

"Well, I presume that all went well with dearest Luna then?" Klaus asked, looking towards me and I just raised my eyebrows at him, questioning if he was serious or not. "Ahh, how could I be so foolish, Kol? When do you ever fail?" He spoke with a sarcastic tone and I growled slightly at this. Yet again I had no idea why Nik wanted this girl so badly - he had told us the truth about how she had lied about her argument with her mother but he failed to mention what he wanted with her. She was human from what I knew but Nik refused to accept that, going on and on about how there was more to it.

"I could do without the attitude, Nik." I answered back. "But yes, the girl will stay with the idiots for a while longer before deciding that she wanted to be on Team Mikaelson." I answered him, taking the glass of whiskey he was holding out to me. I took a quick swig of the whiskey as Klaus raised his eyebrows at me. "Oh Niklaus, where would all the fun be if she just ran straight into our arms. We must watch as she slowly breaks her friends hearts and decides to run to us for help." I laughed out at my words, imagining how the innocent girl's subconscious would be yelling at her to stop and help her friends.

Oh I do love compelling!



I sat at the breakfast bar with Elena, frowning slightly as I pushed my cereal around the bowl with my spoon. I shivered slightly, quick snippets of memory from my dream flashing through my head. I closed my eyes and dropped my spoon into the almost full bowl of cereal and rested my head on the table below me, my arms under my forehead.

"Oh come on, darling," Kol spoke and I looked towards him. "Don't lie to yourself. You were much happier with us." He paused stepping towards me as I took a step back "Take my hand, come with me and we shall return to the safety of the Mikaelson house." He offered with an extended hand and I nodded, linking my hand with his.

And that was the end of the dream. Why had I dreamed of Kol last night? What was wrong with me? I hated him and his crazy family.. why would I be dreaming of running away with them? Running away from the safety of my group of friends.. were they safe? Half of them were also vampires and even a hybrid! Maybe I was just as safe there as I was here? ..

"Hey, Luna, are you okay?" Elena's voice broke me out of my trance and I looked up to see her staring back at me. What was I thinking? Of course the people who I am with now were safer than the Mikaelsons. God I really was an idiot. "You kinda got lost in our own head there." Elena spoke, looking over me as if she was expecting me to go off on a huge rant about what I had been thinking about.

"Nah, it was nothing.." I lied and she looked at me curiously. "I had a weird dream last night but  can't really remember what it was about.. I just know it kinda freaked me out." I told her, leaving out the fact that Kol was the main aspect of my dream.  "Where are Jeremy and 'Ric?" I asked her and she took a sip of her orange juice.

"Mmm, Jeremy is all freaked out about the fact the Mikaelsons could come after us, or more likely you, again so he asked Alaric to help him train," Elena told me and took a bite of her cornflakes. I nodded, reminiscing on the days where Alaric's only wish was to kill Damon and now they were drinking buddies. Strange how things work themselves out.

I stood up and scraped the remaining cereal in my bowl into the bin and turned to Elena as I straightened up my white crop top and slipped my feet into my white converse. I reached over and pulled my white jacket over the top of my clothes. "I'm gonna head to school, meet you there?" I asked and she gave me a look. "It's fine - they're not gonna come for me with so many people around.

"Yeah.. alright i'll meet you there.." Elena spoke carefully before I nodded and flipped my hair over my jacket, grabbing my bag and sliding out of the house, beginning to walk towards school when a car pulled up beside me. I rolled my eyes as I looked at the familiar blue Chevy Camaro pull up beside me.

"You're not going all that way without protection are you?" Damon asked with his signature smirk as he opened the passenger door for me and I smiled lightly at him before slipping into his car beside him. "I can't believe you want to willingly go to school." Damon spoke with a roll of his eyes and I just laughed.

"Well not all of us are vampire who can just compel their way through life." I answered him, taking out my phone and texting Jeremy, telling him I was going to school, knowing he would either not come or freak out when he realised I wasn't back at the house with Elena.



so now she is dreaming of Kol? ;)))

lets pretend he didn't compel her to lmao

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