The Best Day of my Life

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*Niall's P.O.V*

It's almost time for me  to pick up Stacey for our date, and I'm getting nervous. Marcel is helping me and so is Isaac, he's Cassie and Stacey's new best friend, Heather's boyfriend. "I don't know guys," I said. "What if she doesn't like me after this." "Dude, she totally will. You guys are obviously meant to be!!" Marcel said. Isaac agreed nodding, "Yeah totally." "Alright, well, I gotta go pick her up see you guys in a couple of hours." I said jogging out the door of Isaac's house to my car. "You got this Niall!!" They screamed to me being supportive.

I get to Cassie's house where Cassie and Heather were helping Stacey get ready. I haven't met Heather yet so when an unfamilar girl opened the door for me I was confused, but she introduced herself. "Hey, I'm Heather you know my boyfriend, Isaac." She said sweetly. She was pretty, she had a nice smile and had dark brown hair that was dip dyed blue which was really cool. "Nice to meet you finally. I'm Niall." "I know. You're ALL Stacey talks about." She was right though, you are really cute." I blushed and ducked my head so she couldn't see. Does Stacey.. really always talk about me? She thinks I'm cute and Heather agrees... Wow... "Thanks." I said quietly. "No problem. Stacey will be down in a minute, Cassie is just finishing her hair a little." "Okay, that's cool. I'll wait." "So, how long have you liked Stacey?" "SInce I first saw her." "Wow. So like love at first sight?" "Well, I don't wanna rush things and say I love her just yet, but yeah I guess." "Wow. You're a really nice guy." "Thanks. SO, how bout you and Isaac. How long have you been dating?" "About 4 and a half months. it's been really great." She said. Her mood kinda changed though, a little bit sadder. "How so?" "Well before I started dating him, I was suicidal and stuff. I was bullied and had no friends, but we kinda hooked up over the summer after Cassie, Stacey and me became friends. Cassie and him were together at the time but, they didn't work out. So, i waited till I thought I knew they were completely done and tried being friends with Isaac. Then, over the summer we hooked up. I've been happier with him than anyone else. I stopped wishing that I would die but, sometimes I still cut..." She turned quiet at the last few words but, I could still hear them. "Oh wow, why would you cut or want to end your life?" "No one liked me at the time. I was no one but, then I met Stacey and Cassie. We're best friends now." "Yeah it's okay. I was always a no one but then I met Marcel and he was my friend because he noticed how i'm always alone and he used to know what that was like." "Yeah." It started to get awkward. Just then, we heard the door opened and Cassie came out. "It's my honor to present... Niall's date! The wonderful, the fantabulous... STACEY!!" Me and Heather laughed at the introduction but when she walked out I lost my breath. She looked so amazing. "Wow, you look wonderful." She blushed. "Thanks, Ni." "Shall we?" She giggled and said, "We shall." "Bye guys." We said and then we walked out.

*Stacey's P.O.V*

He looked even cuter today. I wonder what him and Heather were talking about. It seemed a little awkward and Heather seemed quiet.. which isn't usual around me and Cassie. She'll feel better soon, her and Isaac are going on a double date with Cassie and Marcel. I wonder why we didn't triple date.. probably because it's me and Nialls first date. We arrived at a mini pizza place called Village Pizza. It looked liek a mini restaurant in Italy. The guy seated us and Niall ordered. 'Um, well, usually i eat alot but let's just have one pie extra extra cheese." He smiled at me and winked. I blushed. "Extra extra cheese?" "I like alot of cheese on my pizza, I hope you don't mind..' "No I like alot of cheese too! Also, I don't care you eat alot. I tend to do that too, I love food!" "FInally a girl who can take my appetite! It's amazing how much we have in common." "Yeah I know right!" We finished our pizza and decided to take a walk around the town. It's a small town but, pretty. We walked to a park near a river. We sat on the rocks there and just looked at the amazing view. "This is beautiful." I said fasinated at this glorious day. "But, not as beautiful as you are Stacey." My cheeks turned cherry red so, I looked away and when I looked back Niall was looking me in the eyes. His gorgeous blue eyes glimmering. He leaned forward and so did I and our lips crashed. It was pure fireworks. This was the most amazing day..... ever..


I hope you guys like it. :) especially Stacey my bff. I know it took forever to write it. I've been busy. Also I decided to add myself to the story. Stacey thought it was a good idea. I also added my boyfriend (yeah he's real) and the story along with it is real too. I wanted to make some of it more realistic. Next chapter will be about the double date.


What do you think will happen to Stacey and Niall's relationship next? Will they be a couple or will Niall chicken out to ask? Comment whatcha think. ;) Maybe I might use your idea for the next chapter! Best idea wins and I'll dedicate the next chapter to the winner! Thanks <3

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